1: The flashes of lightning.

"Barry, aren't you going to the particle accelerator thingy tonight?" Aunt Iris asks.

"No I have to work, plus I'm not going to leave my 9 year old daughter home alone." dad replies.

"Well get my dad to watch her and finish this up so we can go." Aunt Iris tells him.

"Dad! I'll be fine, we did after all just come back from Starling City." I state. He needs a night out. I think to my self. "Plus I have a sleepover with Naomi tonight."

"Right, forgot about that." Dad says.

"Wow. Ok then." I tell him. "Hey Joe."

"Hey Maya. Bare, you figure out were the shoe print came from?" Joe asks.

"Yeah it came from one of these three farms." Dad says. I just sit there sketching.

"Since dad, Barry figured out that, will you let him go to the particle accelerator thingy tonight?" Aunt Iris asks.

"Fine, you can go." Joe says.

"Yes!" Dad and Iris say high fiving each other.

"But, Bare, what about Maya?" Joe asks.

"She's going to Naomi's tonight." Dad says.

"Oh right." Joe says.

"Wow, really?" I say. I just roll my eyes and continue sketching.

"Sorry Maya." Joe says.

I look at my dad, who's explaining what the particle accelerator actually does. Joe's sitting at my dad's desk looking at Iris and him. Joe raised my dad, grandpa's in jail for a crime he didn't commit, and grandma's dead. My mom got killed, two months ago, by a man who also kidnapped me, and my other grandparents are no where to be found.

"Maya, will you be okay walking to Naomi's tonight?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, of course." I reply.

"Good." Dad says. Look Naomi only lives a few blocks away from CCPD. So it's not difficult to get there. "Also, Maya you have everything you need?"

"Dad, yes of course. It's in my pack pack, right over there." I say pointing to the wall where my dad's investigation board is.

"Ok, ok just checking." Dad says. I roll my eyes and laugh. He smiles back and then looks at aunt Iris.

"Well go you two." Joe says referring to the particle accelerator. They both smile and aunt Iris heads out the door.

Dad walks over to me and kisses my head. "Be good." He says walking out the door.

"I will." I yell. I look back at Joe, who's still sitting at dad's desk. "So, your gonna watch me until I walk over to Naomi's, aren't you?"

"Yep." Joe says looking at me. I look back at him, then look down at my sketch book. I don't know what I'm really sketching quite yet, but what I do know is that, I love sketching. Sketching and writing songs, and of course singing.

"What time are you suppose to go to Naomi's?" Joe asks.

"Around 8." I reply.

"Okay, well it's 7:00 now." Joe says.

"Ok." I say.

He gets up and starts to walk towards the door. "Well I have to finish some paper work downstairs. If you need anything I'll be in my office."

"Ok." I say. "I'll tell you when I'm leaving."

"Okay Maya." Joe says, heading downstairs.

I smile and start to sketch again. I look at my dad's computer, which is on the news of the particle accelerator. "Of course, why not?" I say to myself.

30 minutes later.

"The particle accelerator is live." I hear a news reporter say. I roll my eyes. Then I hear rain drops hitting the skylight of my dad's lab.

"Yes!" I say to myself. Yea! I think to myself. I love rain. But then again, who doesn't?

30 minutes later

The rain still hasn't cleared up, but I got to go to Naomi's. I walk down the stairs to Joe's office. "I'm leaving now." I tell him.

"Ok." He says.

"Joe, we need you to go to the farm. We found the Martin brothers." Captain says.

"Yes sir." Joe says grabbing his coat. We both race out the door. I get out of CCPD and start walking towards Naomi's house.

My dad's already back at the station. I look up at the sky and see a full blown lightning storm. Then all I see is blackness.
