
Evan: 15 years old

"Dad, can I talk to you?" Evan asks his father while picking the skin off my fingernails. Ashton always yelled at him for it, but it has become a habit of Evan's.

Evan Hemmings. With his blonde hair that is a curly mess atop of his head, but most of it is normally covered by a beanie. Today Evan was wearing a black shirt with skinny jeans and those boots that he has adorned. Evan is a quiet boy with not many friends. He sits in the corner of the room, gets good grades, is somewhat of a drama geek. Ashton thinks he is just like Luke. Luke thinks he is just like Ashton.

"Is it that important that you want to talk to me instead of Papa?" Ashton asks, still mad at his son. A week or so ago, Evan for the first time, had a little burst from his friend down below. He went to Luke instead of Ashton and Ashton is still upset.

"Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry, Dad. I'll come to you with all my problem now and I really need some parental support on this one." Evan sits down on one of the seats in the living room. Ashton sits down on the sofa next to him.

"Tell me your troubles." Evan looked around, as if there were secret cameras or something. He takes a deep breath.

"Today at school, a...boy asked me out-" Evan bites his lip. "I didn't want to tell him no, so I said yes. A-And then he kissed my cheek. Next thing I know, Ella is being her normal crushy self, and staring at me from a distance and I-I think I like her back. I'm so confused." Ashton had to take a moment to process.

"Wait, so your saying that Ella has a crush on you, and you like her back but you agreed to go on a date with this guy." Evan nods.

"His name is Blake." Evan fixes his black beanie.

"Do you want to go on this date?" Evan shrugs. Blake and him never really talked but he seemed like a nice guy.

"I-I don't know." Ashton sighs, Evan reminded Ashton as himself telling Calum a story like this.

"Did I ever tell you the story of how I asked your Papa out on a date." Evan shakes his head. "Well, he had a crush on this girl, but I was gay. I talked to the girl and told her about Papa's feelings about her. She already had a boyfriend. I asked her if she could ask Luke to go out with me. She smiled and did, Luke than came over and said of course he would."

"And how does that story help me in any way, shape, or form?" Ashton laughs.

"I'm just saying, give the boy a shot. If you don't like... being with him, just say something like, 'this date was really nice and your very sweet, but i don't think I'm ready to date.'"

"What if he tries to kiss me? I've never kissed a boy. I've never kissed anyone-" Evan starts to ramble. He has only ever had stage kisses, not real romantic ones. Evan never counted his stage kisses for anything. 

"Just tell him you aren't ready to kiss him yet." Ashton suggests. Evan nods, picking at his fingers again. "Hey, I told you to stop that." Evan wasn't listening.

"When is Papa coming home?" Ashton sighs angrily, all the sudden Evan hated him.

"Soon." Ashton grumbles, getting up from the room to start working on dinner. Evan wanted to ask him why he was mad, but didn't feel like picking another fight with his dad.

Evan goes upstairs, and grabs his phone. He sees a text from Blake.

From Blake: Does tonight at five work? I can get us a reservation at a restaurant.

To Blake: Yeah. Five tonight is perfect.

From Blake: *insert smiley face emoji* Cool give me your address and I'll pick you up.

Evan gives Blake the address and goes over to his closet, picking out a red flannel and a different pair of skinny jeans so that he could shower. He takes off his clothes and goes the bathroom inside his room. He washes himself off and styles his hair so it had a bit of a quiff. Evan goes and gets dressed, getting a fedora out and placing it on his head.

Evan goes downstairs and see both his dads talking in the kitchen. When he hits the last step, Luke notices him. Ashton eyes him, almost to ask why did he change.

"E, why are you so dressed up?" Ashton asks. Friday's were the Hemming's household movie night. No one was allowed to miss it.

"I-I gotta date... with Blake. I told you." Luke looks at Ashton confused.

"You did not tell me when. Evan you know tonight is movie night." Evan lets out a frustrated huff.

"Look, Blake is picking me up at five and he got us reservations. I really don't want to have to blow him off." Evan says, putting on a leather jacket over his flannel.

"Wait, did you just say him. Does my Evan have a date with a boy?" Luke gasps. Evan nods, as the doorbell rings.

"That must be him." Evan says opening the door. There stands Blake Holland. Light brown hair and green eyes. He wore black glasses and was wearing a floral sweatshirt and skinny jeans. He looked cute. And while Evan was taking inventory on one's outfit, Blake was gawking at how cute Evan is.

"Hi Evan!" He says, clasping him hands together.

"Hey Blake." Evan could feel Luke and Ashton's glances on them. "Bye Papa, bye Dad." Evan says quickly before closing the door.

"Two dads?" Evan nods, surprised that Blake didn't know all about him and his dads, on of them being Luke Hemmings.

"Yeah." They get into Blake's car. Blake was just a couple of months older than Evan so they were in the same grade. 

"What's that like?" Evan shrugs.

"Fine... Not right now, but fine most of the time?" Evan says, fixing his hat.

"Why not now?" Evan really didn't feel like answering. He mumbles something before saying.

"One of my dads is Luke Hemmings." Sure that wasn't the big problem, but sometimes Luke would be on reunion tours or some weird things like that, and it was still hard for Evan to cope with his Papa leaving for long amounts of time like that.

"Wow! My mom used to listen to him all the time. Actually, she still does." The boys laugh, as they pull up to a restaurant. Evan had been there a few times with Ella. It was a nice little diner.

The boys walk in and they get seated. Evan looks at the menu even though he knows what he is going to get.

"Hope this is okay." Blake says.

"It is." Evan says, taking off his jacket. "I love this place. I used to come here after school because my dad didn't feel like staying at the house without my Papa." Blake smiles.They start talking about their interests. 

"You were great in the school musical." Blake says. Evan laughs.

"I surprised they gave me the role, I can't sing." Blake shakes his head.

"What are you talking about? You can totally sing." Evan shoos him off.

"I saw your art in the art show last month. Now that's talent. I can barely draw a stick figure, and you draw... an amazing self portrait."

The boys eat and laugh. It turns out that they were quite similar. Evan offers to pay but Blake takes care of it. They walk back to the car.

"Can I tell you something truthful?" Blake asks. Evan nods. "I thought you weren't actually going to answer me, or you would blow me off or something."

"I wouldn't do that. I'm not mean like all the other guys in this homophobic place." The rest of the ride was silent expect for Blake's humming.

They get back to the Hemming's household. Blake walks Evan up to the door. Oh no! Here it comes. The kiss. Evan thinks to himself.

"I-uh, had a good time." Blake says, Evan starts to pick his fingers once again.

"Me too." Blake, who was taller than Evan, plants a kiss on his cheek. Evan holds his breath when Blake starts to lean in. He presses his lips to Evan's. Evan stood there shocked when Blake's lips left his. Blake says goodbye and heads to his car, leaving Evan to stand there utterly shocked and confused. Why did he like that kiss? He liked girls, or so he thought.

Evan knocks on the door, considering he forgot his key. Luke opens the door, and Evan puts his arms around his neck, not even caring that his father smelt like sex. Evan's hat falls off as he starts to cry into his Papa's shoulder. Evan was so confused.

"Shh... It's okay E. Shh..." There were soon footsteps coming down the stairs. Ashton's sweatpants hung loosely around his waist, since they were Luke's and his hair was a complete mess.

Luke brings a crying Evan to the couch. Evan had a tight grip on Luke's shirt. "H-He k-kissed m-me." Evan gets out, barely above a whisper. Luke looks at Ashton.

"Did you... like it?" Ashton asks.

"That's the worse part. I did." Evan starts to cry more until he was at the point of hyperventilating. Luke and Ashton both knew that their son was having one of his frequent panic attacks. Luke had his hand in Evan's hair. Ashton was rubbing his back, saying nice things in his ear. That didn't help.

"E, it's okay. We still love you." Ashton says. Evan was starting to calm down.

"Yeah, you, underline you. Only you, because if I'm gay... Oh my god, what if." Evan starts to cry again. Luke sighs. Both of the parents had no idea what to do now. Ashton thought about calling his mom, or something. Maybe they should call Calum or Michael. But they would tell Ella, and she has had a crush on Evan since eighth grade.

Luke continues to try and calm the boy whilst Ashton worries. Finally the crying calmed itself down. Luke keeps a strong hold around the boy. They never would've thought they would have to deal with this, like their own parents did.  Having to calm down a boy that thinks he might in fact, be gay.

"You okay now?" Evan shrugs, and starts once again picking.

"Evan-" Ashton starts to tell him off.

"Ash, don't. Not now." Luke says, kissing his son's head.

"Y-You won't kill me, right? I-I know you wanted Ella and I together." Ashton lets out a laugh.

"Do you think your two gay dads would kill you for being gay?" Luke asks. They all laugh.

"I mean, maybe... The thing is I still really like Ella." Evan says, releasing his tight grip on Luke.

"Let's not worry about girls right now. Let's talk about boys. How was your first date? I can't believe you didn't even let me take any photos-" Ashton says.

"It went great. Blake is really nice. We went to that diner, and uh.... talked." Ashton and Luke coo, as Evan tells them more about Blake.
