Chapter 10: Only Flower In the Fields

Levi's POV

"You're joking." Hanji's eyes were widening when I proposed that little idea of taking her with me to our concert across the country. "M-My job-"

"Ignore the job. This is my personal matter with you. Please? Come with me? I want you to be with me." I say, kissing her cheek. "I want to spend this time there with you. Honestly, there's not much to do when we're there in our free time. Isabel and Farlan spend their time together- and I hop in occasionally. But this time... it'll be different. I have you, my girlfriend, to spend our time there."

She blushes, looking away a bit. "Dating for only a month... and you want to take it further? I'm really surprised by your actions, Mr. Ackerman..." Her arms wrapped around me, smiling softly. That was the kind of smile I needed from her. For a couple of months, we slowly built up on our relationship. She slowly forgotten the man who broke her heart... and she's stopped her drinking entirely. Well... not entirely. She has been getting in a few drinks from time to time. "Just you and me?"

"If you want it to be like that." Once more, I kissed her... except this time... it was on her neck. "Anything for you..."

"Levi, I have an intriguing question for you."

"I may have an intriguing answer for you then. Ask me away."

That blush continued to grow on her as she was trying to get the words out of her pink lips. "Would you guys allow me to try and sing with you for just one song?"

My nose slowly nuzzled into her neck. "First, we'll train you, then... we can talk to the band about it. But... I wouldn't mind having my little inspiration on stage with me. Though we gotta give you a stage name... and most likely gotta tell your friend about us."

"As a couple?"

"As her favorite band. She's bound to notice once you're singing with us."

She sighs heavily, nodding her head. "Alright, you are correct on that point." Then, her eyes lit up like a light-bulb. "Say, would you mind if I ask Nanaba to come with us to the concert? Backstage tickets as well?"

"You're asking a lot..."

"Am I? Sorry..."

"Don't be sorry..." I say, kissing her again and again. She was just irresistible. "Moving on from that, are you feeling... weird? You know... anything that's related to you being pregnant?" How hard was it for me to say that? "Anything I should know...?"

She shook her head. "No... nothing yet."

"No surprises?"

"You'll be the first to know if I was pregnant."

Engulfed by my arms, I didn't want to let her go. I didn't want her to wander out of my sight or more specifically... leave my grasp. Since being with her, I just got attached to her. "Alright... guess I'm just nervous..."

"Nervous? You?" She snickers softly, "I doubt that."

"Shut up, Hanji."

She giggles, taking my hand and leading us to the recording room. "You written the last song about me? Again?"

"Dedicated to the one and only flower in my life." I chuckled, taking a seat in the room. I put on my headphones, only leaving one open towards Hanji. "Did you like it or was there something I had to improve on? I'm putting you on the spot, but if you wanna join us... I gotta put you on the spot."

Once more, her giggles filled me up as she does the same. "I want to hear it again- but this time... just from you. I want to hear you sing it. I want to hear it naturally come from you. Not from any instruments or anything. Just your voice."

I smiled, taking off the headphones and clearing my throat. "Alright then..."

She claps her hands in anticipation, gleaming brightly.

"Sunshine is brightly shining', and there's only one gal out there."

How her smile was growing, I continued the song, trying to keep up a normal pacing. But then again, I sang it for her and her only.

"When the sun's arising, I want her to bloom with joy, to bloom with me. For she's the prettiest flower amongst the fields. Her sweet, sweet smile is as, sweet as a honey. For she's the only one for me..."

I leaned forward, continuing onto the chorus, kissing her sweet lips. How they tasted of strawberries...

"For I will always love... the flower that stands out... the most..."
