Maybe a little hope?

The ghosts were busy chatting and squabbling between each other and didn't hear the knock at the door or saw Alison leave to welcome the guest that they had not been informed of.

"Oh it's so lovely to meet you Lieutenant!" Said Alison looking down at this man who was about 100 years old sat in his wheelchair.

"William, please, call me William." Said Havers in return.

"Yes of course! And I'm Alison, and this is.... Mike? MIKE! HE'S ARRIVED!"

At this, the ghosts suddenly got curious. 'Who on earth could be at the door?' Why didn't Alison tell us?' They were looking around at each other with curiosity on their faces when Mary, Robin, Julian and Thomas doubled over and heaved as Mike walked through them to the door. They were so distracted they didn't notice Mike walking through.

"Ah, here he is. Finally" said Alison sarcastically to Havers, trying to be a comedian, though everyone told her that she sucks at it. And obviously Havers' expression didn't change a bit at Allison's remark.. obviously. She got over herself and introduced the two men to each other.

"Anyway, this is Mike" she said getting over herself, she still thought her joke was rather funny.

Mike helped Havers into the house, as Havers looked around in melancholy at where the old stations were and how different it looked all of these decades later.

"You were the very model of a modern major general." Said Havers looking up towards the ceiling. By now the Captain had entered the 'living room' as Alison called it, and heard Havers voice and got immediately excited.

"And you were the very model of a modern left-tenant" answered the Captain, joyfully yet at the same time, sadly. It was amazing for him to see Havers again, but it's not the same cause Havers couldn't see him. Or see at all for that matter, he had gone blind in one eye and had a cataract in the other eye.

"Thank you Alison, you have no idea how much this means to me to see him again, after all this time" the Captain gave a thoughtful look towards Havers, and Alison picked up on it straight away. It seemed strange, like love, but she guessed it was just his way of showing facial emotion.

Alison and Mike helped Havers onto the couch and asked him if he would like anything to drink, "just an Earl Grey tea please. Oh! And if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, I was wondering if you could play me some music?"

"Yes of course! What do you listen to?" Replied Alison, keen to see what music taste a man as old as him would have.

"I rather like Adam and the Ants, it just speaks to me as a military man, and I'm sure my lov....... Captain would agree." Alison was VERY curious now, was he about to say 'my love??'

"Of course I can, give me a second... any specific song? Or just shuffle all of his songs?"

"Just put it on shuffle please." Answered Havers.

The first song to play was Kings of the Wild Frontier, and the Captain liked it already. He had missed Havers greatly, and was so happy for him to be there.
