Chapter 3

Author note.

Getting kinda of warm in here....



Your bare feet all scratched up as you both ran and ran. His grip clenched your fragile hands pulling you on forward. Not looking back.

You guys stopped in a abandon torn down house. With only a little shelter above.

You placed your hands on your knees to slow down the breathing. The guy with raven black hair looked around the place for anything with a purpose.

" Hey (Nickname) are you okay?" he placed a hand on your back and bent down to see you.

" Yeah... What's happening? " you straighten your back and looked into his eyes.

" The military and the survey corps are coming after us. We should be fine here. Anyways come here." he grabbed your hand and led you to a door that led deeper underground.

" Let's go down there. Its filled with food and a place to rest." he carefully held your hands.

The further we went, the colder and thinner the air got. His hands were really warm and gentle.

'Why is he being searched for? He is so gentle and nice.'

You bare feet hit the cold dirt floor. A small candle was already set in the corner of the room.

" Help me get some food while I'll start a small fire." he said.

The room was filled with bread and flour. You grabbed as much bread as you could that hasn't gone bad yet.

You turned around and saw the small fire lit up in the center.

The lights waved back and forth on the walls. It was still cold but felt better when you saw the burning flames.

A small blanket and a pillow was on top of some flat cardboard on the ground.

Your feet was pounding and aching to sit. You shoved the bread in your mouth and gave the guy some bread too. His hand lightly brushed upon yours.

You sat down at the cardboard and stared into the fire. With dirt on your face you thought of all the cold memories. Your parents leaving you behind. They threw you out into the cold mud. Saying " Get lost. " Unwanted and alone. With no where to go. No orphanage wanted you. You ended up wondering into the Underground City. Poverty and hunger strike the air. You had to learn and teach yourself everything. After years of learning and understanding the ways of the Underground city. You met a girl named Isabel. Her name was heard around the City a couple of times. She would come around the block where you lived in and show you some of the ways to master the 3dMg.

" Hey... Hey. " you heard the guy said.

" Yeah? "

"What's your name? I heard Isabel ramble on about you when we go on missions. But she never mentioned a name" he walked over and sat down beside of you.

" It's-.." You thought for a while if you should give your real name or your fake. Having a fake name keeps your identity safe.

"It's (nickname)"

He just nodded. No response back. We both just sat in the cold taking in the the special sound of silence.

Just then he scooted over next to me and felt a wool blanket on my shoulders.

" It's cold." he said.

You blushed lightly and said " Thank you for being here for me. How can I repay you?"

" You have nothing to give. But I can give you something. Something that resembles us. "His face felt hot and he picked something up that was laying near the small fire.

A symbol.
" If we happen to be separated, we can find each other. I don't want to lose anymore friends and family." He quietly whispered under his breath.
A hot steaming rod with a small amount of ink at the end boiled. He pushed your face into his chest and removed my H/C hair away from my right ear. You hear his heart beating faster and faster.
Your face heated up.

" I promised my self to never fall in love. But something's different. My heart beats faster every moment I'm with you. This feeling.. Is unknown to us. " he said.

The rod burned your sensitive skin as you clench your fist. You grabbed onto his shirt. The pain, the smell, and warmth from his touch was all engraved into one symbol. You held your breath as the pain quickly subsided.

When he was finished, he slowly kissed your neck and whispered in your ears.

" I love you (Nickname)" he whispered in the gentlest voice.
Your eyes widen. His voice was husky and it vibrated in your ear.
" I love you too." You said without thinking.

He drew you into a passionate kiss. His lips soft and warm. It was getting hotter by the moment. Each breath took a part of him. His strong grip on your small form, you felt comfort and safe. He pulled away from the kiss. Taking in air. You could see his face turned red.

Your head buried into his chest. His arms wrap around you. The blanket kept you two warm in a small room. No one knew. No one saw. Only you and him. You fell asleep listening to his heartbeat. For the first time, you felt wanted.


The cold air hits you. Lying down on the cardboard. Waking wide awake to see that he is gone. Your heart beats with fear and worry.


You rushed upstairs to see the door wide open. The sun hasn't reached over the wall yet. Your neck burned.

*scream* A familiar voice.

You run towards the scream. The ground was wet from the rain that was pouring down lightly.

Running as fast as you can. Your H/C followed like waves. Your feet lightly made sound.

You immediately stopped to see the military with Isabel, Farlan, and the only love of your life in the hands of the Commander.

" Let go you Prick. " Isabel said. She hits the soldiers but others quickly came to lock her in chains

You slowly stepped forward. Your feet lagging behind you. " Don't take them... please.."

" Who is this? Get rid of her." One of the soldiers demanded.

" NO! Let go of me! " the guy with the raven black hair yelled.

He broke free and came running towards you. At that time and moment.. everything was so slow but quick.

Running to him you only managed to reached for his hands before they broke you guys apart.

With the force and strength, they threw you into a puddle. You hit your head on something and blacked out hearing the words

" Get lost." repeating in your head.


Ha ha enjoyed this book/fan fiction so far?

Make sure to comment anything likes or dislikes!

I'll see you in the next chapter! What will happen next?

Thanks and stay safe Fireflies.! (FAm)
