The Sorting

James P.O.V
God dammit rejected again. Well Lily flower will come around. I was walking back to my compartment when I bumped into some girl coming out of the Slytherin compartment. "Oh my fucking god. Am I a chest magnet or something" I looked down and gave a sneer. "Hey watch where your going Slytherin." She didn't look up at me and just scoffed. She got up and walked away. But before she turned to get off the train she stopped and said "I don't like rude people." I just grunted lowly and walked back to the compartment. "You would not believe what happened" I said. "Let me guess rejected" Sirius said. "Yes but not what I'm talking about. This random girl decided to call me rude just because I call her a Slytherin" I sneered at the word Slytherin. "Well that's the snakes for you, But we met this awesome girl well she was awesome until she rejected my wonderful charming skills" Sirius said. "Oh yeah well it's good to finally see you get rejected." I said. "Well she'll come around. I think it was how I came off. She went to change but never came back." I chuckled at the thought Of a girl making the excuse to leave him. The train came to a stop and I ran out the compartment. I jumped into our carriage and watched that Slytherin girl go with the first years. How can she be a first year, she's about my age. And she is defiantly a Slytherin. They don't let anyone but Slytherins sit with them. Maybe she was helping Hagrid with the first years. No that couldn't be it. Slytherins don't help people. I was cut short from my thoughts when my mates climbed in. "What you looking at Prongs. Evans is over there" Sirius said "Just that girl going with the first years" They looked in the direction I was looking and to my surprise Peter spoke up. "Oh that's Hart. We met her before on the train. Shes very nice. She bought me all the chocolate frogs off the trolley. See." Peter went into his pocket and bought out a bunch of chocolate frog boxes. "And James she even pranks. She would be perfect for the-" I cut him off with a simple. "No way Pads. She is not a marauder" "What James you haven't even met her" "Yes I have and she was coming out the Slytherin compartment and she bumped into me. And she dared called me rude" I say. "James were you rude" Remus said. "Well not really,okay sorta but still she was hanging out with the Slytherins. They probably already corrupted her into joining you know who" I said wondering why my best friends were trying to take her side. "Yeah okay James." Sirius said. I just blow me breath and sunk down. "Hey look. Lovegood is petting air." I looked back and saw he was. "What no he isn't his petting the horses" Peter said while Remus was just now opening his mouth. "Well I was going to say he is petting the therstals but they can only be seen by people who have seen death. So Peter who have you seen foe" Peter stiffened "I-I don't wa-want to t-talk about it" I was just a little curious and decided to pry. "Oh come on Wormtail we swear we won't tell anyone" I just wanted to know so badly. "I said I do-don't wa-want to talk about it" Now me being me and pads begin himself we decided to pry even more. "Come on Wormy we said we woul-" I was cut short with Peter yelling. "I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT SO JUST STOP BLOODY ASKING" Now to say Peter never raised his voice was a true statement so to say I wasn't shocked with be like saying Snape's hair wasn't the slimiest thing on earth. Everyone looked at our carriage unfamiliar to the loud voice. "Excuse me why are you yelling Peter. You never tell what did y'all do to him." I was going to answer my Lily-Flower but Sirius beat me. "No of your business now go away Lilian." I stared at my best friend in shock. Lily turned as red as her hair. "Don't call me that" And she walked away. "Padfoot why would you do that. You probably ruined any chances I had with Lily" Sirius just scoffed and looked away. "God what is wrong with everyone today."

Lotus p.o.v
I sat on a boat with 3 other kids. I was trying to think about what house I can be in. I am quite intelligent so maybe Ravenclaw will do. No I don't even like doing homework. What about my loyalty. I would be an amazing hufflepuff. Actually I am not a good finder. Now that leaves Gryffindor and Slytherin. I have traits from each and friends from each. I enjoyed my time with both of sets of friends. Maybe Slytherin because I sure as he'll don't want to be with Lily. But Gryffindor would really piss her off. Matter fact that God damn hat can choose. Does that thing even has a name. I will name it Alexander the 3rd. It just seems right. I just realized that the boats stopped And I got off and this woman started say a bunch of things. I tuned her out until I heard my name begin called. "Lotus Hart you will be sorted first." I nodded and walked in when she opened the doors the first thing I heard was a voice.
"And the 7th floor is forbidden for all students under 5th year. So students we have a transfer student from America. She is going to be sorted first and will be joining the sixth years." The man with the giant beard said. I smiled as the pointy hat woman called my name. "Lotus Hart" I skipped up and say on the stool. 'Ah Lotus Evans I have heard of you in young Lily Evans thoughts.' 'Yes Alexander. But just call me Lotus Hart. And I hope we can be best friends' 'Thank you for the name and yes we can be. So let me think where should you go. You are full of loyalty and kindness but also You are intelligent and have lots of wit. But to me you would not fit well in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. So that leaves Gryffindor and Slytherin. All your best traits come from those two houses. Friends from both oh your father was a Slytherin.' I cut off Alexander 'what are you talking about my father is a muggle' 'Aw dear friend you will find out soon. So back to the sorting. Hmm Gryffindor or Slytherin which one would you like.'
'Just chose what is best for me.'
'Okay well I haven't done this in 500 years but you are going too....

Ohhhh cliffhanger where will she go I can't wait for you guys to find out. Love you bye until later
