63: surprise!!!

He is still busy, they are still in training. I am still with the same feeling. today I have a little work though. I have a photoshoot. 

its an average length photoshoot, but it just feels extra short today. before I know it, it is over, and I'm free to change clothes and go. 

taking my time to change back to my own clothes, I look in the mirror, sigh and grab my bag before saying a good bye and leaving. 

getting in the car, I let the driver drive me home. 

not even looking where I'm going, I went to sleep. too depress to have energy. 

艺兴 POV

today Im returning, but she doesn't know. 

that other day, 陈翔 call me late at night, telling me whats going on, and today is her last day of work for a few days, so I thought of taking her on the road with me. 

arriving, retrieving my suitcase, I took a separate car from my staff. 

Opening the car door, I see a slowly waking up panda. probably woke her up when she heard all the noise. 

吵醒了你啊。i ask rubbing her slightly red cheeks. 

she nodded rubbing her eyes. 

你想我啦。i ask looking into her eyes, seeing her waking up a bit more. 

she nodded again, expression changing to wanting to cry. 

我也好想你啊。i reply to her, pulling her in to hug her. she also hug me in return and I could feel she really does miss me, because she pull me in really close. 

when she finally let go, I got in the car and we started our way home. 

我这么多天不在你自己行吗?i ask seeing her watching me, to make sure I won't run away. 

she nod wanting to cry again. 

你好想我啦吧,不要再哭啦。哎哟喂。i reply reaching an arm over to wipe away her restart of flowing tears. 

pulling her in to the middle seat, I had her leaning on me, comforting her. I can't believe she actually already have such deep feeling for me. when we first reunited, she was so shy towards me, never to thought she already has such a strong tie to me. 

kinda makes me extremely happy, she actually sees me as her big brother for life, and not a brother that just randomly come into her life. 

小熊 POV

today having him come back, I don't have words to describe. I serious just want to cry. 

returning home, I didn't know what to do, so I just follow him around, as if he will randomly disappear. 

sitting on his bed watching him pull out clothes and organizing things. 

你在这坐着,跑我突然消失吗?he suddenly said sitting on the ground looking back at me. 

不知道。I reply getting up. 

那你帮帮我好吗。he reply grabbing my hand to pull me down. 

啊。I reply sitting on the floor next to help, starting to help him put old clothes in the wash basket, and place him clean clothes back in the closet. 

Afterwards, he got change into some clean clothes, and suggest we go buy some groceries to make dinner at home tonight. 

Driving to a more private market, we walk around putting things we want to eat in. Both of us keeping our caps low so no one notices us. ruffing it through self register, we head home. 

I did the main cooking while he assist. there is chicken, shrimp, rice and soup. 

Finish all the food, we set the table, look at our display of food, look at each other, smile and sit down to eat. 

我们好久没这样吃过饭啦。艺兴 said as we start to eat.

厄。I reply grabbing a piece of chicken. 

你真么了吗?he ask seeing as I'm eating really slowly. 

你什么时候又要走啦?i finally decided to ask. 

明天。我还要录极限挑战啊。he reply simply. 

哦。I reply disappointed. 

你不开心啦。he ask, reaching over to wipe something off my face. 

没有。I reply hiding my disappointment. 

明明是。he reply looking at me. 

我们那么久没见面你又要走啦。i reply pouting. 

那你陪我去好吗。he suddenly said smiling. 

我可以吗。i ask still pouting. 

啊。he reply putting a piece of shrimp in my bowl. 

真的。I ask getting excited. 

开心啦吧。he ask smiling seeing me smile. 

啊。I reply quickly eating. 

After dinner, we wash and dry dishes together, before we each went and shower. 

After showering, I grab my suitcase, and start to pack, he has to repack with new clothes too. 

my clothes are mostly similar so it is quite easy to pack, and often times he has set clothes he must wear so also easy to pack. 

He finish before me, and came into lay down, and help me pick out which clothes to bring. 

tomorrow will be an happy day! I said to myself just before going to sleep. 
