Ski trip

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First Couples Ski Trip!!!!!!!


PilotSteveTrever There are some beautiful views

FlyingGrayson What the hell why weren't KoryAnders and I invited?!

KoryAnders We were FlyingGrayson

FlyingGrayson Why didn't you tell me? KoryAnders

KoryAnders Because you were busy FlyingGrayson

FlyingGrayson I would have made time KoryAnders

KoryAnders Too late now FlyingGrayson

MaxRichman Awe...look at them fighting

DianaPrince FlyingGrayson we can come with us next time

FlyingGrayson Yeah, as long as KoryAnders tells me about it

614k Likes 240k Comments


I don't recommend this path


NotsodeadJasonTodd Go there! Go there! Go there!

SelinaCatKyle Well at least then I'll have HallieWayne all to myself

HallieWayne SelinaCatKyle Id prefer it if my husband didn't die

TheBruceWayne You realize that I wouldn't actually die correct?

HallieWayne This is you we're talking about TheBruceWayne

726 Likes 283k Comments


Finally get to enjoy the snow again


JournalistLoisLane It's snows in the city all the time

DPClarkKent Not like this JournalistLoisLane

JournalistLoisLane It snows exactly the same everywhere! DPClarkKent

HallieWayne Snow is more beautiful in a town then in a city. It's just facts JournalistLoisLane

DPClarkKent Thank you HallieWayne

DianaPrince It's so beautiful

481k Likes 72k Comments


Winter Love


SelinaCatKyle I guess you kind of look cute together🙄

NotsodeadJasonTodd My parents are so sickening

BlondieBrown They're in love! NotsodeadJasonTodd

JournalistLoisLane DPClarkKent Why can't you be like this?

DPClarkKent I tried to be and you said "no, that's cheesy" JournalistLoisLane
