
Delaney's POV

None of us made a sound as we sat there, the whole student body silent as we sat at our respective tables looking at Umbridge from where she stood at the front of the Great Hall. "'By Order of the Ministry of Magic, Dolores Jane Umbridge will replace Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'" She looked up from the piece of parchment and looked around the room, a smug grin on her face. I rolled my eyes, glancing at Fred and George who did the same. "My first act as your new Headmistress is to form an Inquisitorial Squad, led by Draco Malfor. They will report directly to me about the goings on in the halls of this school." Umbridger announced and my head snapped towards Draco. Of course he was in charge of this stupid squad. I turned back to my table and spotted Harry glaring at Umbridge. "Furthermore, our good caretaker Mr. Filch has requested we reinstate the 'old punishments.' I have decided that there is no reason we shouldn't." She said and we all turned to look at Filch who stood at the back of the Great Hall, grinning like a kid on Christmas. What was this school turning into? I sighed.

It wasn't long until the school meeting was over and I found myself surrounded by my boyfriend, our baby and our siblings and friends as we celebrated mine and the twins 18th birthday as well as Valerie's 1st birthday. We all spread out on multiple blankets as we sat near the Black Lake, a cute little picnic set up filled with the tastiest snacks, drinks and cake, of course. All four birthdays fell within the same month so we decided to celebrate them all today. I smiled and leant back into Fred's chest as he wrapped his arms around me, the two of us smiling as Hermione and Valerie played together. "I cannot believe our baby is 1 years old. It feels like we just found out about her." I said, a hint of sadness mixed in my tone. Our baby was growing too fast and would be a big girl before we knew it. Fred glanced down at me. "I know, I wish she would just stay this size forever." I nodded agreeing with him.

"Harry... Hermione, where did you two go with Hagrid earlier today?" Ron asked his best friends, still dressed in his Quidditch practice robes. Hermione and Harry looked at each other quickly and Valerie crawled out of Hermione's arms and over to Ginny and George. She was loving the attention and being around all her aunties and uncles. "Uh-- the Forbidden Forest." Harry explained and we all raised an eyebrow and Hermione stepped in to finish the story. "He has, uh, a secret. This does not leave this group, okay?" We nodded. "His half brother. Grawp. He's a giant... Hagrid's got him hidden away deep in the Forest." She explained and none of us really knew what to say. We all vowed to keep the secret; after all, we all loved Hagrid and would hate for him to get into trouble.

We moved onto a different topic of conversation for a bit before everyone split off into their own separate conversations. Valerie, now sitting contently in my lap, shoveling cake into her mouth. Fred and I chuckled at her. "So, Laney. George and I have been talking and I'm starting to wonder if I'll finish out school for the year. I don't really need to pass my NEWTS for George and I to open and run the joke shop. We have been planning this pretty much our whole lives..." He trailed off and I nodded, a small smile on my face as I urged him to continue. "And I'd get to be at home more with Valerie whilst you're finishing school... Look, what I'm trying to say is that I'm dropping out. We're dropping out. George and I." I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I had been waiting for this moment all year, knowing the twins weren't going to stay the school year. They had always had plans to leave and open the Joke Shop. "I've been waiting all year for you to tell me this." I said with a small chuckle. He raised an eyebrow, probably not expecting my answer. I shrugged. "I'm happy for you and I want you to do whatever makes you happy. I'm going to support you in anything you do, no matter what." I told him and he smiled down at me and I let go of Valerie who wanted to go off to Ginny, who put her arms out towards her. I looked up at Fred who captured my lips in a kiss. "I love you. Thank you." He said to me and I kissed him again before adjusting myself in his grip. "I love you."


I followed Harry through the halls as we made our way to McGonagall's office. Harry had a meeting with her about his next two years at Hogwarts and apparently Umbridge was going to be in attendance as he had asked me to come with him. McGonagall agreed to this so of course I came along. "Don't stress too much, Harry. Every single student has one of these meetings with Professor McGonagall. It's just about your future career, really." I said to him, trying to reassure him as I noticed he wiped his hands on his jeans. He nodded. "I'm not so worried about the meeting. I don't like the fact that Umbridge is going to be there." He admitted. Honestly, I would feel the same.

We reached McGonagall's office shortly after and he knocked on the door before we entered. McGonagall was sitting behind her desk and we noted Umbridge sitting in the corner with a pink notebook and pink pen on her lap. I hate pink now. "Please sit, Potter. And Miss Black, thank you for accompanying your brother." She said to us, a polite smile on her face as I nodded in acknowledgement and both Harry and I sat in the chairs in front of her desk. "You're here to have a talk with me about your career thoughts, Potter. I'm sure Miss Blake explained that to you. We do this so we can begin to aim your courses over the next two years to prepare you for that career." McGonagall explained to Harry and he nodded. I glanced behind me and spotted Umbridge writing something down in her overly pink notebook. "Oh, yeah. Well, I did think about being an Auror." Harry spoke up and I smiled, looking over at him. We would crush it as a sibling Auror duo. He gave me a small smile.

McGonagall nodded, adjusting her glasses and writing something down in her own notebook. "Auror. Interesting, Potter. You'll need top grades for that. Challenging career path, but not unrewarding." She spoke and I agreed with her. She was exactly right. We all heard Umbridge clear her throat from over in the corner but the three of us chose to ignore her. "Now then, Potter, you'll need to concentrate on Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms to adequately prepare yourself for the general Auror requirements." Umbridge cleared her throat once again and the three of us turned to look at her. She was getting on my nerves. None of this was about her. McGonagall raised an eyebrow at her. "May I offer you a cough drop, Professor Umbridge?" She asked and I had to turn away from Umbridge to hide my laugh. Harry did the same. McGonagall was an icon.

"Oh, no thank you, Minerva. Actually, I was just wondering if Potter has the proper temperament to be an Auror." She said and Professor McGonagall crossed her arms on her desk and leaned forward a bit. "Were you indeed." She turned back to look at Harry. "If you are serious in this ambition, Potter, I would recommend concentrating on bringing your Potions and Charms grades up before your O.W.L.s. I daresay you've got enough time if you apply yourself. Lord knows you've consistently done well in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin--." Professor Umbridge interrupted Professor McGonagall as she spoke to Harry. I really wanted to show some spells at her just to see how she would deal with it but the school wouldn't be very happy with that, I'm sure. "Excuse me, Minerva, but have you seen my note on Potter's current grades in my class?" She questioned.

"Yes, indeed I have." McGonagall replied and Umbridge snapped her notebook shut and looked over at the three of us. Harry sat quietly but was just as visibly annoyed as I was. Did she have to interrupt everything Professor McGonagall said? "Then I think you will find that Potter's grades have been consistently poor this year." She said and I could tell McGonagall wanted to roll her eyes but she continued to remain professional like always. I hated that Umbridge spoke about Harry as if he wasn't there. "You apparently misunderstand me. I meant that Potter has done well in every Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by a competent teacher." McGonagall hit back and this time I couldn't hold back the chuckle I let out. McGonagall winked at me and turned briskly back to look at Harry. Professor Umbridge looked furious and she flipped her notebook back open and furiously scribbled something on the pink pages.

"Now, assuming you've passed all of your necessary classes, the Ministry will put you through a number of character and aptitude tests." McGonagall continued to explain and Harry raised an eyebrow in question. "What's involved in them?" He asked her and she glanced over at me through the tops of her glasses. I looked between her and Harry. I guess she wanted me to explain further. "Oh-- uh, it was a little different for me due to doing the last ever intake of the junior Auror program so I too will have to go through it properly but it includes how you stand up under pressure, your perseverance, and dedication... ya know, things of that nature." I explained to Harry, shrugging slightly. He nodded his head. We were interrupted once again by the squeal of Professor Umbridge's chair as she stood up abruptly.

"Harry Potter has no chance of ever becoming an Auror!" She cried out and my gaze snapped towards her. I was furious. Not only was she constantly interrupting my brother's important meeting about his future, but that statement was incredibly rude towards him. "Excuse me!" I called back, standing up from my chair. McGonagall stood up from her chair as well and locked eyes with Harry, who just sat quietly. "I will assist you in becoming an Auror if it is the very last thing I do, Potter. I will coach you nightly in order to get the necessary grade!" She promised and I was surprised Umbridge's head didn't explode with how red in anger she was. I swear I could see steam coming from her ears. She huffed and stormed out of the room, pink notebook and quill clutched tightly in her grasp. I looked at McGonagall.

"You are an absolute icon, Professor McGonagall." I told her, a bright smile on my face. She smiled back at me and sat back in her air, fixing her glasses. "Yes, well, Professor Umbridge is not my favorite person. Now, Harry. This concludes our meeting.." She said, smiling at him as well. Harry smiled back and we stood up from our chairs. "Thanks, Professor." He thanked her and she nodded. "You're welcome, Potter. Now hurry or you'll be late for Occlumency. Thank you for coming along as well, Miss Black." She addressed us and I nodded in acknowledgement before Harry and I exited her office. 
