Chapter 3

Your POV
                  After a little walk in the vet,you reach the kicthen.You saw a big brown barrel.You knew that in the barrel was bread just your size because it was meant to be given to the children in the Maw.You start to climbed into the barrel to get some breakfast.

Third person POV
                   Meanwhile as y/n was getting some food,the boy that was chasing her earlier finally esape from the janitor's library.He also manage to cut the janitor's arms off.A bit cruel but he did what he have to to survive.The boy kept on walking down a vet until he reach the kicthen.Then,he saw y/n in a barrel of bread.

                     Wait,isn't that the girl I was chasing earlier?It is!"you thought."Okay,this time be smarter Six.Don't run up to her.This time how about sneaking up on her and then pin her down.Yeah,that's smarter.Good thinking."you thought to yourself as you quietly climb down from the vet and sneak up on her.
                       When you were in the barrel,you slowly and quitely walk toward her.When you were close enough,you pouce onto her and pin her down."Hi,nice to meet you.I'm Six.What's yours?Oh and please don't screem,the chef wil find us if so."you said,trying to be as nice as possible.

Your POV
                         You were shocked to see the boy's action,who knew he would do this to you.It took you a few second before you relies he was talking to you so you reply.

You:Before I answer,can you get off of me first?
Six:Oh,umm sorry.
You saw him blushing when he got off of you.
You:I'm y/n.Nice to meet you,Six.So it's that all you want to say to me?
Six:Yes.I mean no!I want to thank you for that pieces of bread last night.I would have die if it wasn't for .So because of that, I want to repay you by helping you esape the Maw.
You:Wait,what did you say?
Six:I said I'm going to help you esape the Maw.
You:Oh,please.You can't esape the Maw.I tried for who know how many time to esape but it always fail.
Six:Come on maybe you didn't try hard enough.I'll help you.I know how to esape the Maw for good.We need to go to the lady's headquater and kill her to truely esape.
You thought for a minute.
You:That's.......not a bad idea.It might work.
Six:So,wanna join me?
Six pull out his hand to let you shake it.
You shake his hand.
Six:Okay,let's go!
You pull Six's hand.
You:Wait!I think we should eat first to boost our energy.
Six:Good thinking.

                     After having some breakfast,you and Six climb down the barrel.You both quietly walk into the kicthen and that's when your journey begin.

Hi,Nila here.Thank you for reading my story,it means a lot to me.Oh and you need to listen to the song.Its not little nightmare related but its really funny so I thought why not put it here to share it with you guys.Like I said,the story is going to be 5 chapter long so its going to end soon but don't worry I'm working on a new male six × reader story.I promise it going to be longer because I have more time to work with that story.Please tell me how your character's name and how she look like because you character might have a change to be in my new book.

Well,that's all.Nila out!💗✌

Ps:I also working on a female six ×reader book too but it will come out a bit later because I just start working on that.
