•The Thunderstorm is coming•


It was now Noon and Sunoo,Jay and I ate the delicious food Jay made for us 3.

Jay and Sunoo were in the living room,meanwhile I cleaned the dishes and put the food leftovers into the fridge.I heared some voices that were apparently from no other then Heeseung and Niki.

Not gonna lie,I was pissed at them.At least one of them should have stayed home with Sunoo.

I put the still wet dished on the counter and went into the living room."Jay I washed them."I glared at everyone besides Jay and Sunoo.

„Alright...I dry them."Jay patted my shoulder.Before the others could say something I went to Sunoo who was on the floor,studying like crazy.

„You need rest."I hugged him and yea,he was still hot."Do you need medicine?"I whispered into his ear when he shyly nodded.

That was the reason why I immediately stood up.My goal was it to get medicine without getting caught but I knew Jay isnt that dumb.Right when I entered the kitchen he gave me the medicine.

„Hes sick,next time tell me it before or I would have taken him to class tomorrow."Jay said blankly and I bowed.

„Sunoo!"I heared someone yelling so me and Jay rushed into the living room.

Sunoo's nose was bleeding and not too less.I grabbed the tissues and held it there for him while Jay pushed away all the books to give him some space to breath.

He definitely shivered,everyone could tell.Jay looked at me and I nodded."Sunoo go and rest.It's really too warm here."I tried to find something what would make sense and Jay agreed.

We both kinda carried Sunoo into his room when he suddely started crying.

„Oh no.."


I looked at Jake who took out a blanket and a stuffed animal.I was confused when Sunoo suddely started to giggle.

"..Guy's?..."I asked making sure I see it clearly."Just...don't say anything bad against it.I beg you Jay..Take it."He gave me the blanket and pointed at Sunoo.He looked worried.

I slowly gave Sunoo the blanket who thanked me cutely and started making some noises.Cute noises like special effects while playing with the stuffed animals.

"We call them plushies,at least when he is in this state."Jake explained and I nodded.

"Jay...do you find it weird?"Jake asked me and now patiently waited for an answer.Looks like he wasn't the only one because Sunoo kept pulling on my sleeves.

I thought about it.He behaves like a kid.A little kid so I was confused but...finding it weird?

"Not at all?Why should it be weird?I mean yea it's confusing but I don't really find it weird since he acts this lovely-dovey often."I answered and I could see them both let out a relieved sigh.

Jake placed his hand on my shoulders.
"This is called little space. Little space is where you get into the head space of a child, entering a child like care free space away from the adult world. Its a way of coping from some sought of stress they may be experiencing."

I nodded taking mental notes for myself.
"and is there a problem now or why did he..entered it?"I asked Jake who was now busy playing with Sunoo or..little Sunoo?

"It's hard to explain.I don't know why but I guess it's because he is sick."

"No hmpf.."Sunoo let out and pouted looking angry.

"How old are you?"Jake asked him and he showed us 6 fingers.

Jake didn't looked satisfied."What's wrong sunshine?"he asked and now run his hands through Sunoos hair.

"Sick,s-stressed and h-hurt."he babbled out and hide his face into my chest.Jake only shook his head."I get him some food,maybe he would like ice cream."He whispered into my ear and left the room.

"H-hyu-hyung."He suddely started crying again.I was slightly panicking."D-do u hate m-me?"he asked me and I lifted his chin.

