the promise

Lestat looked at the little 7 year old lily and looked at her with a look in his eyes that he couldn't distinguish what this child was making him feel

"You would fear for the death of a monster like me...I'm already undead my dear I cannot die again" Lestat said and pulled her palm to his face

Lestat sniffed her hand and could smell a sweet smell which made his inhale deeply and lick his lips then he caught onto his thirst

"Mr lioncourt?" Lily said confused 'I need to get going before I lose control of my blood lust and bite her' he thought to himself

"I must depart for now go to bed and don't come looking for me" Lestat said as he quickly rushed away using his abnormal speed

"I can't believe I almost lost control of my blood lust just because of her scent" Lestat said as he found someone to drink blood from

2 years later...

It had been quite some time since Lestat had visited the little Lily but when he got there last night the room was completely empty

He heard some of the staff talking in the hallway "did you hear apparently the 3 girls who shared that room just vanished in the dead of night"

Lestat felt a little disappointed hearing this information so he just left the room without giving it a single glance then went on a blood lust rage

4 years later...

Lestat was determined to find his little one and once she was fully grown he promised himself that he would kill her since she left him without notice

Lestat stopped and smelled a familiar scent at the opera populaire making him look upon the roof to see a 14 year old lily

Lestat saw as she walked away from the railing and headed inside then he rushed inside with his speed and saw her falling asleep

He saw the other 2 girls as well he walked over to lily's bed and sat down on the edge looking at her face before reaching out to caress her cheek

Then gently gripped her neck "you should not have left little just made me angry" Lestat said he was thinking about ending her life then and there but...his undead heart didn't let him

"Confound it woman" Lestat said as Lily continued to sleep peacefully he stood up and looked back at her sleeping face one last time before leaving the populaire

"I've grown way to fond of that child even the mere thought of killing her makes my undead heart start beating again" Lestat said his feelings were jumbled and confused

He could still smell her scent from afar it was intoxicating for him it was tempting him to take a bite from her but he refused going to settle down with biting an innocent bystander instead

End of Flashback...

"Had I known that child would turn out like this I would have kept a closer eye on her" Lestat said as Louis came out of the building

"You seem deep in thought is something on your mind Lestat" Louis said watching as Lestat stood up from the steps

"I have found my mate I'm just getting my thoughts on it" Lestat said "Your many vampires have mates" Louis asked

"No matter how many vampires find their mates whether they are human or not most of them do not have happy endings" Lestat said

"You seem rather intrigued" Louis said Lestat chuckled at that remark "I'm more than intrigued I'm obsessed this girl has been plaguing my mind ever since I met her 13 years ago" Lestat said

"I don't follow" Louis said trying to understand what's so fascinating about her "she has this incredible power to kill someone just by a single touch of her bare skin" Lestat said

"Now tell me how that does not seem extraordinary in your point of view" Lestat said as Louis sighed and he stayed silent "..."

"What no retort?...Nothing to say" Lestat said as he made his way up to the rooms of the ballet rats in the opera populaire then saw her outside on the roof

Lily was just standing there in the cold winter and put a hand through her hair and made a deep sigh Then a cloaked figure approached with a mask

Lily's pov

"Shouldn't you be in bed your sister will get worried" Erik said "I'm not a child anymore I don't need her to worry about me" I said sounding unfazed

"Auntie" I heard and saw my 7 year old niece Erina I smiled and picked her up in my arms "the only one who still makes me smile is this child" I said poking her nose

"Auntie that tickles" Erina said giggling "does it...should I tickle you more little one" I said with a teasing tone as something caught my eye

Erik smiled at me holding his daughter in the warm moment I blinked then narrowed my eyes at the doorway 'someone was watching us' I thought to myself

"Is something wrong" Erik said "nope Nothing is wrong I'm just a little tired is all is it ok if I help tuck Erina into bed" I said

"She's your niece be my guest" Erik said as Erina yawned tiredly in my arms and leaned her face into my neck feeling sleepy

I went to the lair and put Erina into bed and pulled the blanket over her sleeping silhouette "you seem rather tired yourself" Rosalie said making me look at her

"I'm fine" I said "you and I both know your far from fine...what's bothering you" Rosalie said as she tried to get me to speak out my problems with her...but I refused

"I'm going up" I said as I heard Rosalie sigh deeply I know she's worried for me but I really don't need to be watched over I'm not a child anymore...
