Part 2

I've said my goodbyes to the Baker and his Wife and I was on track to make it to his grandmothers house by dinner time today when I come across a familiar friend.Or shall we say sibling.
"Who is th-CALEB IS THAT YOU"he shouts running towards me and jumping on me making me stumble and almost fall
"Yep that's me"I say smiling
"Why are you in the woods"Jack questions getting off of me
"Well I'm going to a..umm... a village down the road""I say panicked not expecting trying not to tell him that I'm going to a girls house. "why are you here then"I carry on
"Well mum says I need to sell milky white since she hasn't given us any milk for weeks and we're starving"jack says frowning.
"That's terrible jack I wish I could help"I say sharing his same frown
"Well I should be off,I need to sell this cow"jack says with a somber look on his face
"Okay then goodbye brother"I say as I resume
"Wait why can't you come home" he complains "because i have a job in the village west of here"I lied,walking towards Red's grandmothers house
"Why hello little girl"he says grinning cunningly
"Hello mr wolf"I reply unsuspecting of what was to come
"wither away so hurriedly"he says with his beastly eyes
"To my grandmothers"I answer
"An where might your grandmother live"the wolf inquires
"Well she lives under 3 large oak trees"i say as the wolf leads me to a section of the woods with flowers so I stopped and started picking a bouquet of flowers for granny as the wolf left me alone.while picking flowers mr baker came up to me.
"Hello mr baker" I say
"Hello young lady"he replies "where did you get that very beautiful cape"
"My granny made it for me"i say
"Is that so...what I would give to have to have a red cape like that" he chuckles
"You'd look pretty foolish"i say striking a weird look at him
"I would wouldn't I"he says bursting into laughter
"May I take a look at it" he says as he rips the cape off of me as I screamed and screamed until the baker came back and put the cape back on me."I just wanted to make sure that you REALLY loved that cape"he said nervously"now make sure no wolf comes your way"
"I'd rather a wolf than you any day"i shout stepping on his toe with my shoe and storming off.
I was on my way to red's grandmothers house when I heard a scream which sounded like red.That's when I picked up my pace and fell into a run hoping that she's alright
"Oh god please tell me red is okay"I say under my breath while running. once I reach the house I hear a howl coming from the house so I pry the door open and see the mr baker walking out the house with great haste"mr baker what are you doing here and where's Red. He didn't seem to notice me and he just left but I ignore that and open the door to the house." Before  I could even get a look at the interior of the house red ran up to me with tears in her eyes,clutching my jacket as her tears begin dripping onto the floor and tightly embraced me as I could feel the tears streaming down her eyes and onto my clothing"Caleb it was so dark and scary in that wolf and I didn't know what to"she says crying
"Shhhh it's okay Red I'm here and you'r safe now okay I've got you"I say comforting her as her tears begin to dry.
"You haven't grown that much since we last met eh"I carry on in an effort to lift her spirits.
"I'm not that small you know"red says laughing. "I'll be back in a minute"she say she then catching up to the to the baker and starts talking to him and thanking him on the bridge and gives him her red cape as I walk over to a nearby log and sit down on it.Later Red comes up to me and sits down next to me
"The sunset reflecting on the river really is beautiful today isn't it" I say with Red's head on my shoulder,she nods seeming to be in deep thought.
"Listen Caleb I love you and I want to be with you and I know I've only seen you a few times but that's all I've needed to develop feelings for you so can you be with me" i say hoping he would accept,it took him a few seconds to process what was going on and that was when he kissed me on the forehead"yes little one,I accept"he whispers with a chuckle as he embraces me in a hug that wasn't to rough but was to gentle, it was like we we're the only people in the world do about 5 minutes as we watched the sun
go down without really saying much as subconsciously a deep red blush appears on both of our cheeks but the moment gets interrupted by granny asking Caleb and me to come inside to help skin the wolf so we get up looking at each other with a stupid simple as we go and help granny.
