
For weeks Legolas waited for his beloved Ada and Annada to come back. He slept with his nana and cried every night with her. Celebrian, Elrond's wife, came to stay with Legolas and brought along little Arwen to babysit and play with Legolas. Every day Legolas would sit near the front gates waiting to see his beloved Ada and Annadar.


The Last Alliance had arrived at the battle plain a few weeks ago. Many had died already. The orcs have began to retreat and the Mirkwood elves are fighting valiantly.

'Oropher, Galad has ordered for a front charge.' An elf called. Oropher was confused but obeyed his order. To him, it seemed a bit early for a charge. The sea of orcs was still thick and held back by the hail of arrows.

'Ellons and Elleths! Gil-Galad has called a charge. You have all fought bravely and I thank you all. Now regroup and we shall charge forth and defeat the enemy! Do not doubt yourself, do this for your family, for your friends and for the fallen warriors!' Oropher called. Thranduil stayed at his fathers' side. All of the elves were dirty and Orodruin was belching coal coloured clouds and ash fell like snowflakes. Deep down inside both Oropher and Thranduil were afraid of not coming home.

They turned to the black sea of orcs, drew their swords and loaded their arrows. Oropher and Thranduil shouted and the army went forth. Within minutes they clashed with the orcs. Thranduil and Oropher stayed at each other's sides, shouting commands.

Out of the corner of his eye, Thranduil saw Oropher get pierced by an arrow. He screamed and ran towards him, killing every Orc in sight. Then whilst Oropher was caught off guard an Orc sliced his back. Nothing could stop Thranduil from getting to his Ada.

When he reached him he could already see the life draining from his eyes. The arrow had pierced Legolas' leaf brooch.

'Iôn Nîn...' Oropher whispered while Thranduil cradled his head in his lap. Tears began to drip onto his face.

'Ada, no.' He cried. Oropher fumbled at the leaf brooch and handed it to his son.

'Take this to... Little Leaf.' He gave the brooch to Thranduil.

'No Ada, you will come back with us! You will.' He sobbed. An Orc came behind Thranduil and raised his sword. Thranduil could hear the sword and quickly cut the Orc's head off, he let out a loud call so that Orcs would not think to sneak up on him.

'I love you, Ada.' Thranduil cried into his fathers hair.

'I love... you more.' Oropher whispered. He cried and the battle around him seemed to disappear as did his father.

Filled with hatred and craving for revenge he got up and screamed. He stood tall on all of the Orcs snapped to attention. Those who knew him backed away in terror and those who didn't charged at him. Anger boiled hotly inside him as he slew every Orc in sight. He did not tire, he longed to avenge his father. Tears were still in his eyes and many other elves were angered as well.

Out of nowhere, a blade came across Thranduil over his chest. The Orc looked at him in confusion, the expression on his face was frozen there when his head fell to the ground. The sword had cut Thranduil's armour but not his skin. The little smooth flat rock from Legolas saved his life. He grabbed the rock and whispered thank you. He continued fighting near where his fathers' body was.

Afterwards, an elf told Thanduil that the charge had been mistakenly called from an elf with low authority in the name of Gil-Galad. Thranduil felt compelled to slay him, but showed him mercy for his mistake.

After many weeks of fighting and driving the orcs back Sauron came. He killed many, including some of Thranduil's close friends. He killed Gil-Galad. Isildur cut the ring from Sauron's finger and kept it as a token for all of the grief he had given his family. Little did he know that the ring was dangerous.

Many elves and men were lost. All were buried in Dagorlad with honour. Thranduil and many Mirkwood elves stayed at the kings grave for a while.

They then began to return to their home. Luckily the size of the army intimidated many Orcs from the mountains not to attack, so they returned home safely.

The doors opened and little Legolas sprinted to greet his father.

'ADA!' He screamed, 'You're back!' He hugged him tightly but then soon realised he still had tears in his eyes. 'Ada, why did you come back alone?' Legolas stuttered trying to hold back his tears. 'Where is grandpa?' Thranduil stayed silent and it soon sunk in that Oropher was dead.

'Im bâr, Iôn Nîn.' (I am home, my son) He whispered, 'I promised.' Culthien came to embrace Thranduil.

Nothing was heard apart from the soft sobs of Legolas and Culthien and tears hitting the floor.

Thranduil gave Legolas his leaf brooch back.

'This let me see him before he died.' He whispered and gently strokes Legolas' hair. 'Thank you.'

Thranduil found his promise from Legolas and held it out to him. It had a large dint across the top. 'And this saved my life.'

-Thank you all so very much for sticking with me, I know the update was a bit late, I was sick on the weekend and drowning in homework. I applaud you all for waiting patiently and I love you so much.

This means a lot to me so it you vote, I will be really happy and if you commented I will be through the roof! So hit those buttons to check if they are still working.

Goodbye for now my Eryn Avar Gweth!

