We've Got A Problem

And it wears the title princess of the demon clan.

It's not like Gwen didn't try to behave like a real princess. It's more like she enjoyed stepping out of line sometimes, and with stepping out of line I mean messing with every single member of the demon court in alphabetical order. Backwards.

Much to Zeldris' displeasure.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LIL' SHIT!" he shouted while slamming the door shut behind him and sprinting through the hallways of the castle. Although she was already around five corners, Zeldris could hear his little sisters giggling all the way back to him.

He followed the sound, ignoring the few confused looking servants he passed. "GWEN I SWEAR TO ALL SEVEN HELLS-"

"Yes brother?" a sweet voice suddenly sounded behind him. Abruptly Zeldris stopped and turned around, almost crashing into an armor standing at the side. Gwen casually leaned at the wall and smiled at him, as if she hadn't just dyed his hair in a neon pink while he had been sleeping.

Zeldris glared at her. "You're so fucking dead Gwendolyn..."

"Wait, lemme think... Nope." With a wide grin she sprinted away into the opposite direction, leaving him even more pissed.

"ARRGH" Zeldris punched the armor and it broke. He had enough of her stupid little pranks. This time she wouldn't get away so smoothly...

"Did the armor do anything to you?" Surprised the young prince spun around, just to look at Lady Melisandre. The tall sorceress carried several vials with a blue glowing liquid inside, on top of a few ancient looking books.

"...Not directly." Zeldris sighed. Melisandre chuckled amused.

"She is quite lively today, isn't she?"

"Unfortunately..." He regarded Gwens master. Melisandre was quite old already, and yet still had the looks of a young woman. He had a theory, that she was actually immortal and kept herself alive with some kind of black magic but- he still needed a decent confirmation for that.

"You might want to fix your hair, little prince. Even though it does not look bad... Gwen has a great taste." Melisandre smirked at him. He didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or feel insulted.

"Let me help you really quick." One wave with her free hand was enough and a pink liquid was squished out of his hair, leaving it pitch black again. Melisandre led the potion into an empty vial and closed it.

"Impressive..." she mumbled, regarding the pink potion with a smirk. "It's flawlessly brewed... That kid is a genius..."

"Awesome." Zeldris pressed out between his teeth. He sighed and fiddled with his hair to make sure everything was fine again. "...Thank you Melisandre."

"Always again..."

"But if you may excuse me now... I gotta kick my sisters ass." She let out a light chuckle.

"Take care it doesn't end up the other way around."

"Tch..." He turned around again and walked into the direction Gwen had disappeared to. "Don't worry... That won't happen...."

"One more thing Zeldris!" she stopped him quickly. "You are aware what is going on today, aren't you?"

Zeldris frowned. "...Are you talking about..."

"I'm afraid so. He has finally gathered them all..." A cold shiver ran down his spine. "The ten worthy of inheriting the demon kings power."

Gwen randomly turned around the corners to shake off her older brother. And yet she never confused herself regarding her whereabouts. She knew almost every single inch of this castle, she wanted to see Zeldris try and get her.

Still, she wasn't too keen on getting this crap handed back to her. So it would probably be best, if she avoided Zel for the rest of the day.

A few corners later, Gwen took a little break. She should have shaken him off by now, but as she knew Zeldris, he wouldn't give up that easily. She absolutely hated it, when she was right.

"Gotcha!" A strong force suddenly pulled on her blonde braid, making her fall back onto her butt.

"OUCH." She had to tilt her head because it felt like her scalp was gonna be ripped from her skull. "You're an asshole, Zel!"

"Tell me something I don't know." The pull on her hair increased majorly as Zel dragged her across the stone floor.

"Hey what happened to your hair- OUCH" She clinched onto her braid to ease the pain, but it was kinda useless.

"There are still some nice people around here y'know." Zel explained without even bothering to look at her. Gwen pouted. Slowly she had had enough.

"Would you mind letting go of my hair?" she pressed out between her teeth. "That. Hurts."

"Suffer in silence." He pulled stronger and Gwen screeched. Alright, now she had had enough. With a quick kick she threw her brother off his feet and, before he even knew, got him pinned down on the ground.

"Why don't you suffer in silence?" Zeldris stared at her surprised. Like that he kinda looked like a little kitten. An evil smirk sneaked onto Gwens face. Should she... Ahh fuck it. She laid a hand on Zeldris forehead and mumbled a short spell.

"Hey what are you-" he tried to protest, but the next instant she already jumped up and ran away, leaving Zeldris in a state of utter confusion. She figured she had about thirteen seconds before she had to pray for her life.


Gwen slid around the next corner, almost crashing into an armor.


She watched out for a good hiding spot, and decided the next door would do. From that room she should be able to get outside into the trainings arena...


She shrieked at Zels cry. Times up. Quickly she rushed to the door and sneaked into the room, slamming it shut behind her. Relieved, but still with all her hearts beating as if she had been running a marathon, she exhaled.

And looked up at nine demons staring at her in utter confusion the next moment. The next few seconds of complete silence couldn't have been more awkward.

"Uhm- Whoops?" Gwen laughed nervously. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you guys."

"No deal." The pink haired woman smiled at her suggestively. "But- what is a little girl like you doing here?"

"Hey Mera! Could it be-" a tall guy in full armor wondered.

"Aren't you the princess?" Everyone shrieked around. The man who had spoken sat in an armchair and didn't even bother to look up from his book. Gwen regarded him in surprise. A weird but nice quiescense radiated from him, very calm and quiet. His raven black hair fell in waves down his back.

"...Yes." she answered surprised. The demons stared at her mouths wide open. Gwen quickly shook her head. "Anyway- Was nice meeting you but I gotta go, else I'll get a little problem-"

The instant she had finished, the door was slammed open and Zel burst into the room. And he looked more murderous than happy to see her.

"You just signed your own death sentence." he plainly stated. Gwen knew she should be afraid. She knew she should take a fucking hint if she didn't want to get screwed over. But it was difficult to take Zel serious with those fluffy cat ears on his head.

So instead of executing her original plan and getting the fuck out of here, she burst out into laughter.

"QUIT LAUGHING YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Zel complained "I'M FUCKING SERIOUS! UNDO THIS FUCKING SPELL!" That just made her laugh more. Tears were already starting to form in her eyes and her stomach hurt like hell.

At this point Zeldris seemed to have enough. He grabbed her collar and forced her to look into his eyes. "I swear to all seven hells Gwen-" With lots of effort she swallowed the urge to laugh and remained serious.

"Yes brother?" Though she couldn't surpress the smirk sneaking onto her face.

He glared at her angrily. "When I'm done with you, you'll-" Suddenly the two were pulled apart, Gwen by her braid and Zel by his neck. 

"You two will regret to have ever been born." someone ended his sentence in a pissed tone. A very, very pissed tone. Gwen surpressed the urge to scream at the pain shooting over her scalp again.

"What's you guys deal with my hair today!?" Gwen hissed at Meliodas, but just got a death glare instead of a proper answer.

"Let go of me- It was her!" Zeldris protested.

"Shut up. Both of you." Meliodas demanded in a tone that did neither tolerate any objections nor fooling around. He was beyond pissed, Gwen noticed that alone by his aura.

"My apologies." he said to the nine others. Up until now they had just watched in utter confusion and disbelief.

"No- No problem..." the guy in armor answered.

"But... as I see all of you have successfully gathered here in time. That's good." Meliodas continued without letting go of Zel and Gwen. "As you may have noticed by now... I am Meliodas. And..." He looked at the two. "...these two embarrassments are my younger siblings, Zeldris and Gwendolyn. Who are not supposed to be here." When he stressed the last part, he glared at Gwen. Awesome.

Finally he let go of them. Zeldris tilted his head and his neck cracked with a painful noise. Gwen rearranged her braid a bit.

"Nice ears kitty." Meliodas said with a teasing smirk and made his little brother flinch. "You should go see Melisandre." Zeldris glared at him, but he had already turned to Gwen.

"You are grounded." he plainly stated.

Gwen angrily gnashed her teeth. "I'm the princess of hell, you can't ground me."

"Fucking watch me." The two glared at eachother and the air buzzed from tension. But Gwen did not intend to give in to him like that. Just because Zel couldn't take a fucking joke...

Suddenly an ice cold shiver ran down her spine, while at the same time her legs felt like they were about to melt into the ground. The pressure of Meliodas sole aura increased to much, it almost made her break down in despair.

Contrite she clenched her fists. "Yes brother..."

The pressure loosened and Gwen stopped shivering. "We'll talk about this later. Now get out of my fucking sight, both of you."

With their heads bowed Gwen and Zeldris left the room.

"You are so goddamn stupid." he hissed.

"I'm not the one who can't take a joke!" she hissed back. "If you hadn't chased me up here-"

Within seconds the two were full out arguing and fighting again. Gwen cursed her brothers internally and externally. If it hadn't been for Meliodas, she would have gotten away with the prank.


For some weird reason, Quinn was not surprised to see Gwen sitting in front of the mirror in her room with her sword and a scissor. But on the other hand it left him utterly confused.

"...What are you doing." he asked, still standing in the door.

"Cutting my hair." Gwen plainly stated, without even looking up at him.
