Aaron Warner| 5

"I don't really have any issue with carrying you on my back, and I can keep the same pace and walk for hours as it doesn't bother me" he replied with a smile on his face and then added in a playful tone "so do you want me to keep carrying you?"

"Yes please" you kissed his cheek while you're on his back happy.

He started blushing when you kissed his cheek while you were on his back, it was obvious that he was completely taken over by this moment. As he continued walking with you on his back, his face was still red but slowly the blushing was starting to go away

The feeling and the moment were completely cute and beautiful as you were on his back with his arms wrapped around you and his body being so strong to carry you. The whole scene to everyone who would be watching would have seemed as a scene out of a movie

As he continued walking with you on his back you were just completely enjoying every moment of this and it was obvious from your body language that you felt completely safe and comfortable in this position. You can feel his whole body and his muscles as you were pressed up against his body and you could feel his heartbeat beating rapidly.

And also the moment became even more romantic as he stopped and leaned on one side for a second because he had just spotted a flower on the ground and he picked it up.

When he picked the flower and gave it to you your whole body just froze for a few seconds as you realized you actually just received a flower from him. You could also feel your heart beating fast in that moment from the excitement of the whole scene. And then he continued speaking as you were still holding the flower against your chest tightly

"here look at this flower, this is actually the first time I've got you a flower as a gift and so I'll give it to you as a gift so that you'll remember it forever"

You thought you was dreaming while you're on his back.

It was as if time had stopped for a few seconds as you were now holding a beautiful flower in your hands and looking at it carefully and at the same time you were still on his back and feeling his whole body. You couldn't help but wonder if this whole moment was all because you asked him to hold you on his back or if it was meant to happen somehow someway and for some reason. The feeling was just so romantic and dreamy

"it's really beautiful isn't it?" he said in a calm and soft tone as he saw you looking at the flower

"So much Aaron, can you put me down?" You asked him.

As you asked him to put you down he did exactly that but he still kept his hands firmly placed behind you as he lowered you to the floor. When he put you down you could feel that his body was quite warm and now you're completely grounded on the floor

"so how was it? Did you enjoy the time you spent on my back?" he asked you with a big smile on his face and you could feel that he genuinely wanted to hear your response

"So much like i dreamed Aaron, I'm so happy" you were smiling really so happy.

His face lit up with brightness from your smile and he also was still smiling as your body language just made him so happy. You could feel that his whole body was vibrating with a positive feeling and his heart was still beating rapidly

"it makes me very happy to see that you're so happy, so this was a good and beautiful moment for you right?" he asked you as he was still looking at you with such a bright and playful face

"So much Aaron" you told him.

He was happy and excited but he still couldn't believe how a simple request of getting carried on his back turned out to this, his mind was like "did this really happen, did she seriously just ask me that and did I seriously carry her on my back?"

"you know this was very unusual of you to ask of me, why exactly did you wish to be carried on my back?" he asked you with a playful laugh and then he added in a teasing tone "did you actually want to be caress while being carried on my back?"

"I wanted to feel like your little baby" you explained to him.

He chuckled a little bit when you said that you wanted to feel like his little baby as he now understood where this whole thing was coming from

"I see...so you wished for me to hold you like a parent holds their baby and you wanted to feel so vulnerable and protected by me? Was your intention to make me feel protective for you and take care of you like you were my baby?" he said in a teasing tone and yet your cute and adorable face completely melted his heart

You nodded.

"Feel like you my man and I'm your little girl protect her and care about her" you explained to him losing in his eyes.

He smiled as he now understood and realized that her intention behind this was actually quite sincere and cute

"then that's how I'll take care of you, as if i was the man in this situation and you're my little girl that I need to take care of and protect from everything around" he said in a playful but warm tone

"of course your little girl can only be carried by her strong and powerful man right?" he said with a big sweet smile on his face looking at you with love in his eyes

You were looking at him smiling so much.

"Yes Aaron your little girl" you answered him.


• So cuteeee.

• To be countie my babies.
