Sunday, 7-22-18

The following Sunday was filled with excitement. At the breakfast table, Chiron wandered over and asked me if I would like to help introduce a new camper that would be arriving around lunch time. I agreed, wondering who it could be.

"Head over to the Big House at noon, alright Percy?" he said.

"Yeah, okay."

After a massive breakfast, I was feeling pretty sleepy. The night before I had tossed and turned, worrying about my little cousin. Since I didn't have any lessons until after lunch, I decided to head back to my cabin and try to get a little shut eye.

I ended up sleeping for two hours, giving me an hour until I had to head to the Big House. I sat up and groaned, rubbing my eyes. I figured I had enough time to go for a little swim, so I struggled out of the bunk and dressed into some swim trunks and a CHB tee shirt.

I shoved my dirty clothes into my duffle bag and strutted out of cabin three and down to the beach. Along the way, I ran into Will Solace.

"Hey, Will," I greeted.

"Hi, Percy! Where are you going?"

"I'm heading down to the beach. What about you?"

"I need to grab Nico. The Apollo cabin needs to get ready for archery and we typically practice with the Artemis kids, but he's asleep."

I smiled. "Tell him I said hey, and have fun."

Will grinned, running off.

I encountered another familiar young camper along the way, none other than adorable little Lacy.

"Percy!" she said, giggling.

I chuckled a little. "Hey, Lace. What's up?"

"Not much. Where are you going?"

"I'm heading to the beach," I explained. "I have a bit of free time before I have to introduce a camper."

"Ooh, that sounds fun. I don't have to do anything today, because the Aphrodite kids always take Sundays off as 'personal health days' whatever than means. Can I join?"

I nodded. "Of course. I'll wait by your cabin while you get ready, is that alright?"

She grinned, showing off a little gap between her front teeth. She skipped off to her cabin and I sped walked to keep up with her fast moving legs.

Lacy bolted into cabin ten, a nicely styled building with white trim and pristine curtains. I sat on the porch while she got ready. About a minute or two later, the door swung open. I stood, expecting it to be Lacy, but it was Silena Beauregard.

"Oh, hey," I said.

"What's up, Perce?"

"I'm going to the beach and Lacy wanted to come along."

Her baby blue eyes lit up. "Can I come? Charlie is busy today and I have been so bored."

I shrugged. "If you want, but you'll have to get ready fast."

She nodded, running back inside.

After a few minutes both girls came out dressed for the beach. Silena had a pastel sundress on and sunglasses pushed back in her hair, and Lacy was wearing a red one piece swim suit with white polka dots.

I smiled. "Ready?"

They nodded, so we all headed off to the beach. I still had about forty-five minutes to spend at the beach, which was plenty for me.

At the beach, Silena spread out a large towel and laid out on it. Lacy immediately ran into the water. I set down my stuff near Silena and followed closely behind our young companion.

We had so much fun playing in the water. I loved hanging with younger kids because it made me feel like a big brother. I was an only child, meaning I had to spend my childhood practically alone, especially since I moved schools so often. I knew what it was like to feel left out, so that's why I wanted to spend time with little kids and ensure that their childhoods were nothing like mine.

Not that my childhood was awful, though, because it definitely could have been worse. Sure, we were pretty poor and had lived in not so great places, but I still had a glorious mother who was incredibly caring and loving and a great cook. Yeah, I had an abusive stepfather that definitely scarred me a bit, but I only had to deal with him for a little over a year and a half. It hadn't really been that bad.

Even though Lacy was nine years old, it still felt like I was hanging with a little kid and that made me feel so happy. I had always enjoyed playing with Annabeth's twin half brothers, Matthew and Bobby. They were about nine years old as well and loads of fun. Annabeth often got frustrated with them seeing as they constantly were trying to bother her.

Lacy sent a humongous wave my way, sending buckets of salt water in my mouth and nose.

"Gah!" I exclaimed. "Gross!"

She giggled excitedly. "I thought Poseidon kids were supposed to like the ocean," she taunted.

I wiped my eyes and swam towards her. She did her best to get away, but she was much smaller than me and at a huge disadvantage.

"Percy, no! Don't do it!" she pleaded.

I lifted her up and held her as if I were going to toss her into the water. "Say sorry," I told her sternly, but my smile ruined the tough guy act.

"Never! That was epic!"

"Apologize, or else," I warned, lifting her higher.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she exclaimed.

"Well, if you really are..." I trailed.

Lacy grinned. "Yes! Put me down."

"Down? Okay."

Her eyes widened in realization. "Wait, Percy, no!"

"Plug your nose!"

She clamped her nose shut with her tiny fingers and puffed out her cheeks just as I lightly tossed her up. She crashed into the water, sending water every where.

"I can not believe you just did that!" Lacy squealed.

I smiled mischievously. "Well, I did."

"I'm going to get you," she said, seething.

"Well, you've got to catch me first," I told her, immediately diving off and swimming to the shore.

She groaned, thrashing through the water behind me. Once I got to the beach I ran to Silena and crouched behind her. Lacy laughed and stepped onto the sand. "I can still see you, Percy."

"No you can't!" I said jokingly.

She ran over, tossing up a sand storm in her wake. "Silena, did you see what he did?"

Silena nodded, saying, "Yeah, I did. I can't believe it!"

"Me neither," Lacy agreed enthusiastically.

"Hey, Silena," I whispered loudly, "do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah, it's ten after noon."


"Yep. Why?"

"Shoot," I said, standing up. "I'm so late! I've got to go. Thanks for hanging out, guys. See you later!"

I quickly ran off, accidentally leaving my shirt and shoes. When I realized, I was conflicted: should I risk being a little late and change into normal clothes or rock the beach look while I meet the new camper? I decided not to make Chiron too mad and just head straight to the Big House.

I bolted up the stairs and crashed through the doorway. "Hey," I panted.

"You're late," a familiar voice drawled.


I know, I know. How dare I disappear for a week, give you a mediocre length chapter, and leave you on a cliffhanger? Who do I think I am, Uncle Rick? (No tea no shade love you Ricky!)

Well, let's chat. I took a tiny winy mental health break. I didn't come on Wattpad for a week, barely spent any time on my other social medias, and just spent some time to my self. And binge watching Shane Dawson videos. That was necessary though.

I hope you stick around, because I tend to take lil breaks quite often. No matter what I will finish this story though, so you don't need to worry about being left on too much of a cliffhanger.

If you did enjoy, please leave a vote and comment! I love reading your thoughts and each vote makes me smile! Don't you wanna make me smile? :)))))

See you (hopefully) very soon with another chapter!
