It's been about two years since the nukes erupted throughout the world, Emily, Timothy, and I have been moved to a new outpost. The outpost seemed to be designed as an anocracy. We're dressed up as if we're in the medieval times, purples were the ones who are special, the gray, served the purple, this had created a hierarchy. 

The people that surprised me over at this outpost were Mallory and Coco. I gave them the biggest hug, that I could possibly have given them, thinking I lost them to the bombs. Coco was, of course, the purple because of how rich she is, and Mallory's apart of the grey. 

Emily, Timothy, and I were apart of the purples.

Sucks to say Mallory still has to serve Coco, and I feel so bad, but I can't do shit.

Throughout the two years, not much has happened. Holidays weren't celebrated but they were a time of grievance. Nothing outside the walls of the outpost is alive, winter ate up everything in the world. The only food we ate were little ice cubes which included vitamins needed in order to survive. The only time we had food, was stew, and the stew was made from a human corpse which was the guy who once lived at the outpost named Stu. I find it funny because stew and Stu sounded the same, but Andre, who was Stu's boyfriend, found what they've done as disgusting. 

Every night for the past two years I've been having dreams of this man, who had blond hair and blue eyes, there were mini glimpses of him but I wasn't sure what he fully looked like, slowly the dreams turned into clips of fire, it was like me and the man was creating fire. That man looked so familiar but I couldn't pinpoint who it was.

Emotionally, every time I see the man, I feel as if something was jabbing my heart like I wanted to cry, and scream.

It felt as if I loved him.

Some nights there were paranormal experiences, and then others I felt as if there was this big lump or dark thing trying to come out of me, I'm not sure what it was, but it's probably the hallucinations because of how long I've been trapped in this damn outpost.

Mallory has been feeling the same way so it wasn't anything odd, and I'm glad I wasn't alone in this.

A few nights ago we were served snake stew, which sounds gross, but it's better than those plain ice cubes, and I was sort of excited about it. The snake came inside Emily's room, and Ms. Mead, thought it was from the ground before the blast. 

Ms. Mead was one of the directors who help take charge of this place. 

We opened our bowls, excited to eat our stew, however, the only thing that was in our stew were snakes the snakes were still alive and created a hissing sound.  

Emily said they were chopped up and cooked, but it didn't look like it.

Emily and Timothy were going to find a way to figure out how that happened. Also, they are the cutest couple alive. 

They were the only couples alive.

A few nights ago, Mallory informed me of someone's visit at this outpost, I'm not sure who, but someone apparently showed up.

Why couldn't they just take us all and bring us somewhere else?

It was another boring night, but this time there were no songs that had always played on repeat, the visitor was going to come talk to us, Venable said.

Everyone in the room was situated at their seat and waited for whoever it was to come walk into the room. The room was silent, and as people say, you could hear a pin drop.

From the entrance, I could hear loud footsteps going down the hallway towards us. I look over to see a masculine man with long blond hair.

Like the one from the dream.

My breathing hitched.

Emily notices and held my hand.

Once he walks into the room I could clearly see who it was, it was the man from the dream and a name suddenly pops up in my head.

Michael Langdon.

A tear drops from my eye, I quickly got rid of it and stayed quiet. 

Suddenly all of the memories between Michael and I pour through me.

The memories were never there before, and I couldn't figure out how it appeared so unexpectedly.

Michael first glances at me, and I see something flash through his eyes, it looks as if it's pain, sadness, and happiness. 

In a quick second he composures himself and puts on a scary look, that it seems I know well of. He walks around me and Emily and heads up to Venable, he stares at her in a frightening manner and leaned his head to the side, so she could move. 

She slowly walks away from the middle as Michael starts to introduce himself.

"My name is Langdon and I represent The Cooperative," the name sounds so familiar, but I couldn't make out what it was. 

"I won't sugarcoat the situation. Humanity is on the brink of failure. My arrival here was crucial to civilized life on earth. The three other compounds— in Syracuse, New York, Beckley, West Virginia, and San Angelo, Texas, had been overrun and destroyed." His voice was so soothing and I missed it, "We've had no contact from the six international outposts, but we are assuming that they, too, have been eliminated." 

As he continues on about the civilizations outside of the outpost with the others, I started to daze off into my own world, staring at him, as if he was mine, because he was.

Happy memories started to appear throughout my thoughts, our first date at this fancy Italian restaurant, our fair share of kisses, and happy moments at home, in bed, in our sweatpants and t-shirts, watching Netflix.

Now he was dressed in a black, professional suit, with a cape, and it seems, some pink eyeshadow, a yet, feminine but manly style, which I loved about him.

"I have been sent to see if any of you are worthy to join us," Langdon says.

Us? Who is us Michael is talking about? Everyone around me started to murmur and smile, but I stayed put, with no single emotion going through my face.

Does Michael know about our past? Does he miss me? Like I'm starting to miss him? I want to reach over to him, and kiss him like we were never going to see each other again.

"The Cooperative has come up with a rigorous questioning technique we call Cooperating." His voice was more like evil, and playful, which began to lure me into this conversation.

"I will then use the information gained to determine if you belong." Michael states.

"What is this? The Hunger Games? This is bullshit, I paid my way in here and that is the only cooperating I'm planning on doing." Coco states.

"You don't have to stay for questioning."

"What happens if we don't stay for questioning?" Andre asks.

"Then you stay here and die," Michael states, annoyed. 

I chuckled and raised my hand.

"I volunteer to go first." I say.

"And so you shall." Michael smirks at me. I raised my eyebrow and smiled.

"This process will take a couple of days, you guys won't be kept in this suspense forever. For those of you who won't make the cut, all is not lost. If the worst should happen and feral cannibals come knocking, down one of these." Michael holds up a small bottle of white pills. "One minute, you'll fall asleep and never wake up." There was a pause, "I look forward to meeting each and every one of you." Michael smiles and walks away with his little pills of death.

He walks back down the hallway, I quickly stood up from the couch and followed behind Michael.
