Ch. 4: Alliance

Coming out of the bridge in his terrestrial alt-mode, Dreadlock moved a steady pace to avoid any unwanted attention near the nearby squad car. He strolled down the road until he drove by the car and around the nearest mountain peak outlined by the large turn in the road. Once out of sight, he transformed into his blue and gold robotic form and scanned for a Decepticon life signal. He waved it towards the Northeastern side of him and the scanner went rapid. Walking in the direction it indicated, Dreadlock was careful of any sighting of humans, and ran until he was right on top of it. Literally.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. "You think you could take your foot off my leg? I'm only a scrap drone, you know."

Dreadlock looked down at his feet, and sure enough, he was standing on top of a small Decepticon scrap drone. He moved his foot for the drone, and it got up off the ground to stumble over. "Primus, I'm already missing an arm!" "You need medical attention." Dreadlock said. "Ya think?" "Lord Megatron, I've found the Decepticon life signal. It's one of the scrap drone twins." Dreadlock said into his com. " Which one?" Megatron asked. "Wheelie. We're missing Brains still." "Send him through the bridge. I want you to see Knockout about Prime, anyway. He said there has to be some slate that needs to go on the patch to keep it sealed." "We're coming through now, sir."

Carefully picking up the drone, Dreadlock walked through the open bridge and was in Knockout's lab. "Who's this one?" Knockout asked. "Wheelie." "The scrap drone twins? I'm surprised you two are still around." "Lord Megatron said there's something you need me to do." Dreadlock butted in. "Yes, the patch the Prime is wearing is a temporary seal. It has to be replaced every other day. I need you to replace it, seeing as you've done it before." Knockout picked up a metal plate in the shape of a circle that was the same size as the seal, took Wheelie in his hand and gave Dreadlock the plate. "You better report back to Lord Megatron when you're finished." Dreadlock nodded and headed for the cell chamber.


Opening the door with his electronic pass, Dreadlock stepped in, Optimus acknowledged him. "Seal's gotta be replaced." Dreadlock said, holding up the plate. Optimus nodded and straightened his leg.

As Dreadlock was replacing the seal, Optimus was watching him. He couldn't figure out if it was because he wanted to make sure he wasn't going to try anything or what, but it made him uncomfortable.

After a few minutes, he finally said, "You're changing, Dreadlock." "What?" "I can see it in the way you've been acting." Dreadlock looked around. "You got cameras in here or something?"

"I need you to do something for me."

"What?" He met Optimus' optics for a second, the answer dawned over him.

"Woah, Woah..... Woah. Do you have any idea what Lord Megatron might do to me if it did that? You must be out of your fragging mind!"

"You're going to say yes, I can see it."

"What the pit are you talking about? If you're in my helm, please get out of it." Optimus just kept looking at him.

"Okay, yes, I know, I've heard the story. Each year Ryanna gets some of your Energon to keep down her sickness or whatever it is, but I can't do that."

Just keep looking, just keep looking, just keep looking, looking, looking...

"Yeah, but then she would get sick enough to the fact that she won't be able to... Ohhhhhhh! That's why Lord Megatron wanted you prisoner."

"Keep your voice down,"

"Right, right, sorry. But still, how am I gonna be able to pull that off?"

"Do when it is recharge time. Just try to stay quiet."

"I don't know..."
