' royale enveing parte 3 '

I've been driving for about an hour now. My ass is numb just from sitting, but I always love a long adventure. We're almost at our destination, I look over the passenger seat and smiled. Lauren was passed out with her chair reclined just a little so she was comfortable. I kissed her hand which was interlaced with mines and held it there. Once I saw the place I slowed down and turned. I parked my car and turned off the engine.

"Hey, my love. Where here." I slowly shook Lauren up and took off my seatbelt. She opened her eyes and looked at me with those captivating green eyes. She got up and stretched. I got out of my car and smelled the lovely country side smell. Lauren got out and looked around.

"(Y/n) where are we?" She asked. She went around my car and went towards me and held my hand. I pointed at the horizon where the sun was setting. That's were a big block of stone was sitting at.

"There, lies someone special to me. Someone who deeply cared about me and someone that I admire ever since I was a little old me." We slowly walked towards the stone and that's when a very clear picture frame of my dear mother was seen.

"Is this where your mother is buried?  I though she was buried at the Kensington cemetery?" She asked. I shook my head not and sat on the grass right beside my mothers tombstone. I patted the spot next to me so Lauren can sit beside me.

"She was going to get buried there, but my brothers and I decided to burry her were her soul can be in peace. Where no tourist disrupts her peacefulness. The Kensington cemetery was filled with other royals, some are not. My father condemned our proposal, so we approached our grandmother. She agreed to our request and we held a private ceremony at this exact place. It was only my brothers, grandmother, my mothers family, close friends to my mother and I." I told her while picking on the grass.

"What... what about your father?" She asked putting her head on my shoulder. I sighed and put my arm around her.

"My father never came. He was to busy screwing around with my step mother and was busy celebrating his divorce. I never liked my father. Ever since his marriage with Camilla, I needed to change for the benefit of my father. Ever since I was 15, I learned to accept it." I said. I slowly stood up and told Lauren to stay and went to my car and got something.

I went back to Lauren and my mothers grave with candles. I gave one to Lauren and I got one for myself. I lit mines up and offers Lauren the lighter. I melted some wax on the ground so the candle can stand in its own, I repeated the concept to Lauren's candle. I stared at my mothers grave and tried to hold my tears. I looked at Lauren side profile and smiled to myself. I've never gotten this lucky to be faced with such a beautiful woman. She turned to me and smiled.

"Why are you looking? Is there something on my face?" She asked. I chuckled and shook my head no.

"No just admiring." I told her with a wink. She rolled her eyes playfully and nudged me. I laughed at her reaction and sat down beside her.

"Hi your highness. I'm Lauren, your daughters, what would you say, girlfriend. I'm honoured, at this moment, to have met such a wonderful woman that you have delivered into this world. I am forever grateful to you. And in this moment I am pleasured to finally meet the mother of your beautiful, smart, kind, and heartwarming daughter." She said to my mother. I blushed at her comment and picked on the grass again.

I heard a horn from a far and saw my brothers with their fiancé and wife. I got up from my spot and held my hand out to Lauren so she can get up. Lauren and I approached the 2 couples hand-in-hand. I looked at my brother Harry, then to my brother William. The three of us were engulfed in a big sibling hug with tears in our eyes and smiled dancing in our lips. The three of us looked at our mothers grave.

"We love you, our dearest mother." We said. We turned back to our lovely ladies and hugged them. I looked at Lauren and kissed her with passion, and that warm feeling of... love.

I drove Lauren back to her hotel and went back to the Palace. I sighed and took off my jacket.

"How's your day your highness, you look pretty exhausted." One of the maids said. I looked at her with a smile. I shrugged my shoulder and answered her.

"Well, it was just another day. A day with sadness, joy, and love. Feelings that can express how I feel at the moment." I told her. She nodded and smiled at me. I went to my room and changed to my pyjamas and dove to my soft bed. I turned around to my back and put the covers over me. Soon as I was about to snooze off, I heard a ping on my phone. I got my phone and smiled at the text message. Sooner or later, I know I wasn't going to sleep. 

shvtty ending. im sick and I cant even think straight. oh well, Happy New Years🎇
