
A/N: another Redson oneshot! this one is for MidBoba they only asked for Redson with a demon reader, the reader being LBD's kid so this should be fun! 

Art: the art is a picrew Lego Monkie Kid, it's just me as a LMK character and just filler for the time as i make some art and stuff!


Reader: is LBD's kid, male reader cause most of the ones have been G or NB so lets have M for once, reader has empathy powers, can understand what others are feeling and even force a particular emotion out of them.

Plot: reader and Redson have been dating for a while now and reader even lives with him but after LBDs defeat, readers heritage is found out, Redson takes it well.

you hum to yourself as you help clean up the town with other civilians after the LBD attack, things had been busy and you have been doing your best to help out the community after the carnage LBD caused, both out of some small guilt for your relation to her but also to keep your mind off the fact you couldn't be of much help during her attack as she had gotten to you before Redson or anyone else for that matter, you had spent the whole time stuck sealed inside the city with most of the civilians so when you and everyone was freed you decided to help out, a good way to distract yourself and keep your mind off things but also keep you somewhere that Redson could find you when he most certainly would come!

you and Redson had been together since spider queen attacked the city, he had asked you out while taking a small brake from his and his fathers spicy BBQ stand in the festival, it was a sweet moment that lasted till he had to get back to his father and stand but you enjoyed the moment, that joy not lasting long with spider queen but you had gotten yourself away from that at the time, which makes you getting caught in LBDs attack mush more irritating but the past is the past and now all you had to do was wait for your love!

while y/n helped clean the city Redson was anxiously waiting to get away from Noodle boy and his friends and go look for y/n, as Redson looked around the place Mei slings an arm over Redson's shoulder "heya Red boy! why the long face?" Mei asks with a grin, Redson smacks her arm off him and moves to look at her "it's Redson! and if you must know i need to go check on my boy___ uh_ family!" Redson says correcting himself at the end "OH! were you about to say Boyfriend???" Mei teases "NO!" Redson say quickly to quickly, Mk and Monkey king both look over "what Redson has a boyfriend?!" MK assumes, Monkey king smirks "oh? so who's the lucky man hmm?" Monkey king teasingly adds "would you all quit it!" Redson growls "awe but it's so sweet you have someone!" Mei continues the tease, Redson's face begins to turn scarlet as his hair flares up with his temper "you all are insufferable!" Redson growls before stomping off to leave "think we took that to far?" Mei questions "nah he'll get over it" Monkey king says as he leans back to watch Redson leave "i wonder who Redson's dating?" Mk says "we could follow him" Mei adds "mind if i tag along?" Monkey asks "why?" Mei asks as Mk turns to Monkey king "yeah why? i mean you're welcome to, but why?" Mk adds "eh i got nothing better to do" Monkey king shrugs.

Redson huffs as he begins to look around the city for y/n, Redson knew he couldn't of gone anywhere else and knew that he would be staying in one spot to make it easy for him to be found so Redson wasn't to worried but Redson was still worried that y/n could be hurt or worse as LBD was rather quite brutal with her attacks on the civilian arias, turns and twists down debris filled streets Redson keeps an eye out for y/n when he sees him at the end of one of the streets helping move and clean debris from the road "Y/N!" Redson yells out, y/n turns his head to see Redson standing down the street, a wide smile brakes out onto y/n's face and he drops what he was doing and runs over to Redson "REDSON!" y/n yells "i knew you would be ok!" y/n says as he brings Redson into a hug "though you are definitely not without some injury" y/n jokes "true, i am glad you are ok my love" Redson says let going the breath he didn't notice he was holding only to tense when the sound of two gasps came from behind him, Redson snaps his head to look behind him while holding y/n close to himself "wow! so this is your boyfriend Red boy!" Mei says with a cheeky grin while Mk still stairs a bit in shook "i thought you were kidding!" Mk says making Mei laugh and Redson fume "what! you were the one to assume!" Redson growls out "Redson? who are they?" y/n asks "two headaches that continue to annoy me" Redson huffs but raises an eyebrow at Monkey King who the whole time was stood quietly watching y/n, y/n finally took notice of the Monkey King as well "um hello" y/n says "HI! i'm Mk!" Mk quickly introduces himself a little oblivious to Monkey Kings silence but Mei caught on as Redson begins to glair at Monkey King, Monkey King on the other hand grabs Mk by the arm and pulls him back to himself and whispers to Mk while Mei walks over to Redson and y/n "i'm Mei, nice to meet you y/n! sorry for the teasing! we were just curious about this mysterious boyfriend of Redson's" Mei says with a grin, y/n chuckles "it's ok! i'm y/n! it's nice to meet some of Redson's friends!" y/n says "THEY ARE NOT MY FRIENDS!" Redson yells making Mei and y/n laugh "ah! right! headaches" y/n chuckles again as Redson continues to fume when Mk let's out a yell making Redson, Mei and y/n turn to Monkey King and Mk to see Mk with a terrified look on his face and a glare set on y/n from Monkey King.

you tense up in Redson's hold as Monkey King glairs at you, anger and fear radiating off the two across from you "Mk? what's wrong?" Mei asks taking a step toward Mk "he's a bone demon!" Mk stammers out pointing at you "what" Redson says softly looking down at you as Mei turns to look at you, you look between the three as you feel the fear, anger and confusion fill the air around the five of you "i am" you say with a sad frown "have been my whole life" you say "you're not denying it?" Monkey King asks "why should i?" you say "because the only bone demons are those that have some connection to LBD" Monkey King says "i do have a connection to her, but that connection is long since broken" you explain "what do you mean?" Redson asks "she's my mother, was, i don't see her as one and she never saw me as her kid" you explain "what did she see you as?" Monkey king asked "a potential weapon and then a inconvenience" you huff out, Monkey King sighed he knew it was the truth otherwise you would of been with LBD during he attacks, Mk and Mei looked at you with sadness and some understanding but Redson was worryingly quiet "i don't want any trouble" you say "just want to live my life" you add, Redson squeezes you shoulder in a form of comfort, the three nod and bid the both of you a good bye, Monkey taking off rather quickly while Mei and Mk take off in their own ways not as fast as Monkey king.

you sigh and pull away from Redson "that was not how i would of liked you to find out about my Mother" you say with a sad pout "it's understandable, i can see why you didn't wish me to meet her, though i still wonder who your father is" Redson says with a soft smile "i want to know that to" you sigh "she never told you?" Redson asked "no, i never new but i assumed who ever they where they were no longer in her good grace" you explain, Redson nods and plants a kiss to your forehead "i still love you my dear" Redson says softly as he gazed into your eyes "thank you for loving me, my sweet flame" you smile brightly pecking his lips "now let's get home, i'm sure your parent's are worried for you" you say as Redson chuckles "let's" he hums and uses his pyroportation to take you both home.


A/N: so, it's been a while huh? so i've been having real bad burn out as of late and honestly i have no clue how to solve it this time as i'm burnt out from everything so i can't just chill out doing another thing to cool off the burn, however season 4 of LMK came out, more fanfic is out because of it, THANK YOU FANFICTION! solving some of the burn! also music, been listening to some new tunes and old tunes i haven't heard in so long helped!

am i back for good? no more back causally my requests are still closed but i've added all the ones i've seen from the past to a list and i'll slowly work through them! but for now enjoy what comes of this, i can't wait for season 4 to com out in dubbed! love yah all lovelys! bu bye now!

