
You were backed into a corner by two boy only a few years older than you. "My my what do we have here?" Said one of them lifting up your chin. You  gathered as much salivain your mouth as you could and spat at him in the face. "YOU BITCH!" he said slapping you. It hurt quite a bit and you could feel tears forming in your eyes. "Aww is the little baby crying," said the other boy sniggering. Suddenly the boy holding you was pulled off started and have a fist fight with someother dude that just appeared. You fell to your knees, pulled your legs to your chest and covered your ears. After a few minutes the two boys went running and your savior bent down infront of you. "Are you okay Y/N?" He asked.

End of flashback

Tomorrow everyone is going to deside which cadet course they want to join. Everyone seemed either excited or nervous but not you. You couldn't care less about which one you should to join. You just want something that could occupy you in your free time. Going into the dining hall,  you sit in the corner table all alone,  just the way you liked it. Suddenly a girl sat beside you.You slide down to the far end of the table but she followed you. You let out a sigh.

"What do you want?" You say.

"Your Y/N right? You seemed lonley so now im here. I'm Sasha by the way." She replied.

You let out another sigh with her answer.

"I'm not lonley,  I just like to eat alone." You say hinting that you wanted her to leave. She didnt seem to take the hint or if she did, she seemed to ignore it.

"What cadet course are you going to join?" She asks.

"Dunno," you reply with. This girl must be stupid or something. You look up at the girl trying to figure out what was going on in her head. You notice that she was finished her food and was now staring at yours

"You want it?" You ask her.

She nods so you push your food over to her.

"Sasha dont be eating other peoples food!" Says some random baldish dude.

"I gave it to her," you say before getting up and leaving the room.

As soon as you took a step outside you could feel the lukewarm air surround you. You walk towards a big tree and lay underneath it, closing your eyes.

"Are you okay Y/N?"  He asked. You tilt your head up only to see your big brother. "Ni-san!" You say giving him a hug. You both hug eachother for a few minutes before you start to feel your eyes begin to get heavy. You let out a small yawn before feeling your brothers two arms lift you up as you drift to sleep.

"Wake up Y/N!" Says Sasha shaking you.

"What?" You say.

"You're not supposed to be sleeping here silly," Says Sasha laughing.

You notice that a baldish dude was standing behind her. You recognise him as the dude who was scolding Sasha for eating your food earlier.

"Hey aren't you that bald dude from earlier? " you say sarcastically.

'IM NOT BALD AND MY NAME IS CONNY! " he yells sulking.

Sasha was now crying with laughter. You had all your attention on Sasha and Conny that you didn't notice someone walking over to you.

"Aren't you all supposed to be sleeping now?" said a cold voice.

Sasha immediately stops laughing.

"Sorry Captain Levi we will  go now," says Conny and Sasha in unison. You mutter the same thing.

Immediately Sasha grabs you by the arms and quickly walks away while Conny runs in the other direction.  As soon as you were both out of sight Sasha lessens her pace. You take this as a chance to ask her something.

"Who's this Captain Levi?" You ask. You had never bothered to pay attention to the people in the higher ranks. Well actually you payed no attention to anyone till Sasha came along.

Sasha's eyes went wide after hearing what you said.

"WHAT! YOU DONT KNOW HIM?" She yells and then you cover her mouth with your hand.

"No need to be so loud," you say before removing your hand from her face.

"Sorry im just shocked, I thought everyone knows who he is," she says.

"Well I guess not everyone, " you say sighing.

"Captain Levi is like the best and strongest scout ever and the hottest," Sasha says.

"You think he's hot?" You say sniggering "Well I guess your not wrong there,".

You both finally reach your cabin and quickly get into your beds.

"Goodnight Y/N," says Sasha.

After a few minutes you could hear her quiet snores.

"Night," you whisper back.


You wake up to a loud bang and the opening of your bedroom door. You were about to scream but your brother grabs your mouth and  stops you. "Stay quiet," he whispers to you and pulls you into the closet. He gives you a pocket knife while he wanders around with the kitchen knife. You can hear screaming and arguing but suddenly the closet door opens but its not your elder  brother that is now standing infront of you. It's a stranger....


Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of this story. I hope my grammer and spelling wasnt too bad.

And dont forget to vote. Thanks again!
