She tried to remember how to breathe, unable to speak, totally stunned as his words bounced around inside her skull.

"what?" she blurted out steadying herself a bit.

he giggled  "I guess all that fighting and pranking you for a long time,  my eyes involuntarily search for you to annoy you more"


"oh! okay!" she nodded breathing in deep after that mini heart attack.

"its getting late we should go now." she suggested.

"okay if that's what you want, lets go" with that he led her towards the car.

 The ride back home was poison for them. What used to be a series of laughter, comedic moments and teasing each other,  their conversation lay bare. 

"Thank you!" she stated when they finally reached home and was about to open the car door when his words made her stop.

"we'll go to school together tomorrow morning, what time should I come to pick you up?"

should I just tell him now?

she thought

should I just tell him not to come? not to date me any more, he will be mad if he found out that I am a liar, I don't deserve his care. but.....I don't want to say no.

there was this unsettling feeling inside her that wanted to say and do the exact opposite of what she was thinking....but why?


"are you sure? its a bit early girls do take a lot of time getting ready"

"No! I get ready in less than 10 minutes" she told the truth.

"okay then! Bye! see you tomorrow"

"Bye!" and she quickly got out and stood by the path waiting for him to leave he waved at her mouthing a 'good night', and she waved back nodding her head with a sincere smile on her face.

after he left she quietly got inside her house and rushed inside her room closing the door and slumped on the ground.

that she's not you

that she's not you

that she's not you

"ahhhhh!" she squealed rolling on the floor, hands on her cheeks. 

"Jennie! are you back? where did you go?" her mother opened her room door looking worried.

"mOm!" she stood up from the floor "I went out on a date but, did you eat something?" she held her mothers hands jumping up and down.

"no I didn't?" she asked confused by he daughters weird actions.

"I'll go quickly change and cook something for us okay?" 


after looking at herself for the last time in the mirror she ran out the front door and smiled when she saw him waiting for her.

"was I late?" she asked getting inside his car

"No, in fact your a minute earlier" he giggled

well no shit, Sherlock, 

she thought

who wouldn't be, if they woke up at 5 in the morning to get ready

Taehyung parked his car after they reached their destination, she got out and he followed till they reached her locker.

"Jen?" and that nickname he gave her sent shivers down her spine making her unable to speak, so she hummed in response.

"Don't wait for me after school okay? I'm going to my best friend's birthday party tonight so I won't be able to take you anywhere, I'm sorry! I promise ill make it up to you tomorrow, hmm?" he stopped walking and looked at her waiting for an answer.

"best friend? Do you mean Kai?" she asked and he nodded "okay then! It's okay! What are you sorry for, you can go wherever you want to, why ask me?"

"of course I have to ask you! I'm yours now so I have to tell you everything and feel free to ask me anything, I don't want you to feel like I don't care about you, because I do!" he stated as if it was a piece of cake to call himself hers, he looked at his wrist watch and continued "Okay bye Jen I have class starting in a few minutes, take care, see you tomorrow and-" he leaned in closer and whispered "don't go around flirting with other guys!" he winked and walked away leaving her flustered and dazed.

WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO MY HEART, I don't like what you're doing to me Taehyung.

she put her hand on her chest to feel her racing heart, she saw him enter his class at the end of the hallway and finally let out a short and shaky breath.

I don't like where this is heading, we were never supposed to happen...............right?


believe me I cringed so hard writing all this useless fluff.
