
Lauren POV (Lauren G!P)
I can't get enough of her. The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she commands the attention of a room without actually doing so. She was intoxicating, and the heavy smell of her light perfume mixed with sweat that collected against her collar bone, wasn't helping. It only made me sink deeper and deeper against her. She was my dream girl and even in my drunken state I knew that, however she as well was drunk and I knew this was just temporary, that there were no feelings attached to it on her end. I knew that this would happen and I knew that I would give her my all when it did. And lastly I knew that when she woke up tomorrow morning she would have questions. But still I followed through.

The way her arms wrapped around my neck and across my back, gripping tightly as I slide in. The moans that fall from her parted full lips as I groan sweet nothings into her ear. I keep steady only speeding up or going harder when she says something, and when she does, oh god the way it sounds when she says daddy or anything for that matter, goose bumps creep up my skin. I can't get enough of it, of her. And as we both finish our tasks, her before me of course, I say the three little words I've been aching to tell her since forever
"I love you"
But it doesn't matter because she's already asleep and sure as hell won't remember a thing in the morning. While I lay to her side and wrap her in my arms savoring the feeling of skin pressed against skin, and the sound of even breathing fill the room I have the sudden thought that I have quite too often,

And that's why you don't fall in love with your best friend
