Chapter 1: The beginning

     Lincoln woke up early that morning. He had a big day ahead of him. He was going to a new school. He had moved to trollberg about a month ago. He was excited, but also nervous. He didn't know what to expect.  He had heard 10th grade was dificult. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Then he got dressed in his new school clothes. He put on a orange polo shirt, khaki pants, and a pair of sneakers.

      After he was dressed, he went downstairs to eat breakfast. His mom had made him a bowl of cereal. He ate quickly, then brushed his teeth again. When he was done eating, he went outside to wait for the bus. The bus came a few minutes later, and Lincoln got on. He sat down in an empty seat and looked out the window. He felt lonelyness he hadnt felt in a long time. After Ronnie Anne dumped him he felt lost. His heart still ached for her. 

     The bus ride to school was short. When he got there, Lincoln got off and followed the other kids into the building. They went to the office, where they checked in. Lincoln got his class schedule and a map of the school.

Then he went to his first class, which was English. The teacher introduced herself and then started the lesson. Lincoln listened to the rules and took notes. He had noticed a pretty blue haired girl. he felt himself blush at the sight of her. After English, Lincoln had math class. This class was a little harder for him, but he managed to keep up. After math, Lincoln had lunch. He ate in the cafeteria with some of the other kids from his class, he felt like he didn't belong. After lunch, Lincoln had Chem class. This class was really interesting. They did a lab experiment where they mixed different chemicals together. After science, Lincoln had social studies class. This class was about the history of the United States.After social studies, Lincoln had gym class. He played basketball with the other kids.After gym, Lincoln had art class. They made troll sculptures out of clay.After art, Lincoln had music class. They sang songs and played instruments. After music, Lincoln had his last class of the day, which was Spanish.

When the bell rang, Lincoln got up and gathered his things. He was tired, but he had a good day. He couldn't wait to come back tomorrow. He noticed that the pretty blue haired girl was in most of his classes 
