breakfast time | sope

caregiver: yoongi
little: hoseok ( little age: 2 - 4yo)

Hobi was sitting on the kitchen counter, watching his daddy making breakfast. He sometimes reached his hands for Yoongi, when he want to cuddle. Even if the older was focused on making food, he always cuddled his baby boy if he wants to, Hoseok was just too cute to ignore him in his opinion.

"dada, Hobi have juice pwease?" Hoseok said with big doe eyes, knowing that his daddy normally didn't let him drink sweet drinks before breakfast. Yoongi just didn't want little with sugar rush in his house.

"I don't know baby, dada still remember that you kicked him right in the stomach when he tried to dress you up, do you think you deserved it?"

"Yes!!!!! Hobi said sowwy to dada, and even give him a kiss!! Dada can fowgive Hobi"

"Don't you think dada spoils you a little bit too much, sunshine?" Yoongi sighed.

"No!! Hobi ish just a good boy fow dada and good boys get prizes"

Yoongi just smiled and started to searching for his baby's sippy cup (the one with ponies on it, because Hoseok didn't want to even see the other ones) to fill it with fruit juice that the younger loved. He hand it to his baby boy and continued making pancakes which have burned a little, but it's just one pancake.

"thankies daddy" Hoseok said already drinking the juice which was spilled kinda on his face.

"sweetie, don't try to talk when you're drinking, you're all messy" Yoongi laughed while seeing his baby trying to lick the juice from his chin. Hobi just mumbled something hapilly in response, giving his caregiver a sign that he slipped further in little space.

Yoongi grabbed a baby wipe (he always have them because of Hoseok being a messy baby even if he's not in littlespace) and quickly wiped his sunshine's face.

"see, you're all clean now" Yoongi pressed a kiss on Hobi's cheek.

When the younger was drinking his juice, the other decided to cut some fruits for pancakes because he knows that if food is colorful and decorated Hobi will eat it without throwing any tantrums, so he takes the bananas, strawberries and blueberries from the fridge.

"Fwuits!! Dada fwuits!!!!" Hoseok almost exploded in his seat, running quickly to his dada to see what kind of fruits he had.

"that's right little one, dada has fruits" Yoongi smiled at his baby, melting at how silly he is.

"daddy, yes! Hobi wan' stwaw-stwawbewwy" Hoseok said lisping, the word strawberry being a challenge to him.

"strawberry, can you repeat baby?"


"let's do it in parts"




"Good job baby, now say strawberry"


Yoongi sighed again this morning, giving Hobi strawberry. When Yoongi wasn't looking Hobi took a few more strawberries, because they were so yummy to him. When the older was about to cut them, all what he sees was only one strawberry.

"Hobi baby, did you eat them?" Yoongi asked happy little boy.

"no dada!!! but Hobi heawd that mang hav come to kitchen and ate all bewwies, naughty mang" Hoseok said seriously.

"oh, poor mang, daddy heard that strawberry monster is coming to the one who eat the strawberries, dada's so lucky that his baby boy isn't the one who ate them"

"no! no monster dada, hobi don wan' monstew to come" Hobi said, his eyes turning a little bit glassy.

Seeing that, Yoongi quickly pulled Hoseok to hug, caressing his hair knowing that it would comfort Hobi.
"shhh baby, daddy was joking, there's no monster coming, daddy promises, there's nothing to be scared about"

It took a bit of time to get Hobi to the state where he sit in his chair, still sniffling and rubbing his eyes a little. Yoongi felt bad for his baby boy, he should remember that Hoseok is very easy to scare. Yoongi decided to feed the little, giving him a lot of attention and making silly faces to make him smile. He hated seeing his baby scared. Yoongi was worried when Hoseok didn't want to eat even with his help.

"what's wrong baby? it's yummy, you can eat it!"

"hobi wan milk" Hoseok said quietly.

"ooh, I see you're feeling littler, right? don't worry baby, dada will take care of his pretty prince"


do you want a part two with babyspace?

have a good day!
