Chapter 11: Jealousy

Barriss was sat in her history class feeling deflated. Ahsoka had been her best friend for years was the one whom she had shared her parents' disater divorce with. Yet despite all this, Lux, a boy who she'd only known for a day, was the one who was connecting with her. Barriss knew her dislike of Lux was unfounded for he was probably rather friendly but she didn't like the idea of Ahsoka becoming friends with him, maybe start dating him and then she be left by herself. "Okay everyone! Time to pack up! Next lesson will be on crime and punishment through the ages!" Miss Undli shouted over the ruckus as the rest of the class quietened down.

Barriss sighed to herself as the peaceful whispers settled over them. She enjoyed the company of her classmates very much but they were very noisy and without Ahsoka to talk with, Barriss quickly became bored. Walking out the room, she made her way down the stairs where a group of girls were huddled together and whispering. She recognised one of them as Steela Gerrera who was in the year above her but the rest were in her own year. Barriss slowed down beside them to listen to what they were saying. "... I mean he's a year younger than me but he isn't unattractive. Besides our parents are best friends, we grew up together. It would just save any heartbreak from yourselves or any of your fellow friends if you told me anyone who appeared interested in him." Steela looked over her shoulder and directly at Barriss. "Can I help you?" She appeared annoyed at being eavesdropped on.

Barriss blushed at being caught. "I was just wondering who you were talking about? I might be able to help." She dodged a running Miss Ti who turned to look at them.

"Remember to get to class girls!"

The entire group nodded listlessly as they returned to their previous conversation. Steela turned to her group and another girl nodded behind her. "Yeah that's true, Barriss is a quiet person but she knows a lot of people. Steela here was asking about the new boy: Lux Bonteri. She was curious to see if anyone knew who he was hanging out with." The bell rang above them. "Karabast, maybe we should get to class, ciao." The group of girls vanished, leaving Steela and Barriss alone.

Steela looked bored as she shifted her bag and chewed her gum. "So? Who's he hanging out with?" She pulled her phone out but Barriss could see that she was interested.

However she stopped for a moment before speaking. Ahsoka was her best friend and Barriss didn't know what Steela would do when she gave her Ahsoka's name. On the other hand, they didn't know each other too well and Lux was lying if he said that he didn't have any friends here. Maybe it would do him some good do reconnect with Steela. "Ahsoka Tano, she's in my year. She met him on his first day here and they've become good friends. I'm not sure if anything will come out of it though." Barriss looked up at the clock and shocked herself by realising that she was officially four minutes late to class. That wasn't like her.

Steela looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "I see, well thank you. Barriss, right?" She nodded. "I'll remember that next time I want some info. Bye." She strolled away and left Barriss stood in the hallway. A strange sensation filled her gut as she realised what may be the consequences of her actions. Barriss shook the guilt away, what happened to Lux was none of her concern and Ahsoka didn't need boy troubles at this time in her life.

As Barriss ran to her art classroom, preparing an excuse worthy of being late, it never occurred to the knowledgeable girl that best friend troubles weren't what Ahsoka needed right now either....


Ahsoka was sat in computer studies looking at how to create a program. It was actually quite fun but Ahsoka was pretty good with computers so she had finished a while ago. Pulling her phone out quickly and quietly just to check so Mr Mundi didn't notice. He was very strict for someone who taught a computer subject about phones being out in lessons. Ironic. She raised her eyebrows as she had a message from am unrecognised number.

Opening it, Ahsoka felt anger rise in her but was careful not to let it show on her face. 'Keep away from Bonteri, he's mine! I'm sure a pretty girl like you can find someone else's shoulder to cry on.' Ahsoka became worried at the phasing of the text. She had cried on Lux's shoulder last evening after her dreadful dinner yet they'd been outside in the pouring rain underneath a bus stop. She had been one hundred percent sure that no one had been there to see them. It was probably a coincidence but Ahsoka felt her confidence become shaken.

A sudden tap on her computer screen. "I hope you know that in order to truly understand that miserable device in your hands, you must master it's predecessor: The humble computer, Miss Tano." Mr Mundi was stood beside her with a frown on his face while the others looked over at her. He was also one of those old-fashioned teachers that called them by their surname.

Ahsoka sighed to herself but fixed on her winning smile. "Of course Sir, I understand. I had already finished though so I-"

"Was going to put your hand up to ask for more work? Is that you were going to say Miss Tano? I would hope so because the alternative is confiscation of your phone and detention tomorrow." Ahsoka knew Mr Mundi wasn't actually that strict, he was a computer studies teacher for Force sake! But he was a stickler for the rules.

Annoyed, she handed her phone over and watched as he walked over to his desk and placed it down. The class had long since returned to their work but all heads shot up at the sound of the teacher assigning a detention. Once they realised it wasn't for them, they relaxed but Ahsoka simply slumped in her chair and looked at the board where the extension was. It was a simple task and therefore bored her greatly.

The text message was still printed in her kind though and Ahsoka spent most of the task mulling it over in her head. She couldn't think of three things: One, who the person was. Two, how they got her number or three, why they thought Lux and her were romantically involved. It made no sense to be jealous of what wasn't real in Ahsoka's eyes.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter but I'm sorry it is a day later than usual, I had work experience to sort out. I'll try and get back on my regular updating schedule tomorrow. Adiós.
