It's His Birthday!

Yes, Alex and John have the same names for their friends for the contact name in their phones. Let's just say they all decided that that would be their names so that's everyone's name in everyone's phones. Okay bye.
And I'm back. This is gonna have like everyone's P.O.V's so keep up. Also I don't know if I've established that the sisters live in a house, well they do. They live in a house on campus instead of a dorm cause you know. They're rich.

Alex's P.O.V

I wake up before John, which isn't really a surprise. I swiftly escape his grasp of me and I sit up, rubbing my temple. I check my phone for any notifications and then I check the date.

October 28th.

It's his birthday. It's Laurens birthday.

I quickly make a group chat that includes everyone but him.

Hammy: it's Laurens birthday! What are we doing.

AndPeggy: oh shit. I kind of forgot...

SomeMenSayThatImIntense: same...

LookaroundEliza: lol same

FavoriteFrenchmen: yikes. What are gonna do?

HercPants: surprise party?

Hammy: that is what I was thinking.

LookaroundEliza: we could have it at our house.

AndPeggy: okay, but are we gonna play it off like we forgot his birthday or still wish him a happy birthday but act like we aren't gonna do anything? The first one is a little cruel...

HercPants: then we won't do the first one...

Hammy: okay, I'll get birthday supplies. Someone get the cake. Someone keep him distracted. Someone get some like chips and soda and all of that jazz.

FavoriteFrenchmen: Herc and I will get the cake.

HercPants: we will?

FavoriteFrenchmen: 😒

HercPants: yup, we'll get the cake.

LookaroundEliza: Angie and I will get the food.

AndPeggy: I'll hang out with him for the day.

Hammy: okay. Perfect.

I look back at John who's starting to stir a little. I decide I know a way to say happy birthday.

John's P.O.V

Someone jumps on me and shakes the whole bed.

"Oh my god, what is happening?" I say, opening my eyes. They meet Alexander and he has the biggest grin on his face.

"Happy birthday!" He yells. I raise my eyebrow and then it takes me a while to realize that it is my birthday.

"Aw. Thank you." He kisses my lips and I'm taken back a little. Then before I can respond, they're off my lips.

"I have class, but I swear. We'll watch a movie and order a box of pizza or something when we come back. Then the gang can join us. It'll be nice." Alex says, smiling from ear to ear. I smile, it's kind of hard not to. I nod my head.

"Okay." I simply say. He smiles even wider and kisses me again before going to the bathroom. I laugh quietly to myself before picking up my phone and checking any notifications.

AndPeggy: Happy Birthday love! 😘🎂🎉

LookaroundEliza: HBD!!!! You're getting older then me! ❤️❤️❤️

SomeMenSayThatImIntense: Oml Happy Birthday Laurens! 🎂

FavoriteFrenchmen: Bon anniversaire mon ami! 😜

HercPants: Happy B-day man. Hope it treats you well. 🎁

I thank all of them and Alexander comes out of the bathroom, already fully dressed. He grabs his book bag from the ground and grabs my hand before leaving.

"See you later." He leaves and I'm left happy. Peggy calls my phone and I pick it up.

"Who is it?" I joke. She laughs and then clears her throat.

"Um hi. I'm Angelica. I'm totally her. My hair is nice and I like to sing loudly in the shower." Peggy says, imitating Angelica's voice. We both laugh.

"What's good Peggy?"

"Let's hang out! It's your birthday after all."

"Okay. But won't you see me later?"

"W-what do you mean?"

Peggy's P.O.V

"Alexander says that we're all gonna watch and movie at our dorm later." John says. I sigh, but not loud enough for him to hear. I thought Alexander blew our cover.

"Oh yeah. He just told us about that, it's still not in my mind completely. But I wanna hang out with you alone before the whole gang and the craziness comes." I say, trying to make up something, hoping it's convincing.

"Sure. I'll meet you at your house." He hangs up and I sigh louder this time. Alexander came up with a good lie.


John and I are walking around town when I see a vendor selling balloons.

"I'm buying you one." I say, grabbing his hand and walking towards the stand.

"I'm not five."

"I didn't say you were." He rolls his eyes but let's me lead him to the vendor anyway.

"Hi. One green balloon. Also, a red one." I pull out $2 and I give it to the man.

"Are you guys a couple?" He asks. John and I both raise our eyebrow and I forgot that I grabbed his hand. I laugh.

"Nope. We're both gay." I thank him as we walk away with our balloons.

"Why did you get one?" He asks me. I just shrug.

"I don't know. I like red."


Hercules' P.O.V

"What flavor of cake does he even like? Vanilla? Chocolate? Strawberry Shortcake?" Lafayette asks me. I shrug my shoulders, scanning the cakes on display.

"Maybe vanilla? You can't go wrong with vanilla."

"Yeah, but it's John. I don't wanna get him a basic cake." I roll my eyes.

"I'm sure the party will still be fine if the cake is vanilla."

"Okay, but I'm a little selfish and I want chocolate."

Lafayette's P.O.V

Hercules laughs at my comment and I stand up, staring at him.

"What?" I say. He shakes his head.

"If that's the reason, I'll buy you a cupcake." My eyes widen and I smile.


"Honest. Pick a nice cake."


We leave the bakery, me stuffing my face with the cupcake and Hercules carrying out the cake.

"I wonder how everyone else is going with their part." He says. I nod my head in agreement.

Eliza's P.O.V

"How does a store run out of salsa?! What kind of bullshit is this?" I exclaim in the store. Angelica grabs my arm and covers my mouth.

"Eliza, relax. We'll go to another store."

"This is the 3rd store we've been too! Who else is having a birthday party on a Thursday? Who?" Angelica laughs at me and I blink my eyes at her.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You're hysterical over some salsa. It's hilarious."

"Oh shut up." I grab a bag of chips off the shelf and I open it up. I grab a handful and I shovel them in my mouth.

Angelica's P.O.V

"You're gonna have to pay for those." I say.

"You're gonna have to pay for those." Eliza says, mocking my voice, but we both laugh anyways.

"It's okay. We'll go to a corner store. Those are bound to have some salsa." Eliza sighs and nods her head, wrapping the bag of chips closed.

"Alright. Let me pay for these."


We drive to a corner store and low and behold, they have salsa. Eliza's eyes widen and she runs to the shelf and grabs 6 containers.

"That's quite a lot." I say, helping her out by grabbing two.

"Shut up. I'm convinced these are gonna go extinct, so I'm gonna buy all the ones I can." She also grabs 4 bags of chips and I just laugh.

"Sister, there's gonna be like 10 of us there."

"Shut. Up." She goes to the cashier to pay and I just trail behind her.


Alexander's P.O.V

AndPeggy: did anyone invite Burr and Theo?

Hammy: I did. Just close friends.

HercPants: great. We have the cake.

LookaroundEliza: we got the fucking chips.

Hammy: im getting some streamers and other things.

I find a PartyCity store and by its name, I'm hoping they have some party stuff, which they do. I get some streamers, some party hats, some cups and plates. I also get a huge banner that says happy birthday, and a candle that says 21 on it. I buy all the things and I take the bus back to the campus.

Today's gonna be a great day for him.


John's P.O.V

Peggy's distracted by something on her phone, but I just let her. We had a good day out, but I'm exhausted.

"Hey. Could we stop by my house real quick before going to your dorm? Gotta get something." She says, looking up and smiling.


We get to her house and she knocks on the door. After a while, no one answers.

"Guess no one's home." She grabs her keys and unlocks the door. She turns on a light and at first it's silent. But then, all of my friends jump it at me.

"Surprise!" They all shout. I widen my eyes, completely shocked and well...surprised.

"This is..this is. Wow. Thanks guys." I say. Peggy hugs me and they all take a turn hugging me. When it gets to Alexander, he holds on to me longer than everyone else did.

"Happy Birthday." He whispers in my ear.

"Alright! Let's have a par-tay!" Peggy yells, grabbing one of those things that you blow into that ruins your ears. Blow poppers? Poppers?

"What are those called?" I ask Alexander.

"Party horn." Ah. Okay.

"Well. Let's eat!"


After an amazing birthday party, Alexander and I got back to our dorm. We change into our pajamas and get into bed.

"Can I hold you this time? Consider this my birthday present." He asks.

"Sure." I lean into his arms and he wraps them around me. I rest my head on his chest and I already feel comforted.

"I knew it was you who threw the surprise party. Thank you." I say, reaching for his hand and squeezing it.

"You're welcome. I really wanted to." I find his lips in the dark and I kiss them.

"Thank you."
