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Trixie stairs at her with anger in her eyes. "Do you have any idea what you just destroyed?!" She yelled. "It was my FIRST toy! I had that thing since I was a puppy!" "Well how was I supposed to know that it was your first toy?" Asked Sophie. "You've could've asked me!" Said Trixie. Rocket tries to get them to calm down. "Um guys?" He said. Nither of them listened to him. Sophie continues the argument. "It was in the toy pile!" She said. "If it really ment that much to you, then why wasn't it stored away somewhere safe?" "Because I still play with it!" Trixie yelled. Sophie was beginning to get annoyed by Trixie's attitude. "Look!" She said. "It was accident! Why don't you get over it?" "It might have been an accident." Said Trixie. "But you know what. All these years I looked after you, you have been NOTHING but a nuisance!" Sophie and Rocket were both shocked. "What?!" Said Sophie who was now getting angry as well. "I thought you would grow out of it!" Trixie continued. "But NO! You only gotten Bigger, fatter, hairier, and more aggravating!" Sophie was now hurt by her words and lashes back. "You have no right to call me that!" She said. "You little old worn out tailless BAG OF BONES!"
