Chapter 38

Taehyung's eyes went wide as he rushed as fast as he could, reaching out his hands in front of him. Using all his energy, he loosened his sister's grip around the youngest's neck. "Stop it, Kim Taehee!" Taehee fell back, looking at her hand with newfound fear and her whole body trembling.

"I- I-" Her head was just a muddled mess, and she couldn't think of anything right now. All that she knew was she wasn't in her right mind, again. She was controlled, again. This thing was starting to get out of hand, and she's scared that she would be able to hurt the people around her easily. She hugged her knees to her chest and buried her head in between her knees.

Sanha's breathing was rapid as he slid down, sitting on the wet ground. He was trying to process what just happened, and he looked at Taehyung and Taehee one by one. He couldn't guess what just happened, but he was sure that the Taehee that choked him wasn't the Taehee he knew. Something was off. "Noona... what... just... happened?"

She was silent. At first, the two men thought that she was sitting still, but they realized her shoulders were moving as she was sobbing. Sanha looked at Taehyung for an explanation and he only shook his head slowly, indicating that he would explain later. For now, he needed to bring his sister back home. Silently, he carried his sister in his arms, with her burying her face in his chest. Sanha tagged along.

As they arrived at the apartment, Sanha helped to open the door while Taehyung carefully brought her sister through the door and to her bedroom. She was weak, and she didn't even look him in the eyes and he lowered her down on the bed. Taehyung quietly closed the door behind him, and he saw Sanha sitting awkwardly on the sofa at the living room, clearly shaken up by the event.

"I'm sorry for what happened, she was-" Taehyung stopped midway, thinking on whether it's wise to tell him about his sister's condition to another person. It was already out of control. He figured that Sanha had every right to know, so carefully, he laid out all her problems she had to face while hoping that he would be in too much shock.

Taehyung's expectations were blown when Sanha started shouting in his face. "WHAT? She has been going through this yet you guys kept quiet about it?! Who else knows about this?"

Taehyung put a hand over his chest subtly, trying to hide the fact that he was shocked over Sanha's sudden outburst. He's still not used to the youngest vibrant way of expressing his feelings. "Well... Moon Bin knew about it because he saw her at the bridge. That's about it."

Sanha slapped his hand against his forehead. "You guys really need to stop keeping things to yourselves. Especially something as life threatening as this. Do you remember all the ruckus you made when you were the most wanted person in the country? When the rest of the restaurant members- except Moon Bin of course, had no idea what's going on? Yeah, so do I!" Sanha started nagging, and Taehyung almost smiled at this. The youngest put his hands on his hips, trying to appear mad. Instead, he just looked like a cute child not getting what he wanted.

"Right, right. I'm sorry. But both of us were worried about Taehee and we thought that we could figure it out on ourselves. Though we did find out that it's not as easy as we thought... and I kind of had a fight with the detective."

Sanha raised his eyebrows. "We're facing an important case and both of you decided that this is the right time to fight."

"Well, it's not like we chose to fight," Taehyung shrugged.

"This is a serious matter!" Sanha almost shouted again, but toned it down when he realized Taehyung flinched when he started to speak. "Look, Taehee noona has been through a lot-" he looked at Taehyung. "And I'm not blaming you, but she did go through a lot because of you. Now, when I thought I could see the two of them together, problems after problems rise up and... when do we stop having these problems? Because this is starting to feel like a drama which might end up having a sad ending."

"Yah! Don't say that. You know, you're really starting to sound like a grandma nagging."

"Ah, really?" Sanha's hand flew to his mouth as he covered it. He grinned and shook his head. "Sorry, I get ahead of myself sometimes."

"Forget that. The problem is now we have no idea who did this to my sister. Well, we might have a slight idea. But, we can trust you, right? You're not some kind of undercover spy who's out to get Taehee?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes and as he was trying to prove his suspicions, he inched further from the youngest. He put up an accusing finger to him, "You better not have any other motives. Or else."

"No, sir. I am completely innocent. I'm just a kid who wants to play the guitar and sing but never gets the chance to. Don't even have the guitar cause my parents don't allow me to. I'm still young and I can assure you I'm not tied to any spy organizations. I can't even punch someone in the face to save my life." He put up his right hand, as if he was reading an oath.

Taehyung cleared his throat and nodded. "Fine, then I'll take it that you want to help her?"

Sanha nodded back in agreement. "I'll do what I can to help her. Then we'll see whether she gets with Moon Bin hyung or Eunwoo hyung."

"Right, then- what?" Taehyung stopped short when he realized what he was hearing. "Did you just pair my sister up with either Moon Bin or Eunwoo?"

Sanha laughed nervously as he scratched his head. "Ah, well. I had this fight with MJ hyung on whom we think she would end up with. I chose Moon Bin hyung and MJ chose Eunwoo hyung..." He gulped when the memories of them simply being happy came to him. It was all so simple back then. He thought they were just a small happy family with minor bickering between them, but it turned out larger than that. He sniffed and dipped his head low. "Sorry, it was just a friendly competition. We didn't know everything would turn out like this."

Taehyung sighed. Sanha was right; they had no idea things would turn out like this. "Forget about it. Do you want coffee? Or tea? If you'd prefer having something to drink while we discuss about this."

"Tea, I'll take tea," Sanha announced and as soon as he heard it, Taehyung stood up and made his way to the kitchen. As Sanha was left alone, he touched his neck- the part where Taehee's hand had gripped strongly. He couldn't forget the feeling of panic as he felt the thin fingers wrapping around his neck... He took in a deep breath to remind him that it was over and he was able to breathe normally again. It only lasted a few seconds but it felt like hours as he saw Taehee's red eyes looking down on him. He realized his heart was beating against his chest and reminded himself that whoever did it to him wasn't Taehee.

It was definitely someone else. Kim Taehee would never do something like that... Right?

"The last thing my sister needs is someone to doubt her," Taehyung said as he put down the hot cup of tea in front of Sanha. "I understand it was traumatizing, but she needs all the support she can get. She must've been really scarred from Rocky's incident and now Eunwoo has disappeared. So please, I know what you're thinking but please put it away. I'm asking this as her brother."

"I'm- I'm sorry. But it was really scary and I couldn't help but think about it. The pain-" he touched his neck lightly, "-is still there. But don't worry, I know that she was controlled and it wasn't her conscious mind doing it."

Taehyung sighed as he sat down again next to the youngest. "I'm sorry I sounded rude- I'm just worried about her."

Sanha nodded. "I understand," he replied, while bringing the cup near his lips. He seemed to drown out Taehyung's 'it's still hot' warning as he took a sip. He coughed as the hot liquid touched his lips and he panted, "Ah, damn that's hot." Taehyung chuckled and as Sanha realized that the former did not have any drinks he gestured towards him, "You're not having anything?"

Taehyung shook his head. He opened up another topic, "We've been saying 'I'm sorry' too much lately. I wish we could stop having to say that phrase."

"Do both of you have any plans regarding Taehee noona?"

Taehyung bit his lip. "We fought before we even have the chance to make any plans."

"That's it!" Sanha suddenly shouted. He put down his cup and stood up, "We need to work together, and not break up like this. We've had enough conflict between the restaurant team members, and I don't think that this is the right time to add another crack. Forget about that; we're already broken in pieces and the best we could do is to hold on to a few unbroken pieces. Then maybe we'll be able to bring everyone back together!"

Taehyung knit his eyebrows together. "You know you're starting to spout nonsense, right?"

"Fine, fine. Anyway, the important thing is, find whoever did this to Haeun- no, Taehee noona then we'll discuss about bringing everyone back together."

"You're still all for that 'bringing everyone together' idea?" Taehyung chuckled.

"Of course!" His hand shot up, a determined look on his face. Taehyung was amused by his behaviour.

Both of their heads turned towards Taehee's bedroom door when they heard a commotion inside the room. "Did she... wake up already?" Sanha enquired. Taehyung put up a finger to his mouth, prompting him to stay quiet. They crept towards the room, both guys with heartbeat rates above normal. Taehyung didn't realize he was sweating and was breathing through his mouth. Both of them were worried as they had no idea what Taehee might do when she's under control; she might do something unexpected like what she did to Sanha.

Taehyung lightly put a hand on the door handle, and put his ear near the surface of the door. He heard rustling and then it was quiet. After looking at Sanha for a quick reassuring nod, he opened the door. He took a peek and after realizing what was going on, both of them burst into the room. Taehyung frantically looked around but found no traces of his sister. The room was a mess; it looked like Taehee had a tantrum.

"The window..." Sanha pointed to the opened window.

Fearing the worst, Taehyung quickly looked through the window. He stuck out his head, looking down below. It was already dark outside, so it made him hard to see since there were no lights at the back alley. After squinting hard, relief flooded his heart as he realized his sister was not there, sprawling on the ground. Panic replaced relief as he realized that his sister was nowhere to be seen.

Has the controller had enough of playing games?

"She was taken away, even though she walked out on her own two feet."

The question was, where could she have gone?
