Sucked Into a Game (OoT!Zelda x male!child!Reader)

(Y/n) is a 6 year old orphan boy who lives in our universe. One night, he decides to play Ocarina of Time, a game that happened to appear out of thin air. Little does he know that a surprise is in store for him...

(Seriously though, look how adorable Zelda looks! <3) Requested by paultiteuf360



(Y/n) sighed as he walked down the street of his hometown, (insert hometown). It wasn't good for a child to be walking around in the dark, especially when he's alone. But he had a good reason; he had no parents. All he had was himself, and his video games. But he didn't seem to mind being alone, despite the internal sadness that he feels about his parents being gone. Why were they gone? No one knew.

The (h/c) haired boy sighed softly once more, his (e/c) eyes fixated on the ground as he kicked a few rocks that dared cross his path. He was walking home - or at least, what he called 'home' - an N64 cartrige in his hoodie pocket. Earlier, he found the neglected game in a garbage bin. After cleaning it out and fixing it up, he figured it would be good to play the game. It was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Once he reached his little shack that rested between two buildings, he went inside, and closed the little hatch before switching on the lights. The lightbulbs flickered before coming to life, illuminating the small room. It wasn't much, but what would you expect from a young boy who lives alone? There was still electricity, despite the fact that the lightbulbs were a few years old; it's a surprise they haven't burnt out yet.
(Y/n) walked over to a dusty N64 that laid on the concrete floor beside a tv, taking out the Legend of Zelda game before inserting it into the slot. He sat down on the floor, the cold surface welcoming his legs and bottom. It sent a shiver up his spine, but he was used to this. He switched on the tv after grabbing the controller, and got ready to play.

A few hours of gaming later, (y/n) got to the Temple of Time. He has collected all three of the Spiritual Stones, rescued all of the Sages, and was now ready to face Ganon in Hyrule Castle. The cutscene started to play, but... Something seemed... Off... When the doors to Hyrule Castle opened, (y/n) felt his body tingle. His eyes widened, this hasn't happened to him while playing the previous parts of the game! He started to panic, and he dropped the controller as everything started to go white. It was as if Link was going through a transition screen, but instead of the hero, it was (y/n) who was going through the screen.
The boy screamed, even though no one was around to hear him, as he desperately grabbed onto the edge of the tv screen while it sucked him in. After a few more seconds, the portal closed.

The boy woke up in the Temple, the beautiful choir still playing even though there were no singers present. He looked around with his wide eyes, obviously confused and scared. "Wh-wh..where...?" He muttered, trying to make sense of his current situation. He started to stand up, his legs shaking a little from the portal, yet he managed to keep his balance. (Y/n) looked at the giant doors of the Temple that led to the resting place of the Master Sword, but the legendary weapon was out of the pedestal.
'That means... Link still has it... And...' The boy's thoughts were cut off by the sound of doors opening. He snapped his head in that direction, and what he saw caused his eyes widen and his jaw drop.

A girl with long blonde hair, a purple dress and a lighter-shade-of-purple gloves rushed into the temple, closing the doors behind her as she panted. Once she caught her breath, the princess turned around, and gasped when she saw the 6 year old boy standing there. "O-oh... You're a child..." She muttered, and smiled slightly as she walked towards the boy.

(Y/n) just stood in his spot as he watched the princess of Hyrule come closer. 'This can't be real... Is this a dream?' He thought to himself, looking up at the girl after she knelt down in front of him.
"Who are you? How did you get here?" The princess asked, her head tilted slightly.
"I-I'm (y/n). I can't remember how I came here..." The boy's voice was shakey as he spoke; he was excited to see the princess, but scared at the same time. He only told her he didn't remember how he got into the game, because it would sound strange to.. well, anyone who lived in Hyrule. So he kept it a secret.

"(Y/n)... What an adorable name." Zelda smiled. The ground then began to shake, and the princess let out a squeak as she held the boy close to her, shielding him from rubble that may fall on them. Once the rumbling was over, Zelda picked (y/n) up by the armpits before carrying him in her arms, his arms and legs wrapped around the princess. "We need to get out of here... Ganon has awakened, and we don't have much time!" Without hesitation, the princess ran out of the Temple of Time, carrying (y/n) in her gloved arms.
The boy buried his face into Zelda's neck, as if he was trying to hide from the horrors that were going on in Hyrule Field. Somehow, he felt comforted by the woman's warm gloves as they carried him, but was still afraid from every roar that came from the beast known as Ganon. (Y/n) peeked out from Zelda's neck, and saw Link fighting the beast.
Zelda stopped for a moment, then looked at (y/n) before speaking, "Shield your eyes, (y/n)! I must assist Link!"
(Y/n) nodded, and closed his eyes tightly as he moved his head back into the crook of Zelda's neck. He felt the girl take one of her hands off his back, and felt movement as the princess waved Link over.
"Link! The Master Sword is here! Hurry!" Zelda called out, seeing the wall of flames has temporarily died down. (Y/n) heard footsteps run towards them, followed by a sching! as the Master Sword got pulled out of the ground, then Link running away from the two to finish the fight with Ganon.

A few moments later, Ganon was on the ground. (Y/n) tightened his legs and arms around Zelda, feeling her put both her arms out to make a beam of light. "Now, Link! Give the final blow!" The princess yelled out, and dropped her arms before hunching over.
(Y/n) looked back at Link, right when he drove the Master Sword through Ganon's head. One final hiss-like roar escaped the beasts' mouth, then Ganon thrashed around. Link immediately back away so he wouldn't get hit.
Zelda stood back up, breathing heavily before speaking. "Six Sages... Now!" She called out before raising both arms in the air, which produced a giant ball of light. Zelda collapsed on her knees in exhaustion, still holding (y/n) in her arms. She panted softly, her eyes closed as she tried to catch her breath.
The young boy looked up at Zelda, tears in his eyes. "I-is it.. over..?" He whimpered out. He knew the princess was drained; who wouldn't be after creating light to aid the Hero of Hyrule?

Zelda nodded in response, giving (y/n) a small smile. "Yes... Now, don't look back..." She whispered as she stood up, once again carrying the small boy, and ran to the Temple of Time. (Y/n) did as he was told, burying his face into the older girl's neck. As he did so, he took in her faint scent of flowers. This made him smile a little, and he fell asleep; despite the commotion going on in the distance as Ganon spoke his final words.


"Princess? Why did you send Link away?" (Y/n) asked while looking up at Zelda, who sent the Hero back into his child years using the Ocarina of Time.
Holding (y/n)'s hand, Zelda returned the boy's gaze with a sad smile.

"I had to make up for the mistake I've made... I made Link turn into an adult by pulling the Master Sword out of the pedestal... The Master Sword...-"

"Is the only thing that can seal Ganon away." (Y/n) finished the princess' sentence, and Zelda's eyes widened in shock.
"H-how did you..?"
"I'm not from this world, princess..." (Y/n) admitted, looking down. "I got sucked into Hyrule from my gaming console in my world. And..." He paused before looking up at Zelda, tears forming in his (e/c) eyes. "I don't want to go back! I-I don't have a family to go home to.. I-I-I'm an orphan..!" He sobbed out, and buried his face into the skirt of Zelda's dress as he hugged her waist.
Zelda had a look of confusion, but decided to shrug off the fact that he was from a different world than Hyrule. "Well... Wherever you came from does not sound like a healthy place..." She said softly, placing her thumb under her lip in thought. "So... How would you like to stay here in Hyrule with me? You can be my little brother. I've.. I've always wanted a younger sibling..."

The boy looked up at Zelda, his tear filled eyes wide. "I-I'd love that..." He gave her a small smile before hugging her again. Zelda giggled and hugged the boy back, still holding the Ocarina in her one gloved hand.
"Then it is settled... We shall go back in time... Together..." With that, the princess played the Song of Time.


"Sis! Sis! Someone's at the entrance!" (Y/n) tugged at Zelda's dress frantically, trying to get her attention.
The young princess' head turned to face her brother, then at the boy who stood at the archway. Zelda placed her hand on (y/n)'s shoulder and pulled him close to her in a protective manner. "You... how did you get in here? Who are you?" She asked the boy in green, her eyes wide.

(Y/n) smiled, resting her head on Zelda's waist. 'Link...' He thought to himself, 'So this is the ending of the game... But for me, it isn't the end. I get to stay here in Hyrule with Zelda... I have a video game family...'
