
3rd Person POV

Adriana is standing in the middle of The Other Side, her pendant hanging from her neck. She closes her eyes, and appears in front of her family at their home. They are all crying and consoling each other, and Klaus throws a chair against a wall and is smashes. Rebekah screams in surprise, and collapses to the floor in anguish, and Hayley is sobbing in Elijah's shoulder. Elijah is practically holding Hayley up, and even he is crying.

Adriana swallows hard, and closes her eyes again. When she reopens them, she is in her room. She walks moves over to where a pad and paper are on her bed, and closes her eyes and uses magic write a letter.

Life and Death. When one ends, another begins. Its simple, basic, and happens in an instant; one minute you're alive and the next minute... You're not. Resurrection, however, is the tricky one.

Sometimes it'll work, and other times... It won't. I've had many second chances when it comes to coming back from the dad, and I've used every one that I could get. But the universe only gives you so many chances, before you run out. Unfortunately, when that happens dead means dead.

Everyone will mourn me in there own way: some will will cry, others yell, and some will seek answers to their many questions. But loss comes with isolation, rage, denial, and depression - all weakening traits. Just because I am gone, doesn't mean our enemies are.

Right here, right now, I warn you all that enemies are in the shadows, and a war is brewing. Blood will shed, and death will spare no lives. Why? Because revenge is in the air, and everything is not as it seems.

Prepare yourselves, my loving family, because the light is behind us, and the dark days are coming!"

Unknown House in the Woods

An unknown woman is carrying wood to a house, and someone from the inside opens the door. The person inside is wearing a dark cloak with a hood, and has its head down. The woman enters the house, and the only light in the house is a few candles and lanterns. She puts the fire down by the fireplace, and puts another log in the fire. She then turns to the cloaked figure.

"When I told you that you could stay here, I didn't mean that you could bring your friends." She gestures to three people sitting in the corner, they are playing cards.

The group of three people looks up, and there is one male and two females. "My friends won't be a bother, I promise." The cloaked figure says, and by the voice the figure is a woman. "We will only be here a few days, and then we are moving on to New York City." She continues, and gestures to her friends.

The other woman brushes the bark off her jeans, and sighs crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine. But, if anyone comes looking for you-"

The cloaked woman steps forwards. "You will tell them that you don't know where I am. In fact, that you've never even met me. And not if, but when they come looking for me, because they will want answers to where I have gone." She states firmly.

The other woman looks uncomfortable, and sighs looking at the ground.

"Felicia! You promised that you would help me. So please, keep that promise." Her voice breaks, and the panic in her voice is almost frightening.

Felicia looks up, and sighs again and nods. "I know, and I will. No one will find out where you're going from me. And if anyone asks... I never met you." She says, and looks over at the three people playing cards. "Who are they, anyway?" She asks, and looks back at the woman.

The cloaked woman sighs, and her friends look at her curiously. "They are my..." She ponders on what to call them, and then nods and continues and speaks firmly. "They are my family."

Felicia raises one eyebrow. "That's an odd family you have there." She says, and The Three roll there eyes.

"Thank you, for your help. We only need three days, and then we will be out of your hair for good. I promise." She says, and takes her gloves off. Her hands are small, slender, and painted red. She then places her gloves on a table next to her, and turns back to face Felicia.

Felicia sighs, and nods. "Fine. But your "family" can't hunt in this area. There's a reason that this place and I have stayed hidden for so long." She states firmly.

"I understand. They won't kill anyone in this area." The cloaked woman says.

"Well, if you're going to be here, you mine as well take that cloak off. C'mon, I'll show you where it belongs." Felicia says, and walks over to a closet and opens it.

The Cloaked Woman nods, and follows Felicia over to the closet. She then lowers her hood, her long black hair flowing down her back. She then hands Felicia the cloak, who hangs it up and walks over to the now dead fire. The woman follows Felicia, and sighs. "Let me help you." She states in a firm tone.

Felicia nods, and stands up and steps out of the way. The woman then moves her chin up, and a large fire erupts in the fireplace.

"You sure that you're ready to leave? It's not the same as this place." Felicia says.

The woman ponders on this thought for a few moments. "Actually, I might hang around here a little longer than I thought... But don't worry, Felicia, We'll find our own house. Except, it'll be much closer to the French Quarter. I heard that there was a new crack in the hierarchy. This is the perfect opportunity to get more power." She states then sighs, staring at the burning fire.

She then pulls a picture out of her pocket of Hayley, Adriana, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah in that order, standing in front of the Mikaelson Manor. She touches the picture, and her fingers move across the glossy picture starting at Rebekah. She stops at Klaus, and the entire room is still. "Family is power."

She then throws the picture into the fire, and the corners burn and the picture curls up, before it is engulfed in flames and is nothing but dust.
