A/N-tanks tips: art

Well......these aren't really tips, it's more of how I draw but maybe these might help you if you need it

Heads, first feminine head

First, circle


Jaw lines

Erase guide lines and add ear

Mark middle of head and mark where nose goes

Draw nose and mark where eyes go

Draw eyes, eyebrows, mouth and finish ear

Now for masculine head

Circle and lines

Law lines

Erase guide lines and add ear

Mark middle of head and where the nose goes

Draw nose and mouth and mark where eyes go (also I moved the ear cause I put it too high)

Draw eyes, eye brows and finish ear

Also, remember, you don't have to use the masculine heads only for males, you can use them for females and vise versa

Now for body types

These are four basic body types that I use the most

Now, as for arms, legs and feet, I'm not good at explaining those, I recommend a YouTuber named 'Xabio Arts'

He's an amazing artist and I recommend you check him out
