Author's POV
Scott and Stiles show Sheriff a printout of the dead pool. Apparently this is only part of it and the rest still has to be decoded, which explains why some of the key supernaturals aren’t on this list. They tell Sheriff that Lydia transcribed the code without realising it as part of her banshee abilities and the code was broken with the key word Allison.

No one is happy about that being the key but it did reveal a third of the dead pool. They need two more cipher keys to reveal the rest of the list. Lydia has been at the lake house with Kira, Malia and Hope all weekend, listening to the record player over and over again, trying to find the other two cipher keys. She looks absolutely wrecked and eventually the 3 girls have to physically pull her away from the record player.

Stiles tapes the cracked third of the dead pool to his murder board and crosses off the rest of the names. All that remains now is Lydia, Scott, Derek, Hope, Keeilin Betcher and Elias Town. There’s no way to know if they’re werewolves or other supernatural creatures drawn here by the renewed power of the Nemeton.

Sheriff wants to know if ‘here’ means Beacon Hills or Beacon County. The population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000 but the combined population of Beacon County is closer to 500,000 people. He’s worried that the next cipher key will unlock not just 12 names but 100.

Scott and Stiles tell him that there’s a limit to the number of names. Since we know that the Benefactor is transferring money to people it’s a safe bet that the combined total of the numbers will add up to the $117 million that was stolen from the Hale vault. Stiles grabs the dead pool and starts scribbling next to the names, revealing which ones seem to be thousands of dollars and which ones seem to be millions.

Sheriff : And your friend Hope worth 35 million?

Stiles:No Hope's last name is Marshall. This Hope on the paper is Mikaelson.

Scott:Although it might be her.

The point is that there are assassins out there using axes (Mouthdemort), thermo-cut bolo necklaces (Violet), and big knives that leave behind weird hexagonal marks (Garrett).

Since Demarco was known for delivering kegs to teenagers for a little extra cash, it seems likely that the killer called him to the lake house party—which means the killer is a schoolchild. Scott and Stiles are way more perceptive this season.

At school, Violet has werewolf scratches on her neck that she can’t be bothered hiding with a blouse and she wants to know when they’re going for the ‘big money’. Garrett tells her they’re going for it tonight.

Liam walks into the locker room to find his lacrosse stick missing. Derek shows up, wielding the penis metaphor. He breaks it in half and throws the pieces to Liam. Liam immediately responds with glowing eyes and a growl. Derek just grabs Liam by the throat and shoves him against a row of lockers. Scott arrives and his voice cuts through Liam’s haze of anger, immediately calming him.

Derek : You’re right. He is angry.

Derek lets Liam go and Scott hands him back his lacrosse stick. Apparently Derek broke someone else’s equipment for fun.

The school bell rings and Scott tells Liam to get to class. Liam’s a more attentive Beta than Scott ever was, because he walks off without comment, leaving Scott and Derek behind.

Derek : I’ll tell you one thing. That anger he’s got? It’ll make him strong.

Scott : And dangerous.

Derek : Very.

Lydia is in the empty Art classroom with Malia, trying to do a bit of her banshee drawing. Malia wants to know if someone’s coming to take her head off and Lydia tells her to stop hovering.

Lydia finally looks ready to draw something when Malia interrupts her again, asking if they could use help from another banshee—someone like Meredith from Eichen House.

Economics class is the perfect public place for Stiles to look through graphic crime scene photos. Coach, who’s wielding a shabby lacrosse stick as an example of economic disparity, sees the photos.

Coach : Stilinski, if I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you’d be an A-plus student.

Coach starts to walk away and Stiles seizes the lacrosse stick, comparing the bottom of it to the markings on Carrie Hudson’s stab wounds.

As Coach gets the stick back, Stiles leans across to Scott, confirming that the hexagonal end of the lacrosse stick matches Carrie’s stab wounds. The killer must be on the lacrosse team.

Scott, Stiles, and Hope and Kira look for a hidden knife in the school’s lacrosse sticks. Scott points out that most players use their own gear and Stiles thinks that instead of trying to find the weapon, they should be finding a way to get the game cancelled.

Scott :  The game is the best way to catch him red-handed.

Stiles : But what if he’s red-handed because his hands are covered in the blood of the person he just stabbed to death? Which, by the way, could be either of you guys.

Scott is worried Liam or me might be on one of the other coded lists. They don’t know how the list is made or if it’s regularly updated. Scott isn’t scared of playing tonight and neither is Kira. They smile at each other.

Stiles : Well, I’m terrified and I’m not even on the list. Guys, these are professional killers. It’s their profession. One of them’s got a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off. Who knows what else they have?

Scott:By the way, we need to see if Liam is on the list.

Kira:So as Hope.

Stiles :Oh hope is on the list.

Scott:Yeah Hope. Why are you listed as Hope Mikaelson and not Marshall?

Hope is about to answer but the bell rings.

Hope:Oh i gotta go to class. See ya at the game guys.

Garrett and Violet have a funky species of wolfsbane which is yellow instead of purple. It’s very rare and very expensive so Garrett can’t afford to miss. All he has to do is nick the werewolves with the wolfsbane. It’ll work fast even on an Alpha.

Violet: I’m just saying I don’t know why we’re going after a Beta when there’s an Alpha on the field.

Garrett : Because an entire pack of Alphas went after McCall and he was the one left standing.

Violet:How about the Tribrid?

Garret:Too dangerous.

Garrett reminds his girlfriend that the Beta is also worth a lot of money. She seems okay with that because she lubes up Garrett’s lacrosse shiv with some urine-coloured poison juice.

The Devenford Prep lacrosse team has just arrived by bus. Liam strides out to meet them and Mason chases him, worried Liam is going to do something stupid. Instead, Liam goes up to a dude called Brett and tells Brett to have a good game, holding out his hand to shake. Brett laughs in Liam’s face.

Brett : That’s cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in anger management? Apologise and everything’s fine? You demolished Coach’s car.

Liam : I paid for it.

Brett : Yeah, you’re gonna pay for it. We’re going to break you in half out there and it’s going to be all your fault.

Scott, who’s been watching from a distance, sees that Liam is clenching his fist and drawing blood. He races over and pulls Liam aside. Stiles plays Welcome Wagon, telling the prep students they’re excited for the scrimmage tonight but they should all keep it clean on the field.

Scott and Stiles drag Liam into the locker room and hold him under the shower until Liam calms down and stops roaring. I go in.

Hope :Hold him. Tardus Pulsatio.

I cast that spell and then Liam calms down.  Liam told us that he smashed a teacher’s car. The teacher also happened to be Liam’s coach, who benched him for a whole season after Liam got one too many red cards. After Liam was expelled, he was sent to a psychologist for evaluation.

Scott : What did they call it?

Liam : Intermittent explosive disorder.

Stiles : IED? You’re literally an IED? That’s great. That’s great. You gave super powers to a walking time bomb.

Liam has some antipsychotic medication but he doesn’t take it because it makes him too tired to play lacrosse. Scott thinks Liam should bail out of the game and tell Coach his leg’s still sore.

Liam : No! No! I can do this, especially if you’re there.

Scott tells Liam that they think Demarco’s killer might be on their lacrosse team.

Liam:Well I don't know hwo ordered the keg but I know who paid for it.

Scott and Kira chat before the lacrosse game. They can’t do anything about Garrett because they don’t have proof he’s the killer.

They're nervous about someone trying to kill them, about Hope hiding something and also about Kira playing her first lacrosse game. Scott who understands her anxiety puts his hands on her shoulders and tells her everything will be fine. Then he leans and kisses her on the lips.

Out on the field.

Stiles, who’s apparently on the team and going to be playing tonight despite his dismal tryouts, tries to call his dad to find where he is since he is not on the benches.

As Sheriff leaves the station, he’s stopped by Deputy Parrish. Apparently while out on patrol, Parrish found someone trying to walk the 15 miles from the coast to the high school.

DEPUTY PARRISH: She was pretty determined.

At the field Liam looks at Brett.

Liam : He wants to destroy me.

Mason : I think you could definitely take him. And then give him to me.

The game’s about to start. Scott asks to bench Liam because his leg is still hurting. Coach brushes him off.

Scott : As captain, I’m suggesting Liam sit out the game.

Coach : And as President of the United States, I’m vetoing that suggestion.

Scott : What if he gets hurt?

Brett throws a lacrosse ball at Liam. He catches it with werewolf speed. There’s no way Coach is letting him off after that display of skills.

The game starts. Devonford Prep scores against a goalie. Scott tells Kira to keep an eye on Garrett; Scott’s going to watch out for Liam. Stiles is just going to focus on playing lacrosse. Everyone looks the same in this lighting with their lacrosse masks on.

Scott faces off against Brett and asks him to hold off on Liam’s payback for one night. Brett, being a lil’ bitch, laughs in Scott’s face. Someone smack some manners back into this kid. Brett gets the ball and shoulder-charges Liam on his way to score a second goal.

Liam throws off his helmet and gloves, ready to fight. Scott and Stiles restrain Liam. Garrett plays with his stick and looks ready to knife someone. Scott watches at Hope who is sitting on the benches. Hope looks at him making a ''What? " look. Scott points with his eyes at Garrett.

Sheriff didn’t make it to the lacrosse game. Assuming that Meredith showed up because of the dead pool, Sheriff called Lydia to the station to talk to her. Sheriff can’t let Meredith leave the station and he’s going to have to call Eichen House soon. Lydia asks for an hour. Sheriff gives her 15 minutes.

Deputy Parrish sees Lydia and walks up to Sheriff, asking if Lydia’s here because Meredith asked for her or because of the other thing—the psychic thing.

Sheriff : You think Lydia’s psychic?

Deputy Parrish : Do you?

Sheriff sidesteps, saying he thinks Lydia’s intuitive. Parrish points out that psychics used to be called intuitionists. He brings Parrish into his office to be part of the banshee conference.

Parrish probably would’ve walked in to the supernatural club meeting anyway. Dude never knocks.

Lydia hands Meredith her phone, expecting her to answer it like she has done in the past. Meredith tells Lydia that the phone’s not ringing and gives her a look that says, ‘My condolences for your stupidity.’

Stiles faces off against a random from Devenford Prep and asks him what kind of steroids he’s on. His snarky comments distract Devenford Student enough for Stiles to get the ball and pass it to Kira.

She runs toward goal, ignoring Coach’s calls for her to pass the ball. She scores Beacon Hills’s first goal and runs up to Scott, super proud of herself. Coach calls her off the field and benches her, saying that she should’ve listened to him and passed the ball even though she had an open shot. This is a scrimmage; it’s about teamwork.

Lydia is having a hard time getting information out of Meredith. Meredith says she heard Lydia calling her. Parrish steps in and Meredith seems pretty pleased to have an excuse to look at his face.

Deputy Parrish : When you need help—when you need to find something, is there someone you reach out to? Maybe someone you call?

Meredith :  It depends. Different people for different things.

Deputy Parrish : So maybe there’s a number that can help us? Someone we can call?

Meredith says there is. The number is 2436. That’s nowhere near the right length for a phone number but Meredith insists that’s the number they need. Lydia turns on Meredith, yelling for her to concentrate. Meredith starts tearing up, screaming that that’s the number.

On the lacrosse field, Liam and Brett collide, both crying out in pain.

Liam tells Scott that Brett was the one who hit him, showing a broken arm. Scott tells Liam to close his eyes and twists Liam’s arm back into place so it can heal.

Brett is still whimping out on field. Scott sees Garrett sheath his lacrosse knife and quickly turns to Liam, asking if he’s been cut anywhere. Liam’s fine. Which means Garrett missed or … he didn’t miss and there’s more than one Beta on the field.

Sheriff and Deputy Parrish take care of Meredith. Parrish hands Meredith his coat. Lydia and Malia are still in Sheriff’s office, puzzling over the four numbers. Malia spots the desk phone and wonders if the numbers are actually letters like in Algebra.

Lydia grabs a notepad and pen and starts writing down the corresponding letters from the phone’s keypad. We’ve got ABC GHI DEF MNO. Lydia immediately spots a name. It’s Aiden. She pulls out her laptop and types in the cipher key. Bingo.

This part of the dead pool includes KATE ARGENT 12

Concerned that he’s the one Garrett’s after, Liam talks to Coach and gets himself benched for the rest of the game. Scott is concerned they’re missing something and he gets his answer when Stiles comes up with a message from Lydia about the dead pool.

LIAM: Am I on it?

STILES: No. But someone else is.

Brett crawls around the locker room while Violet tells him about the wolfsbane-laced blade used on him. It won’t kill him but her thermo-cut bolo necklace will. She tells Brett that he’s worth a lot of money and wraps her thermo-cut wire around his neck, pulling tight. Hope appears from the door.

Hope :Icaeus

Violet is pushed back. Hope runs next to Brett to check if he's ok. Violet knocks Hope down with a lacrosse stick.

Parrish leaves and Lydia looks back at the dead pool. At the bottom of the list is the name Jordan Parrish. And he’s worth $5 million.

Scott runs to the locker room and finds the first aid officer unconscious. Also, he finds Brett thankfully still alive and Hope next to him unconscious. Violet jumps out of the shadows and wraps her thermo-cut wire around Scott’s neck.

Violet: He said we shouldn’t try but now I’ve got you. I’ve got an Alpha.

Scott pulls the thermo-cut wire away from his neck, his eyes glowing red.

He knocks Violet out. Stiles arrives and sees the situation.

Scott : I think you better call your dad.
