Chapter 14

A/N: okay, I'm the worst person ever, because I forgot about this big detail... You'll see what I mean.

Edited 07-02-2016

Lilith's POV

Last night was amazing. Draco and I talked about everything, and he told me what he knew about Hugh. He's a player, and was trying to win me and make me tell him all my secrets. Somehow I trust Draco, I feel safe around him. And he's the perfect gentleman around me, the bad boy is nowhere to be seen.

My bed feels so warm right now, but I have to get up. Today, I'm going back to my house, the McCarthy's house. I consider them my family, so I won't stop going there. They are the only family I know of besides Harry and Sirius, and I still love them. Even if they sign show me any sign of love or affection. Besides the very rare 'I love you's.

I grab my clothes for the day and head to the bathroom. The shower isn't being used right now, and the only ones here are the fifth years, so have to be quick, the girls are like animals when someone takes their shower away from them.

I clean my body from last night's sour smell, alcohol mixed with sweat. Bleh! Purely disgusting, but the smell is somehow familiar. Draco's cologne is still in my clothes and that's why I'm a little sad. I don't know if we are going to be together again.

After getting dressed and drying my hair, I decide how I want it today. Black, my natural hair color, seems cool, so I focus on it and soon, my hair turns its original black shade. My green eyes seem greener because of the hair. Damn, I look so much like Harry that I don't know how people haven't found out yet.

When I open the bathroom door and enter the bedroom, I feel the whole word turn black, and my body falls to the ground. My forehead hurts like hell, and I don't know what that means.

It all turns black, and I feel myself leaving my body, slowly...


I'm walking, no slithering down a long hallway. Am I a snake? I can hear that hiss, the sound of its tongue... It's disgusting to me, but at the same time, very comfortable. I don't know where I'm going, I just keep going. It's like my body already knows where to go, and I'm just there, following my soul.

I can see a man hiding under a silvery cloak... What is he doing? The room is full of balls, like the ones fortune tellers have, and it's like the man is guarding them. I try to get closer to him so I can see his face, but before I can says something, he draws his wand.

I don't know what is going on with me, but I feel the danger. And I do the only thing I think is rational... I attack him... With my fangs?! What am I? I can't be a snake, please no!

As I attack the man, his cloak reveals his face and why I see him, it feels like all the air leaves my body.

I attacked Arthur Weasley....


"Oh my god!!" I scream as I 'wake up' and sit in the floor. It looks like I haven't moved from this place, and I know this is where I fell.

I can hear people running up the stairs, and I quickly get up and lock myself inside the bathroom once again. Someone knock on the door but I don't make a sound. I don't know what's happening right now but I want to be left alone.

"Lil..." The person whispers. Harry.

"Go away, leave me alone." I whisper back, and I know he heard me, I'm sitting against the door, so it's not that hard.

"I know what you saw..." He whispers and knocks on the door again. "I saw it too. Please don't do this... I need you..." His voice is so small that I unlock the door and let him in.

He sits next to me and embraces me with his strong and warm arms. And then I just break down. It's like I can't take it anymore... What I saw did this to me.

"Shh, calm down, I'm here. There's no need to be afraid. I'm here..." Harry holds me through it all, and I'm very grateful. I don't know how I would survive this new world without him.

After a few more minutes I finally calm down and he takes his arms off of me.

"Let's go." He grabs my hand and helps me up.

"Where are we going?" I ask him, and then I remember.

"We need to tell Dumbledore about this. What if he's really hurt?" His voice is sad, and I know Arthur Weasley is like a father to him. I don't know him, but I've heard Ron and Harry talking about him and his wife, and I already like them. They took care of my brother for years while our uncle and aunt made him work like a slave. I owe them a lot. "I told Neville to call McGonagall, and she'll be here soon."

The Gryffindor's common room is... Well, a big mess. It's worse than my bedroom at home, so it's really bad. Really, really bad! Ron is running around the room, tears running down his cheeks, Hermione is looking at him with worried eyes while comforting a sobbing Ginny. Neville is gone, so I think McGonagall isn't here yet.

"I told them. I kind of woke them and now here we are." Harry says shyly.

"Wow, you really are a heavy sleeper. I woke up earlier to take a bath and go home, but you, noooo, 'let's sleep a little more, I don't have a thing to do.'" I mimic his voice and mock him. He only rolls his eyes and chuckles a little, but when he sees the scenes in front of us, he stops it.

A few minutes pass, and Neville is still gone. Where is he?! According to Harry he left almost twenty minutes ago. Damn, I know he runs like a chicken, but c'mon!

Suddenly, the door opens and Neville and McGonagall enter, both looking out of breath, like they ran all the way here.

"Potters and Ronald, come with me." She grabs both my hand and Harry's and Ron walks behind us all the time, with McGonagall dragging us down the stairs and across the school.

When we arrive, Dumbledore's office is super noisy, voices everywhere, but they all fade when McGonagall knocks. When Dumbledore mumbles a tiny "Get in." we enter the room and it surprises me.

He's alone in there. There's no one there with him, so I don't know why we heard that. I look at Harry and he nods, knowing what I was thinking. Twin connections are amazing.

Dumbledore isn't looking at us in the eye. It's like he's hiding something from us, or he's sick. I don't know, maybe he is sick, who knows, really. The man isolates himself from the rest of the world... And he's still human, so he can be sick.

"Well, what happened, Minerva? Bringing the kids with you... Is something wrong?" He asks, still avoiding eye contact with any of us.

"We had this... dream or whatever. I was leaving the bathroom and Harry was sleeping. It looked like we were the snake, and we were walking down a dark corridor and then we attacked Arthur Weasley. He's in great pain, and we know that he is very hurt." Don't ask me how I know, I just feel it.

Dumbledore acts as fast as he can after my 'speech'. I don't know what he's doing, but he's moving, that's good. Two portraits hanging from one of the walls start walking around as he talks to them in hushed tones. He sends Fawkes to warn someone too.

"Go and warn Mes. Weasley, though her magical clock may have already alerted her to the danger." He orders one of the portraits.

One of the previous portrait returns, reporting that Mr. Weasley was found badly injured and has been sent St. Mungo's.

"Minerva, please, find Miss Ginny Weasley and bring her in." Ginny is waiting for us in the common room, and the twins are already home, so I think they already know.

Dumbledore creates a Portkey, then addresses the other portrait, who grudgingly agrees to deliver a message to Sirius at Grimmauld Place, the message that the Weasley children and Harry and me will soon arrive.

Ginny arrives with professor McGonagall, and Fawkes returns from her journey. She sounds distressed and Dumbledore understands it.

"Dolores Umbridge is coming here. Minerva..." He says to her and she nods and leaves the room, probably to make Umbitch leave.

As he activates the Portkey and tells us to surround it, Dumbledore looks directly at Harry and me for the first time. My scar is burning and I gasp, Harry doing the same beside me. Pain fills my insides and an overwhelming hatred makes me want to attack Dumbledore. What?! I can't do that. But I want to... I really, really, want to... I need to... Harry stirs next to me, and I know he's feeling it too.

"Now, grab it!" Dumbledore says and we all touch the Portkey.

I feel my world spinning and it makes me sick of my stomach. We soon arrive at Grimmauld Place, and I hear a creature I recognize as a house elf muttering something to us about blood traitors. I don't know where I'm at, so I'm just scared. I heard Harry talking about this place, but I've never seen it with my own eyes... It's dark.

A man with long brown hair and warm eyes enters the room we landed on.

"Kreacher, leave!" He orders the house elf out and guides us to the kitchen, where the other Weasley kids are. Before anyone can speak, Harry hugs the man.

"We need to talk to you in private after all this is over, Sirius." Oh, so this is Sirius?

Harry tells them about our vision, though he refrains from sharing that we were the ones that attacked their father. The twins demand to go to the hospital, but Sirius doesn't allow it, saying the Order wants our visions to be kept secret.

I wonder why I felt hatred towards Dumbledore, he always helped me, he was the one who told Harry not to give up on me. He always told him to keep looking, that I was out there, alive.

I wonder why I had fangs as well. The vision itself scared me so much, and remembering it only makes it worse.

"Molly sent word that Arthur is seriously injured, but still alive. We need to keep this a secret so no one knows the reason behind his injuries." Sirius says, and I look at him. He's wearing big clothes, like he's trying to hide his tiny body. The front door, or I hope it is the front door, opens and a fat lady enters the kitchen a few seconds later.

She runs to me and hugs me tightly, crying on my shoulder. Not understanding a thing, I pat her back lightly, not wanting to be rude. She kisses both my cheeks and look me in the eye.

"Thank you so much! You saved my husband's life, you and your brother." She hugs me one last time and let's go of me, doing the same thing with Harry.

After that warm hug, Harry looks at Sirius and me and the two of us follow him. He knows where he's going, but I'm still afraid of getting lost here. The house seems big and old, and some strange noises can be heard. Like a lady talking to herself, mumbling. I hope this is not one of those haunted houses, or I'm out. My friends and I used to watch scary movies every weekend, and I couldn't sleep for days. But I enjoy them, so I don't mind the sleepless nights.

We enter a small room, with old sofas everywhere and a cute little table. Harry and I sit on the nearest couch, and Sirius faces us from the other one.

"First, I want to introduce myself to you, Lilith. I'm Harry's godfather, Sirius Black. I know Harry told you our history, and my history as well." I nod and he continues. "So, I hope you can stay with us this Christmas."

"I-I don't think I can... The McCarthy sent me a letter last week asking if I was going to spend the holidays with them and I said yes... We are going to visit Daniel's parents in London..." I say in an apologetic tone.

I hope he understands it. I can't let them down, they took care of me for fifteen years, and I'm not their biological daughter. I owe them my life.

"Yes, I understand. And you can come here a few days after Christmas if they allow it. We will definitely have gifts for you here. We all love you, and you're very important to us all." He grabs my hand with both of his hands and squeezes it. It feels good, in a fatherly way.

"Yes, and I have to buy you guys presents too. I'm not going to get here empty handed, you are all important to me as well. You are my family." I whisper to them and they nod their heads. "I'll see what I can do"

"Sirius, I wanted to talk to you alone with Lil." Harry then tells him what happened in the vision, how we were the snake that attacked Arthur, and that he was guarding some room filled with shiny balls.

"Don't worry about it, it was something that won't happen ever again." Sirius guarantees.

"But that's not over." I say, knowing that Harry wants me to help him. He's looking at me with puppy eyes, and I can't say no to those.

"What?" He asks eyes us suspiciously.

"Hum..." I don't know where to begin. "Well, we... We, hum..." Damn what happened to my mouth? It's like the words don't want to get out of my mouth.

"Before we left Dumbledore's office, we felt something when he looked at us." Harry says. "We felt so much hatred... Like we wanted to hurt him."

I nod silently and Sirius only stares at us. He suddenly gets up from his seat and tells us to go and grab some lunch from the kitchen. We do as he says and leave him standing by the fire. As we walk in the kitchen, Molly gives us some food and makes us eat it all. It's actually really good, so there's no need to say it twice.

When we're both done with our plates, Molly grabs our hands and takes us to Sirius once again. Ron, Ginny and the twins are nowhere to be seen, but we can hear muffled cries coming form upstairs. It breaks my heart, knowing that I might be the cause of their pain. Maybe I hurt their father, no one know who did it.

Sirius is pacing the room, not looking up from the floor. We don't want to disturb him so we just wait for him to notice us. He is whispering things to himself, and I think that those years in jail or whatever made him a little crazy. According to Harry, the methods they use there aren't the best, so I'm not judging him.

"Maybe Voldemort is controlling them... Maybe he's making them see what he wants them to see..." He coughs loudly when he sees us, trying to mask his words. We listened to them, but we just pretend everything is fine.

"Can we visit Mr. Weasley?" I ask him, and he just shakes his head.

"Maybe tomorrow. But maybe you won't be able to visit him." He tells me. That's a shame. Because I'm going to my family's house today. "We will send you letters to keep you update, if you want."

"Of course I want. I may not know him but I'm worried about his safety. I saw his attack, so I know how bad he was after it." I tell him, feeling a little bad again.

"Okay, so you need to get back to school. Your stuff is still there, and you need to take the train home." He turns to Harry and speaks directly to him. "We will be there to take you home. You'll stay here for the holidays, the Weasleys will as well." And then he turns to me. "Lilith, my dear. I know we don't know each other that well, but I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, you aren't trying to kill me or anything, so I know you're not going to hurt me."

"Great. Don't send letters to us. We'll send you some information in a few days, and answer only if the letter says so. We don't know who's going to intercept them. We need to be extra careful, we don't want people to know that Lilith Potter is alive, at least for now."

"Okay, I'll do that." I nod.

Harry is looking at me with sad eyes, and I know it's time for us to get back to Hogwarts. We grab our wands from the kitchen table and head to the fireplace. Each one of us hugs Sirius and grabs a little bit of dust from a bag he holds out for us.

"Now, say the next words clearly. Dumbledore's office."

Harry is the first one doing it. He will be waiting for me there, so he knows I got there safely. Ten seconds later, it's my turn to travel. I say the words a well as I can, and I feel my world twirl around me once again. I fall and land on my butt.

I hear a laugh from the back of the room and see Harry sitting there.

"What are you looking at, dickhead?" I snap at him and he laughs again getting up.

He grabs my hands and helps me up.

"Let's go pack some stuff for our Christmas holidays!" He says excitedly. He's dancing around the corridor as we get near the common room.

This person in front of me is even crazier than me.



Wake me up from this bad dream please.
