The Tournament of Elements

{First Person POV}

My feet hit the pavement as I played a game of catch-up with a peculiar man. Moments before this I had witnessed a robbery at the local grocery store, and being an elemental master and a natural-born protector of the people, I had to step in. Although he is a bit faster than I initially expected, and I'm out of shape.

I caught up with each passing second, following his every twist and turn through the city, my steps getting faster and faster. Finally, he turned into an alleyway I knew was a dead end. I smiled as I rounded the corner, ready to make things right again. I grabbed the brick of the wall next to me for leverage as I turned and came face to face with...

No one.

"What?" I whispered. Instead, I faced an altar with my picture on it. It struck me as odd, but it had to be a prank or something. My picture isn't exactly hard to find on the internet. 

I come from a long line of elemental masters and warriors sworn to protect those without gifts like ours.

...We're also very wealthy if I'm being honest. I had the gift of crystallization. I could forge weapons out of the air and put armor on my back within seconds as I willed myself to do so. I worked hard to be at the point where I am to be able to control these powers gifted to me by my father, although it wasn't exactly a choice. 

In front of my picture sat a plate of fortune cookies with candles and incense. A weird combination in my opinion. I approached cautiously and grabbed a moon-shaped cookie. Inside lay a piece of paper.  

"Master Chen has personally invited you to participate in his Tournament of Elements. Secrecy is of the utmost importance, tell no one or suffer the consequences." The front of the fortune read.

On the back said, "Meet on the Ninjago City pier at midnight and come alone and unarmed."

After I read I stared at the fortune for a few moments before it popped and sizzled from my hands. 

"Okay. This is weird," I uttered to myself. 

Growing up the way I did, I had access to knowledge greater than I could ever imagine. There's no way this could be the same Master Chen involved in the Serpentine Wars... 

Whoever it was, they meant business, even if it meant using the guise as someone like Chen to take them seriously. 

"This sounds sketchy, not to mention dangerous. My name is too notable. If this really is a Tournament of Elements with others like me, I'd have a clear target on my back..." I thought to myself. I had 4 hours to decide, and decide I did.


At 11:50pm I readied my gear I was taking with me. I deliberated back and forth on whether or not to go, and it took some small lies to get myself away from the house and my father. I suspect he knew it was a lie, though he made no effort to stop me. Looking around, I saw many people and powers I did not recognize, but few I did. The infamous Ninja stood in the middle of the pier, blocking the path. Descendants from speed and form were here, and I did not recognize many other. I wore a black gi with a mask pulled up over the bottom half of my face, to attempt to stay low while I could before someone recognized me. 

Before too long, a large passenger ship approached the docks. Everyone went silent as opposed to the chatter from before. 

A plank was laid between the docks and the ship and an older man with a pinched face and a dark aura stepped forward to advise people to watch their step as they crossed.

I was near the end of the pack, with only the group of ninjas behind me. "There's no going back now..." I hesitated a bit before finally making a move to cross over, however when I did I heard a shout from the end of the docs near land that stopped me. I turned to see who it was.

An older man with graying hair and a mature face came down the docks. He walked briskly and called out to the Green Ninja, Lloyd Garmadon. 

"Lloyd, wait!" He uttered. "If you get on that boat, you may never return," he hissed. His words sent shivers down my spine as he spoke with urgency that struck something within me.

"What are you doing here dad?" The ninja said back. "So this is his father," I thought as my eyes grew wide in realization. This was Lord Garmadon. Previous overtaker of Ninjago, present good guy.

Lord Garmadon proceeded to warn him and the other Ninja, talking about how dangerous Chen is, confirming my suspicions. This was the real Master Chen we would all soon face if we crossed the water.

The son and father went back and forth before the man who greeted us earlier interjected. They knew each other, how though I was unsure. My history was a bit rusty as I had stopped reading the library's extensive research after I hit my teen years. His name was Clouse. They continued bantering back and forth, and I hurried onto the boat without a second thought. I did not want to be on Chen or Clouse's bad side. 

"Last call, are you in or out?" Clouse asked. The Ninja came aboard, and Garmadon attempted to join them. "Sorry, no more room on the ship," Clouse said to him. With a jump onto the plank and a shove to a crewmate, room was made for the boys father. I had to admit, although he seemed old, he was also agile in his age. 

I walked away from the scene, unsure of what I just witnessed. Around the ship I saw people practicing their powers, revealing to me and any other person what I saw. "Amateurs..."

I found a corner of the upper deck to myself and continued to lay low as we sailed through the night. 

{3rd Person POV}

As the Ninja walked through the ship, Garmadon explained the concept of those with elemental powers other than the Ninja's. 

"You were led to believe you were special, yet you never questioned where your powers came from," he said to the naive Ninja following him.

"Uh are you implying that I'm not special?" Jay asked, offended by the man's words.

"Everyone on this ship is a descendent of an original elemental master."

"Elemental Master? Who were they?" Lloyd asked his father.

"They were the first Spinjitzu Master's guardians, each endowed with an elemental power that has been passed down through generations," he explained.

"If that's true, then so is my sister Nya, but she can't do what I can" Kai said with realization. 

"Can't she?" Garmadon fired back at him, "Power lies in all of you. It only needs to be awakened. The fighters here serve no master, and have managed to unlock their own true potential."

He pointed to a man leaning on the roping of the deck. "For instance that pale man. A distant relative to the master of light. Watch closely and you'll see how he's stayed hidden all these years." The man vanished from the air and was then left unseen. 

"Then there's Griffen Turner," he continued as a flash of light whipped around them. "Grandson to the master of speed." Jay began to insult the master of speed, claiming it's not a true elemental power. Garmadon follows back with an insult to his own power of lightning and raises the credibility of that to him.

"Oh snap, he got you there!" Cole said with a grin on his face. 

"And uh, who is she?" Kai asked the sensei, referring to a girl in and orange gi with a hood over her head.

"I don't know," he answered truthfully, "most of these people I have not seen. But they will all be gunning for you. In fact, I suspect the master of Crystal is around her somewhere listening in to us," Garmadon smirked and looked above, meeting eyes with a young woman before she retreated back from the railing. The Ninja caught the slightest glimpse of her before she was unseen once more. 

"The master of Crystal? What in the noodle heck does that even mean?" Cole asked.

"Crystallization to be exact. She can forge weapons to appear in her hands from nowhere, and clothe herself in armor strong enough to withstand any blade. She comes from a long line of elemental masters, a very wealthy family too. All are skilled in the art of combat, and can wield any weapon with efficiency like never seen before. Her name is (Y/n) Bhasura. Her last name even means The Shining God," Garmadon explained.

"How many mystery chicks are on this boat?" Jay asked bewildered. Cole's eyes stayed on the top deck, despite her being out of sight. "Uh earth to earth master helloooo." Jay waved a hand in front of his face, only earning a slap back. His eyes squinted slightly before finally returning to the bottom deck.

{First Person POV}

I locked eyes with the sensei from before on the bottom deck. He has found me listening to his conversation with the Ninja. I took my leave, and after too long, a fight erupted on the bottom deck of the ship between the master of fire and metal. It went on before Clouse finally called it off due to the fact that we had arrived. The island was strange and foreboding as we approached. It had rocky and mountainous terrain with a jungle further back into the island.

The Ninja now know about my position and my family ties, not to mention my elemental powers. 

Upon the island we were met with rows of people chanting in fighting stances as Clouse invited us onto Chen's Island. 

"The Tournament of Elements welcome its brave fighters," he utters as we step off the boat. He says something additionally to Sensei Garmadon that only he could hear as he lead us into the Temple.

I walked passed the Ninja bombarding their sensei with questions, and for a brief moment I locked eyes with the ninja in black. He had shaggy thick hair that framed his face well, and dark shiny eyes. He wore a black gi with a gold dragon on the front, worn from previous wear and tear of the suit. I lowered my eyes at him and kept walking past, not wanting to cause any premature trouble.

As we walked through the temple dawn was beginning to break as the large doors were opened. We walked on a purple carpet lined with percussionists on large bass drums. 

I was sat by the master of nature and another girl I previously did not know. Music over a record player began to sound over the speaker.

"All rise for Master Chen," Clouse ordered us. Everyone did so. A chair lowered down a man with marks over his face and a snake around his neck. He had a threatening presence to him and my heart began to race as I wondered what I truly got myself into. 

"Welcome to the Tournament of Elements! Now everyone can all di-...-rect their attention your attention to me!" He yelled enthusiastically. Many people had confused expressions on their faces. Chen began to go on and on about how special this tournament was, and we all listened carefully for the most part. 

"I see master of fire, earth, shadow, speed, even a prophesied Green savior, and a former pupil has returned," he said with an unnerving giggle. I let out a breath, relieved he didn't pick out me from the crowd. He directed our attention to the anacondrai symbol on his cymbal.  "It's creed- Only one can remain..." 
