Chapter 2: meeting again + meeting the idiots (the Ninkynonks)

It was that time already, the end of the six week holidays and time to for Logan to go to school, he had been pretty worried since this is a whole new school, new people, new classes, new everything! He was worried he wouldn't make friends since he was bullied in his last school..but he kept a positive mindset and told himself he's going to be fine.

The past few weeks bobby and Logan had been snapping and messaging each other non stop and Logan just couldn't get that day at the coffee shop out of his mind, he lounged in bed for a little while longer just day dreaming about Bobby when his mum barged in "LOGAN! GET UP NOW YOU LAZY SHIT YOU'RE GONNA MISS THE BUS!" Logan's mum yelled at the lazy fatty.

"Ugh I'm getting up!" He groaned.

he got up to get dressed for school and then quickly rushed out the door so he didn't miss his bus.

The bus ride was boring, he had his headphones in listening to My Chemical Romance to block out the sound of all the noisy children. How can they all be this energetic at 8:00 on the first day of school?

Logan stared out the window and wished that Bobby were here with him, he'd only known Bobby for a few weeks but it feels like an eternity, like they've been best friends since childhood.

The bus made a stop, kids were pushing their way to get off, of course it was the year 7s.
Logan stepped out the bus and there stood tall in front was the school. He took a deep breath and hoped for the best.

Like usual he went to form first thing, the corridors were busy but he made it there eventually, when he arrived his eyes scanned the room when a familiar face caught his eye, couldn't be!
It was Bobby!
Logan sat down at the front smiling to himself. *Oh my god! I can't believe he's in the same school with me<3* he thought to himself.
The teacher handed out the lesson plans to everyone, Logans didn't look so bad, but he didn't know where any of the classes were, I mean it was his first day after all. He folded the paper up twice and stuck it in his blazer pocket, when form ended he rushed up to talk with Bobby.

"Bobby! It's me Logan!" He beamed, Bobby turned in shock to see the boy from the coffee shop standing in front of him. "Oh my goodness hi! It's so great to see you again!" Bobby smiled. "I didn't know you went to the same school-! what lessons do you have?" Logan asked.

They showed each other their lesson plans and luckily they had some lessons together, "we have English right now. But I don't know where the classroom is..." Logan said, "neither do I, we can probably ask for directions though, come on!"

-time skip-

Finally, after wondering around like two lost puppies and tripping over many staircases and years 7s, the two finally found their classroom. But luckily since it's the first day the teacher let them off for being late.

The lesson was pretty boring, they were just reading some poetry which Logan was not a fan of...But that's not the reason he wasn't paying attention. Because he was just staring at Bobby the whole time (He was also thinking about what he's gonna have for lunch the fat little git)

Bobby was actually quite smart for a person who looked so stupid, he was answering a lot of questions and seemed quite engaged in the lesson. Logan felt quite inspired and it just made him fall for him even more.

-Lunch time-

"Hey Bobby, what did you get for lunch?" Logan asked with his fat mouth full of food.

"Oh I got a tuna baguette! It's really good."

Logan could tell that by the way he was stuffing it in his mouth like he hadn't eaten in ages. " you wanna meet my friends?" Bobby asked him.
"Oh sure!" Logan thought that maybe if he met Bobby's friends they would be friends with him too! He was pretty lonely since it was his first day and everything.

They walked over to a table were some kids were laughing and talking REALLY loudly. There were four kids sitting down and another standing next to them, but by the looks of things they didn't really seem to like the kid.

"Hey guys! This is Logan the new kid, Logan these are my friends."

"We aren't your friends fat man." One of the boys sitting down said, he had long black hair and he was wearing a mask.
"Okay. So Logan this is Barry!" He introduced the guy who had just spoken.

"That's Kori." He looked at a boy with blond hair and glasses. "Hi." Kori said awkwardly.

"That's Matthew." Matthew had brown hair and glasses. He didn't say anything he just kinda stared into my soul, freaky.

"Oh and that's Livi!" A friendly looking short girl smiled and waved at me.

"And I'm Archie!" The chubby kid with blond hair that was standing up said, he introduced himself since nobody else wanted to because they didn't like him.

Bobby's "friends" seemed pretty weird, but Logan didn't really care. He listened to Bobby's conversation with them for a little while when he noticed a poster on the wall

"SCHOOL TALENT SHOW" it read, Logan hadn't really any talent but for some reason considered it. Maybe him and Bobby could do something together..the thought of it made him blush. It said that the talent show would take place 3 weeks from now.

"Hey guys look." Livi said pointing to the poster I was just looking at, "haha that's gay" Barry laughed. Logan disagreed with him but kept his opinions silent since he didn't really know these people and wanted to ovoid being picked on...

"Anyways, fuck off fat man." Barry said abruptly, geez okay.
"Agh shut up Barry." Bobby rolled his eyes and walked off to an empty table, Logan followed.

"So...Bobby what did you think of that talent show?" Logan asked nervously, he wanted to see if Bobby was interested and maybe was willing to enter with him.

"It looks good, why?" Bobby raised an eyebrow. Anxiety rushed through Logan's body, what if he makes fun of him?? "Well- uh- I wanted to..sing." Logan blurted out without a thought.
"Really? Cool! Maybe we could enter together?" Bobby suggested with a large grin plastered on his face.

*Me..and Bobby! Singing together????* Logan thought to himself. Of course He had to say yes!
"Yeah..I'd like that! How about we could..maybe hang out at my house on Saturday? To practice!-" Logan beamed, "Yes!- I mean yes." Bobby agreed.

"That's great! I can text you the address when I get home." Logan said. Bobby nodded in response.
They both awkwardly smiled at each other before the loud bell rang startling the whole common room. "Oop- gotta go to English!" Logan grabbed his bags quickly, he had a sudden urge to get out of there ASAP.

"Oh- uh- bye then!" Bobby shouted at Logan who was dashing out of the common room, faster than the flash.

*why do I feel like this, I felt so warm and fuzzy..and..giddy? What is this feeling...why was I in a rush to get away?* Logan overthought to himself.
