Ch. 1 - A Princess Is Born

 I cradled the bundle of blankets, cooing softly over it. She was here, finally. My baby girl.

'She's gorgeous.' I turned to my love as she spoke.

'Yes, she is.' I said, sitting on the side of Melanie's bed, brushing a lock of her red hair from her face. 'Just like her mother.'

'Brother, can we come in?' Thor's voice was outside. 'I am impatient to see my niece, and Mother would like see her Granddaughter.'

'Yes, you can enter.' I said.

The doors opened, revealing my brother, my father and my mother.

'Oh my, is this her?' My mother almost glided over, and looked at the small girl in my arms. 'Oh Loki, she is beautiful. Congratulations.'

'She is rather small, considering she is Asgardian.' Commented my father.

'Odin!' exclaimed my mother.

'What? I was merely stating.'

'Good things do come in small packages Father.' said Thor. He looked at me. 'May I hold her?'

'Okay, but be careful!' I said, passing her over to Thor.

She looked even tinier in his great arms, gurgling softly.

'Hello little one. I'm your uncle Thor.' He said.

Mother went over, and took her off him. 'My beautiful granddaughter, welcome to the world.'

She smiled and gave her to Odin. 'Mind her head.'

Odin held her. 'She's so tiny. Hello little... what are you going to call her?'

Melanie smiled. 'I have seen her in the future. She will have her father's thick, rich black hair; yet, a rainbow streak will run down the left side. So, I think Iris.'

I smiled. 'I think that is perfect.'

Odin gave her back to me, as I stood up from the bed, and she looked up at me.

'Her eyes are amazing.' Said Thor, standing next to me. 'They are blue and grey, but they are hazel around her pupils.'

'Has the Princess arrived?' I looked to see Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun in the doorway, looking hopeful.

I nodded, and they came in. Sif was the first over.

'Oh Loki, she is gorgeous.' She whispered.

Volstagg came over. 'A fine princess she will be! If fed properly...'

'Must you constently think about food?' Fandral came over, scowling at his friend.

'Food is good and needed for strength.' Protested Volstagg.

Hogun had walked over, and was examining Iris, who was now being held by Volstagg.

'Oh don't put a downer on this now Hogun!' said Fandral.

Hogun said nothing.

He smiled.

'Quick! A picture is needed!' exclaimed Fandral. 'Hogun has actually smiled!'

'Really? Oh my word, I didn't realise it was possible.' Said Volstagg. 'This Princess has amazing abilities already!'

Thor laughed. 'I feel Iris will grow to be a good Princess, with all of these people round her.'

'I shall teach her to fight!' said Sif.

'You shall wait until she is older!' I said, taking Iris back into my arms.

'The younger the better!' laughed Sif.

Suddenly, a messenger arrived.

'King Odin! A message, from the Jotun's have arrived... they have declared war.' He said.

I froze, clutching Iris.

'Go and tell the rest of Asgard.' Said Odin. 'We prepare for battle.'

The messenger nodded and left.

'What do we do with Iris? I do not want her in the midst of a war.' Said Melanie.

'I think, the best option is to leave her on Earth.' I said, although it pained me greatly to say those words.

'Loki!' said Mother.

'Mother, she cannot stay, it will be too dangerous!' I said.

'Loki is right.' Said Thor. 'She must be taken to Earth. She will be safe there.'

I looked down at Iris, a tear slipping down my cheek.

That night, I travelled to earth, and left Iris on the doorstep of a home.

'Be safe my baby girl.' I whispered, a tear falling from my eye.

I had no idea how long I was leaving her here. We did not know how long this war would last.

'Da-Dada.' She mumbled.

'Daddy loves you.' I murmured, kissing her forehead.

I left a necklace, and a note. I knew of this house. The man who lived here was an expert in Norse Mythology, an old Asgardian that had retired to Earth. He would recognize the symbol, and teach her all about Asgard and the people... but not of her parentage.

She would be safe until it was time for her to return.


Loki Laufeyson stood, waiting to be given the staff. It had been years since the war with the Jotun. Melanie had died during the war. His friends had rejected him, after he had tried to take his rightful throne from his hotheaded, reckless brother. And he hadn't seen his little girl ever since the day he had left her on earth. Each and very day he had missed her more and more.

'It is opening.'

Loki shut his eyes, and let the cube's energy engulf him. He would be reunited with his daughter soon.
