Chapter 11

Aera's pov -

Messages with Yeonjun

Yeonjun - did you start it yet

Me -   yes i did

Yeonjun - good remeber if you don't finish this quickly there will be punishments

Me - yes i know, i will get it done quickly bc i hate her

Yeonjun - how dare you say that she is beautiful and amazing i think you're talking about that boy

Me - NO that brat yeji is the one that you should hate

Yeonjun - you may not speak like that about yeji, i love her and you should respect that, even tho you have some grudge against her or whatever

Me - yeah so deal with it anyway yeji doesn't even now who u r

Yeonjun -
yeah like a care, when she see's me for the first time, she'll fall for my charms

Me -
oh sureeeeeeee

Yeonjun -
ANYWAYS, doesn't hyunjin like....... idk hate u

Me -
yeah yeah, but this plan will work and hyunjin WILL fall for me

Yeonjun - i don't care if hyunjin falls for you, all i want is yeji to fall for me

Me - eish shut up it WILL happen no day, he will love me

Yeonjun -
sure well gtg Aery schools starten

Me -
k baiiii

Yeonjun -

Me - baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Yeonjun -


Sup y'all

I am sooooooooo sorry about not updating for an entire week or more idk I forgot. Sorry for the short update, You guys must be upset hehe sorry. During break I just wanted to relax and have fun not write so sorry.

Now time to tell you what's happening in the story cuz y'all probably kunfused.

- I know a totally surprised you all with Aera's pov.

- Yeonjun (TXT) is Aera's childhood friend that live next to her.

- Yeonjun has a nickname for Aera and it is Aery

How that's it if I tell anymore than you people will figure out what's happening in the story and I don't want that to happen. Even tho I feel like you all figured it all out.

And with that sorry and enjoy.
