The Soldier Ceremony

"Ready for the big night?" Storm asked.

"You bet!" Iris was grinning from ear to ear. "I've been waiting my entire life for this day!"

"Are we sure about that?" Storm raised an eyebrow, smirking a little.

"Ok, maybe not my entire life," Iris laughed sheepishly. "More like... six months? But still! It's been my entire life since six months earlier!"

Storm rolled her eyes, but she smiled fondly as Iris continued to chatter about her upcoming Soldier Ceremony. As her sixth month of training drew to a close, she'd talked more and more about the Ceremony. It actually reached a point where Storm needed to rein her in, just so that she would remember to focus on the training itself rather than just what was coming at the end of it.

"I didn't think you were that keen on getting rid of me," the blonde teased as she oversaw some of Iris' training. Because she was still recovering from all the time she spent doing nothing in captivity, she was unable to train Iris until the last few weeks of her apprenticeship, but especially as her Soldier Ceremony approached, Storm made an increased effort to watch Iris finish up her basic training.

"Oh, hey, I didn't mean it like that!" Iris waved her hands quickly.

Storm only laughed, quickly reassuring Iris. "I know, I know, I was teasing you. I thought you were good at picking up on my sarcasm?"

"Well, maybe all those weeks apart made me a little rusty," Iris admitted shyly.

"Well, if that's your way of telling me you need more training, I'd be happy to help," Storm smirked, and Iris agreed gladly. She knew Storm was still just teasing, but she wouldn't have minded if Storm meant it literally.

That was enough to soften Storm's expression and heart. She was still far from an affectionate person, especially overtly, but in light of everything that had happened in Eastvale, she was at least willing to show Iris a... slightly softer side to herself. It still wasn't much, but the small smile on her face as she observed Iris said it all. And even though Iris claimed to be out of practice when it came to recognizing Storm's sarcasm, she was still perceptive enough to pick up on those tiny bits of genuine gratitude and happiness that Storm occasionally dared to show her. She treasured every single moment, no matter how small.

Now, Storm was rewarding her with a little bit more affection than normal. Because they were alone together in her cabin, Storm felt as though she could be more expressive with Iris. She was helping hype Iris up for the Soldier Ceremony. It was only an hour away, and because that meant it was closer now than it ever was before, she was more than happy to listen to Iris ramble on excitedly about it.

She really does deserve it. She's deserved it ever since she proved her mettle back in Eastvale. I hope she enjoys it for all that it's worth.


The entire camp was gathered in the dining hall, even though it was late into the night. Captain sat at the head of the table in the far back, just like always. For once, though, the apprentices and soldiers were almost entirely switched. It was the apprentices who sat closer to his table while the soldiers took the tables closer to the doors.

Once everyone was seated and quiet, Captain started the proceedings. He gave his customary speech about the camp, its trainees, and how hard they'd worked to gain a new rank and title. Once he was done with the opening remarks, it was time for the apprentices to swear their oath of loyalty to the camp. Once all was said and done, Captain would bestow them with their official status as a fully-fledged Southwood soldier.

"I, Captain, leader of Southwood, have gathered you all here tonight, on this most extraordinary of nights, to help me welcome new soldiers into our ranks. They have trained hard to understand the ways of our noble army, and I commend them all as soldiers in their turn." He turned to the group of graduating apprentices, all of whom were standing directly in front of his table. "Do you promise to uphold this oath to protect and defend your army and your camp, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers vested in me, I give to you your soldier name. From this moment on, you will be known as an official soldier of Southwood. We honor your virtues and welcome you as a full member of our circle."

The hall erupted into cheers and adulation, the mood switching from serious to celebratory. The rest of the night was spent in revelry.

"WOO, HECK YEAH, GO IRIS AND CLOVER!" Aces stood up on his seat to congratulate two of his newest siblings in arms. Peter was much more reserved, but he was still grinning from ear to ear as he politely clapped for the pair.

"I'm proud of you!" he mouthed over the din once Clover finally reached their table. She beamed back at him, pulling him into a hug and a kiss.

"Eeew," Iris teased. Clover only smacked her playfully, still kissing Peter.

"You know, we could always..." Aces gave her a wolfish smile.

"Double eew," Iris winked at him, and he laughed, looking away respectfully.

Iris looked away too, and she could see Gale, Storm, Tempest, and Captain smiling at her, clapping. Gale flashed her a big smile and a big thumbs up, Tempest nodded politely, Storm raised a fist in triumph, and Captain nodded his approval. She waved back at all of them, heart swelling with pride and excitement. Six months felt so long and so short. Here she was, finally an official soldier, and yet, it felt like only yesterday she was walking through the wooden gates of the camp for the first time.

It was a lot to take in all at once, and she wasn't even sure how to process it all. She didn't feel any different, but something had definitely changed within her, and she could feel it even deeper within that this was meant to be. Maybe this moment really was something she'd waited her entire life for, even if she hadn't realized until now.

Ah, but the philosophical thoughts can wait! Right now, I wanna have some fun! The Soldier Ceremony wasn't just meant to be solemn!

"Dance with me, Clover!" she shouted as music suddenly started playing from Captain's table.

"Hey!" Both Aces and Peter pretended to look hurt.

"Oh, calm down, you boys are next!" Iris teased, laughing, then she took Clover's hand and led her away.

"Well, Peter, while they're off doing their thing, care to entertain me with mine?" He turned his wolfish smile on the other boy and offered a hand.

"Oh! Umm, uhh, umm..."

"Do it, Peter!" Clover turned around to shout at him.

"Huh? Are you sure?" Peter still looked nervous, so Clover flashed him a thumbs up. That was enough to encourage him, somewhat, and with a shaky smile, he took Aces' hand.

"Heck yeah, that's my man!" Aces clapped him on the back before pulling him onto the "dancefloor" as well.


Even after the party was over, Storm had one last hurrah for Iris. She called the younger girl back to her cabin to receive a gift.

"What is it?" Iris' eyes lit up as Storm handed her a little black box. She hadn't expected a present, and she felt her heart go pitter-patter. A wave of childishness overtook her at the same time, and she shook the box gently by her ear, wondering if she could guess before she opened it.

"Why don't you find out?" Storm smiled playfully as she watched Iris' face light up. Iris bit her lip excitedly as she lifted the lid off the box. Resting inside was a small sheath containing a beautiful dagger. It shined the way only a new dagger could, and the hilt was carved beautifully, just as attractive as the blade itself. The crowning jewel of the weapon, though, was quite literally a jewel. Or rather, two. At the very end of the hilt were two large, round gems embedded on either side. One was an amethyst, and one was an aquamarine.

Just like us! Iris thought, eyes welling up as she reached out to touch the blade reverently. "Storm... Thank you..." Her voice was hushed, and Storm bit the inside of her mouth to keep from grinning in embarrassment.

"There's actually also a button on the hilt. If you push it, it'll extend out into a sword," she said, taking the dagger from Iris to demonstrate, and to distract herself from the way her face was suddenly feeling a little warm.

Pressing her thumb into the bottom of the hilt, the blade suddenly grew from roughly 10 inches to 30.

"Woah!" Iris stepped back, eyeing the sword with a new appreciation. Even if Storm hadn't made it by hand herself, it was still stunning.

"And of course, if you push the button again, it retracts," Storm said, clicking the bottom of the hilt again. Now it was back in its dagger form.

"Oh, Storm..." Iris was still a little starstruck, but Storm had no more excuses to distract herself with.

"Don't get all sappy on me now," she mumbled awkwardly, looking away. Iris only shook her head with an exasperated smile.

"I won't," she promised. "It's just... so beautiful..." She caressed the blade again and touched each gem gently. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Storm forced herself to meet Iris' eyes and smile nonchalantly, giving her a quick nod. "Anything for my apprentice," she joked.

"Ex-apprentice," Iris corrected, sliding the dagger into its sheath.

"No, you're still an apprentice in my eyes," Storm snickered. Iris' diminutive size did not help her look more grown up.

"Well, there's nothing else I'd rather be," Iris replied with a gentle smile.

"Hey, I thought I said don't get all sappy on me now!" Storm crossed her arms.

"Not sappy, just the truth," Iris smiled and shrugged. Not ready to be affectionate yet, huh? That's ok, I can wait.

"You cheeky little thing," Storm scoffed.

"You know it," Iris' smile only grew even bigger.

She parted ways with Storm after that, both of them smiling like idiots as the cabin door swung shut. It was a good night, and as Iris looked down at her new dagger, she could only hope that whatever was coming next would be even better. She got to spend her first night in one of the soldier cabins, choosing a bed right beside Clover. Aces was also there, of course, so that left Peter as the only one of their quartet yet to join them. In a few months' time, though, they would all be together again.

Iris fell asleep quickly after curling up into her new bed. She was more tired than she realized! And she drifted off with Storm's dagger still held tight in her hand.
