
He was stuck in training for a few hours, and had to be in an important meeting after.

"As you all know," Tenshin began. "The fate of Chiyoda is being restored. We must however, keep our family name strong amd ongoing. Ojiro!"

Ojiro snapped out of it looking at him.

"Pay attention! This is important"

"Yes sir" Ojiro answered.

"As I was saying. We will be keeping our family name. So, I will be making an arranged marriage for Yui or you. You both have been very loyal to me, and I want to choose one of you to complete this task. One of you must bare children"

"She can do it" Ojiro quickly said. "I'd rather not"

"Don't pin this on me gloomy Eyes!" Yui snapped. "He should be the one since he's the best XB player"

"Then I won't have time!"

"Your problem Ojiro-"

"ENOUGH!" Tenshin yelled. "I thought I was talking to my most professional members, not a bunch of childish imbeciles!"

Ojiro glared but put his fist on his chest bowing. Yui did the same.

"One of you is doing this, and that is final. You will know who in a week"

They left shortly after, and Yui pushed Ojiro against the wall once Tenshin left.

"Back off if you know what's good for you" Ojiro threatened.

"Or what, you'll kill me?" Yui asked smiling. "I doubt you want a criminal record right now, especially with your new guest"


"That's right, I know about that brat in your room. Why you have her in there I do not care, but don't try anything or I'll tell them you're holding a potential soldier. You do know that's a penalty of cell time, right? Of course you do. So stay out of my way, won't you?"

Ojiro glared, and she smiled again chuckling walking away. Ojiro went to the dining hall, and picked up a bowl of Ramen going to his room closing the door. He saw Oka sitting on the floor reading, and he set the bowl down near her. She put it down smiling, and she ate hungry.

"Thank you" she told him.

He went through his Phone, and checked to see what orphanage would be able to take her. He took off his mask and scrolled through. It was negative. All of the ones he saw needed a parent's permission, otherwise the parents would be contacted unless they were diseased. He started to get frustrated not knowing what to do.



"Your's bleeding"

He touched his upper lip, and looked at his hand. Sure enough, there was blood.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yes, just some training I did"

She went into her little bag, and handed him a Handkerchief.

"Take it, please?" She asked.

He hesitantly did, and put it up against his wound.

"You can keep it," she told him. "It's my present as a thank you"



"What now?"

"...What was your mother like?"

Ojiro stayed silent and Oka felt bad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"She was kind" Ojiro said.


"Yeah...she used to sing it to me when I had a hard time sleeping...she was kind"


"...She died. A long time ago"

"...I'm sorry Ojiro. I bet she would be proud of you"

"Wouldn't bet on it" he thought to himself.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"You can't possibly be tired already, it's 7pm" Ojiro told her.

"I am. I wanna sleep now"

"Fine, but don't be getting up at 5 in the morning and trying to jolt me awake. If you get up early, it's your fault"

Oka nodded and laid down snuggling up in her covers.

"Do you...mind singing for me again? I like your voice"

Ojiro rolled his eyes but nodded humming. She fell asleep a few minutes later, and he pulled her covers up more making her smile.

(I know what I'm gonna do for Oka's backstory, and why her parents chose them. It'll be explained soon)
