"Come now, Darla," Rebekah smiled, waking the baby up gently. "We, my lovely niece, are going to have a girl's day out. Too much testosterone in this house... Plus daddy and back-up daddy are out on 'business', and auntie Bex is the only one they trust with our little Mikaelson princess."

Picking the child up, she cooed to her and got her all dressed and ready for their big day out, packing her diaper bag up and packing some food for the both of them. Baby formula in a bottle for Darla, and blood in a travel mug for Rebekah.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, all through the town!" Bekah sang along happily as she drove, making Darla squeal with glee.

"Again!" Darla clapped happily. "Again!"

"Alright, love," the blonde agreed, pressing the replay button on the car's stereo. "Although I do hate that wretched song, it does seem to make you happy."

And so they listened to that same song until they arrived at the park and Rebekah had an excruciating headache.

"What should we do first then, hmm?" She asked, letting Darla look around curiously at all the structures and fun stuff that would surely keep the pair occupied whilst the Mikaelson men did their dirty work. "There's the see-saw, the monkey bars ― although I reckon you're a bit young for those at the moment ― the slides, and oh, look! A swing!"

And at that, Rebekah walked her and the small child over to the swing set and secured her in the one meant for babies, flashing a bright smile at her favourite baby on earth.

"She yours?" A voice asked after Rebekah started to push her lightly, drawing her attention.

Turning around, Rebekah was met with the gaze of a beautiful man, who was looking down at her and Darla with curiosity and admiration.

"Yeah," Rebekah lied, not knowing what the man's intentions were yet. Because if there was one person that Rebekah Mikaelson was protective over, it was her niece. And she would be damned before anything happened to her on her watch. "What about you? You have any kids, or are you just lurking around like some sort of pedophile?"

"Woah there!" The man laughed, holding his hands up in defense. "Yeah, I do have kids. Two of them ― the twins playing on the slides."

Looking over, Rebekah saw that, indeed, there were two boys in which were almost carbon copies of each other and of the man. There was no doubt that they were father and sons.

"My apologies," She said, slightly embarrassed. "New mother instincts, I suppose."

"Hey, I totally understand," The man chuckled. "My wife would barely let me hold them, and I'm their father!"

The pair laughed lightly and snuck glances at each other, trying not to make it obvious.

"What are their names?" Bekah asked softly, watching the two boys laugh and play.

"Wade and Wilson," The man replied with a proud smile, "What about this little cutie? What's her name?"


"Lovely name. I'm Ryan."


"Pleasure to meet you, Rebekah," He said politely, shaking her hand. "You too, Darla."

And from that moment on, Rebekah and Ryan couldn't stop talking for more than a few seconds at a time, only pausing to catch their breath from all the laughing.

"So what's this I hear about a wife?" Rebekah asked.

Ryan's face saddened drastically, making him seem much more complex and depressed than he appeared five seconds before.

"She, uh, got killed a year back," he said rather awkwardly. "Animal attack."

"I'm so sorry..." Bekah replied softly.

"What about you? Got a boyfriend or husband around?"

"Single." Rebekah stated. "Recently divorced."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm sorry to hear about your wife."

It was silent for a while, both of them watching their children in their happy states, giving them both comfort.

"Would you like to have dinner?" Ryan asked suddenly, being one of the first to do such a thing to the Original vampire.

"W-What?" Rebekah laughed.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

Smiling and blushing, Rebekah drew her attention away from the baby and into Ryan's handsome features.

"Yes." She smiled, nodding. "I'd love to."

"Sunday night sound good?" Ryan asked, elated that the most intimidatingly beautiful woman he'd ever seen said yes.

"Sunday night is perfect." Bekah smiled. "Here's my number. See you later, Ryan."

And after writing it down quickly on a piece of scrap paper from Darla's diaper bag, she slipped it to him, stood up, collected Darla, and began to walk away.

"I'll call you tonight!" Ryan called after her.

"I'm counting on it!"
