Chapter 27 | Kiara


"Sweet as sugar. Cold as ice. Hurt me once and I will break you twice."


KIARA SIGHED FOR the millionth time since she took her seat in the company's headquarters in Mumbai, India. She was ready to bolt out of the room any second now and finally get over with this meeting with Damien. She wanted nothing more to run back into the arms of her fiancee. He was the only one who could make her feel like all of this was worth something.

But Damien wasn't letting her have her way since he needed to examine everything.

And she, being the good CEO she is, let him walk over her. She knew what she was doing but Damien was a risk she wasn't willing to take. That man could ruin everything she loves - her sister and her fiancee. She didn't care about the business at this point - she had achieved what she wanted to.

But if Damien in any way realizes what she had done two years ago, the reason why she was still coping up with him - he will not let her get out of this in one piece. Kiara was for sure she could handle him and even, kill him but then Sejal and Zain would be at risk too. She knew she can't protect them all the time.

She knew that in order to ensure they breathe in oxygen, she has to take away their oxygen - their music. Give up the lives they are building and she can't do that to them.

She refused to do that to them.

They were the jewels who deserved to shine brightly in this dark world. All the light in this universe should be on them. And Kiara wasn't going to be the reason to take that spotlight from them.

Just because she couldn't stand a bastard.

"I like these. They are .... fresh. Quite addicting too, actually. You have done a great job here, Kiara. Where do you actually get these scents from?" Damien asked.

Kiara had to give him some credit for dressing up in a suit with the temperature out there. Mumbai's humidity and scorching heat never ceased to amaze Kiara but then, there is just something about this place. It's all those memories of munching down those vada pavs from the street, building sandcastles on the beach, meeting up with famous Bollywood stars and enjoying the rain that made her connect with this city.

Kiara's father was born in this city and even though he didn't quite enjoy his time in this place - working through hardships to earn money for his wife, back then, and then finally being the mafia king he is to settle down in America. For sure, her father's business blossomed in America but this was where it all started.

And he had made sure that unlike him, this place held good memories for his children.

She missed it, though. A lot.

"Well, that's for me to know and for you to not to find out," she says, trying to get away from his clutches.

"Well, we all have our secrets. But in the end, it's the result that matters. Right?" Damien says.

Kiara broke her eye contact with him when she heard his words. There was a hidden meaning to it and maybe he didn't realize it. Maybe he did.

We all have our secrets.

But some secrets were meant to remain secrets.

Kiara got up, she knew she was done. Damien had gone through the test samples and had approved them. She just needs to get back to New York to get the production going. Baba had already taught her how to achieve the scents and she was ready to take the market by a blow.

But before she could open the door and get out of the way, she felt hands on her waist and the touch was something she didn't like at all.

She was spun around to face the man she has been trying to run away from. What did he want now?

"What is it, Damien?" she asks, clearly irritated.

She frees herself from his touch, pushing him away. She tried to conceal her disgust but she knew that it would be harder than she thought.

"Have dinner with me? I know a good restaurant nearby." Damien asks, a smirk forming on his face.

She saw how much he had changed. When she had met him the first time, he was chubbier and for sure, more well-mannered considering he didn't just touch her like he owned her or something.

He was your typical boy-next-door with down to earth attitude and a smile that broke all the lady's heart.

And now? It was all gone. His jaw was sharper, and his eyes bluer. The way he smiled - it was more of a smirk right now, the one that broke the hearts without any regret. It wasn't cute anymore.

She had no idea why he had changed so much, and she hated it. Maybe she did blame herself for misusing his heart and kindness. But then she didn't ask him to be this. He was this man on his own choice.

She did lead him on but she never dated him. She knew what he felt for her. But this man, this man wasn't someone she recognized. She wanted to run away from this man rather than hugging him as she would.

She missed that carelessness in his eyes. Now it was all dark.

"I don't think so, Damien. I have to get to my fiancee," she replies, ready to take her to leave.

For her, this conversation was over.

"Is that so? I thought we might discuss more... I don't know the fact that you are Abhishek Kapoor's long lost daughter?" he says and as soon as he does, chills run down her spine.

She keeps her face neutral, not giving away anything.

"My father's name is not Abhishek Kapoor. And my family is none of your concern, Damien. Remember, we are just business partners." she replies, her eyes challenging him.

He was really crossing a line here.

"That's not what your birth certificate says as well as this photo of yours with your late father and mother. They hid you pretty good, took me three years to find that out," he says.

"I. Don't. Know. What. You. Are. Talking about. Now, I need to go home." she replies.

"My family is none of your concern. Moreover, if you are having me spied on for these past three years, then you are a real creep and I would love if you throw away this obsession with me and leave me alone," she warns him.

She isn't running away from him this time. She knew that he was onto something. And she was going to find out.

"I would have, but you see, I just can't get you off my mind. Or the fact that being the daughter of a famous man yet not letting the world know. You know, it would do you real good in business." he says.

"I want to make my own name and as I said, I don't know what you are talking about. My parents are from a simple background. Now, can I go?" she asks, annoyed.

"Oh, beautiful. Can't you see what you are doing to me? That anger and that confidence are what that keeps me on your tips, always. I need you as much as you need me. You don't want me digging further, right? Because I am really good at this game." he says.

Kiara didn't know how to get away with this. He wasn't going to back down and she knew that no matter how much she lied, he won't believe her. He had her freaking birth certificate! She should have changed her goddamn name. So much for holding onto one last thing her mother gave to her.

She knew no matter what she does, he is going to dig deep. And she knew that she had hidden it all too well for him to not find out. But she can't take the risk.

"Pick me up at 7. I have a flight at 10, so I don't have much time," she says as she walks away from the room.

Damien was a disaster about to happen.


Well, I sense some trouble brewing. 
