|Chapter 13|

|Chapter 13|

My eyes slowly blink as I am finally awake. I look around at my environment to see myself in a forest. What am I doing here?

"Oh Dayton..." I hear a smooth yet terrifying voice call out for me.

"Hello?" I ask as I stand up and look around me.

It was too dark to see much.

"Why are you so insecure?" I turn around to see my mother.

"Mom?" I say as my eyes start to water. I run to her and give her a tight hug. "I miss you so much." I say as tears flow run down my cheek.

"I missed you too, Ken. You have got to be strong. I will always be here in the darkest of times." She says as she looks at me with a smile on her face. "Oh my sweet boy." She chuckles.

"Stay." I plead her, the tears in my eyes felt too real too.

"I can't. I have to go work." She says. I frown. Work?

I give her a hug and we stay for 1 minute as we take in each other's company. Oh how I missed my mom.

"I love you. Mommy." I say as tears keep going down my cheek.

"I love you too. And so does your dad. You don't have to be scared to tell him anything. He cares more for you then his own life." She says and I smile.

I hear a deep howl. Me and my mother break apart from the hug as we look around.

"Ken, what was that?" She asks as I keep holding her hand.

"I don't know. The Alpha-" I say before my mom lets out a groan. I look at her and see blood coming out of her chest with a shadow behind her.

"MOM!" I yell as the alpha pulls my mom out of my hand. I fall down to my knees.

But then – I wake up as I gasp for air. Instant relief realising that it was not real but with that came the realisation that the talk with my mum also wasn't real.

"Hey it's okay. You're okay." I hear my dad say as he comes to me and gives me a tight hug. 'I'm so glad you're awake. My boy.'

"I'm okay." I mumble as I close my eyes and smile to myself.

But my smile fades away as I remember my nightmare. What did it mean?


Apparently I have missed a whole day of school and Derek has become the most wanted guy in town.

I can't believe I stayed a whole day unconscious.

"When can I leave?" I ask the nurse next to me who was currently taking my blood tests.

"Well, since you're doing better and you're finally awake. I think you might be able to go this afternoon." She says smiling brightly as I smile back thanking her.

I look outside to see the person I have been wanting to see all day. Stiles.

He knocks on the door.

"Can I come in?" Stiles asks looking between me and the nurse. She smiles at him and nods, Stiles comes in  as she leaves the room closing the door behind her.

"How are you?" He asks me.

"Good, better then yesterday." I giggle as he smiles. "Well, since I was a failure. What happened after I blacked out?" I ask. "We survived, I can see that. Well barely.' I say, pointing to me, making us both chuckle.

"Well, we couldn't find you. Allison came to the school because someone with the name of Scott told her to come to the school. Lydia and Jackson came along and they found you passed out in the hallway." He said as I nod for him to continue. "We did a lot of running and jumping up stairs. I think I lost a few pounds too." He says and I laugh.

"Oh no, you'll disappear soon enough then." I laugh. "Well, thank you for coming here." I say and he smiles with a nod.

"Of course." He says and something in his expression seems to show sadness.

"Are you okay?" I ask. And he chuckles.

"Yeah – I'm fine." He says but for some reason I didn't believe that.

"You can tell me." I say reaching out to his hand as he squeezes it lightly.

"Well, I – I made first line." He says and I smile.

"That's awesome Stiles." I say and he smiles.

"Yeah – but because of the – full moon to tonight. I told Scott to go talk to Lydia and he ended up – making out with her." He said as he looked down.

That makes me feel bad for Stiles. He deserves all the happiness in the world with people that care for him. I don't know why he keeps being desperate for Lydia's mutual feeling towards him since it's not going to happen anytime soon.

But Scott was in the full moon effect. He would never do that to Stiles if he was in full control of himself.

"I'm sorry, Stiles." I say and he tries to smile.

"Nah – it's – it's okay. I have actually moved on from Lydia." He says and my face lights up.

"Is it? That's awesome – I mean – that's good." I say and mentally slap myself for almost making a fool of myself. "You deserve better, man."

He smiles.

"You're right. I do." He says before we stare at each other's eyes for about 40 seconds. "Uhm – anyways want any help with packing up?" He asks standing up and leaving my hand to feel an emptiness.

"Uh – sure." I smile as I slowly stand up. I am already dress and I just need to pack my bags since my dad made it his mission to bring probably every piece of clothing needed for a zombie apocalypse.

We start packing up and talking about random stuff which helped me stop thinking about the weird dream. I still wonder what it means.


I am finally home and Stiles followed me inside.

"You didn't have to come up here. I'm safe here." I say as I sit down in my comfy bed that I had missed.

"Well – after what happened every help is needed to keep you safe – and everyone else." He says.

"I can take care of myself – I just didn't take care of myself that day because - that thing - caught me off guard." I say and he smiles.

"Right." He says.

I look at him and he seems to be in deep thought.

"Yes?" I ask.

He sits down next to me and takes a deep breath.

"Dayton – there has been something I have been wanting to tell you but when I planned on doing it I never let it out. Like on the day of the jeep when Scott went to check the bus –" he says.

"Yes?" I ask him to continue. "You can tell me anything." I say as I place my had in his.

"I'm bisexual." He lets out. My eyes widen as he looks at me for a reaction.

I smile. "Stiles..." I say and shake my head. "I'm – I'm so proud of you." I say as I laugh giving him a tight hug.

I can't believe my crush is bisexual. 

Stop Dayton. It doesn't mean anything. All it does is increase and decrease your chances of him ever liking you.

"Really?" He says and we break apart from the hug. I nod with tears in my eyes.

I can't express how proud and happy I am for my friend.

"Who else knows?" I ask the buzzcut.

"Scott and – you." He says. "I'm scared to tell everyone else." He says looking down.

"Take your time. I'm sure everyone will accept you and be as welcome to you as people were to me." I say. 

"Why don't you tell your dad, Dayton?" He asks with a smooth voice.

"I don't – I'm scared. He's the only parent I have left and the only chance I have at having a real normal father-son relationship." I say. "I don't want to lose that." I say

"I'm sure he would love you even more. And that you two would get even closer." He says and gives my hand a light squeeze making me feel much better. "Thank you."

"What for?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

"For - feeling like you could tell me." I smile, we hold eye contact where in those moments I was able to count the subtle freckles on his cheekbones for the hundredth time.

"Anyways – I need to go as I plan on helping Scott surviving this full moon." He says, breaking the eye contact and standing up.

"Do you want me to help you?" I ask.

"Nah – you better lay down and rest so that tomorrow we can hang out and – you can go to school." He smiles as we hug.

"Talk to you later." He says and I nod before he walks out closing the door behind him.

I fall to my bed and finally relax by taking a power nap. 


I wake up by a phone call.  I look outside to see that it is dark.

I see the caller's name to see Stiles' name. I accept the call and push it to my ear.

"Stiles?" I ask.

"Dayton – I – I can't find my dad."  He speaks through the call.

"What do you mean – Stiles what happened?" I ask.

"I don't know. I was looking through the preserve looking for Scott and I saw an ambulance and police cars – I'm asking everyone where my dad is – they can't –

I can't see him anywhere." He starts to panic.

"Stiles calm down – breathe." I say remembering how Stiles used to have panic attacks.

He starts to breathe normally.

"I'll call you if anything happens." He says through the phone.

"Okay. Be safe please." I say.

"Thank you." He says and I turn off the call.


I can't sleep as I keep thinking about Stiles and his dad so I decide to send him a message. Please I hope nothing bad happened to Stiles' dad. It would destroy him. He has already been through so much already.

To: Stiles bear

Is everything okay?

- Dayton

I hit send.

I put down my phone and wait for a response.

Ding I hear my phone's notification sound and quickly pick it up reading the message.

From: Stiles bear

Everything's fine. Don't worry, my dad is alright. Thank you for everything.

- Stiles.

I smile and let out a sigh of relief at the message.

To: Stiles bear

No problemo. I'm always here for you. Night.

- Dayton.

I say before putting my phone down and connecting it to the charger before I lay back in my bed and attempt to fall asleep by counting sheep as I was always taught and – Stiles.

Thank you guys so much for 500 views. This is crazy! I owe you guys so much. This episode had so much emotion to me. It wasn't in the teen wolf storyline but I wanted to make Stiles and Dayton closer.

Stiles told Dayton ❤️❤️❤️❤️ im so proud of my babiesss.

I will be doing a Q and A about this story. So comment as many questions as you want.

Vote, comment and share.❤️❤️ TTYl 😘
