Lennox and Ruben had gotten into a fight, the biggest they'd had since their reunion. Jesse had to practically pull them apart as they screamed hurtful things at one another. He'd taken Lennox to her own hotel room as Logan handled Ruben.

She entered the room in a rage, her feet stomping with every step she took and her face turning red the more she thought about the infuriating man. Lennox grunted as she whipped open the balcony doors, stepping out and resting her elbows on the railing, her head in her hands.

Jesse stood next to her, prying her hands away from her now tear-stained face. "What's going on, Lenny? Talk to me."

At first, the girl refused to yield. But then, as she always did, her overthinking led to a cluster of emotions that she needed to express in some way. Maybe that way was talking to her best mate.

"Do you remember when we stoped hanging out when we were younger? Ruben and I got in a terrible fight and none of us ever talked about it and even Nathan stopped hanging out regularly with you lot?"

Jesse thought back to the event. How could he ever forget? He nodded his head, waiting for Lennox to continue.

"I started that fight, about something so insignificant. I thought that maybe—maybe if he hated me, it would be easier for him to leave for London. I didn't mean any of it... I loved him, Jesse, but he needed to think about his future, not some teenage love."


"I know, I know. I should've given him the option and let him choose... But what if he didn't make the right choice? He needed to see me as the bad guy so he could pick football. It should always be football." She was full-on sobbing by now and Jesse tried to comfort her as best he could.

"Len, you're too caring for your own good, mate," he mumbled against her hair. "You have to tell Ruben this."

"I can't... it's been so long."

Jesse offered her a reassuring smile. "Maybe that's why. Just get it off your chest; you've been holding it in for so long. You have to tell him you let him leave all that time ago. He should know—"

"You what?"

Lenny's head whipped back when she saw Ruben standing by the open door to her hotel suite, having heard at least the last bits of the conversation.

Jesse glanced between his friends as they stared at one another, Lennox's mouth slightly open in shock and Ruben's brows furrowed in frustration.

"Jess, can you give us a minute?" Ruben asked.

"Sure, mate." Jesse shot a wishful look at Lennox before exiting her hotel room and shutting the door behind him.

When he left, emotions came pouring out of the couple like floodgates and all hell broke loose.
