Chapter 10

"I-i'm not gonna make it.." "d-don't say that!!y-you're going to be okay!!"

It had been a few hours since you and Peridot had arrived at the beach house,and still no one was home yet. It was getting late and Peridot was still stuck with her cracked gem. It was quite odd,you had never thought you would see a gem die from their gem cracking, you were,that exact thing close to happening.

You didn't dare leave her side. Soon,the door was busted open. "Tanzanite!!Peridot!!we came as fast as we could!!" Pearl ran over,along with the others. Looks like they found her. "Wait,h-how did you guys know?" "We heard a voice near the beach telling us Peridot was in danger and needed our help" explained Amethyst. Huh,odd.. "so,what's t— O-OH MY GOD,P-PERIDOT..!!!" Pearl screamed in horror at the sight. "Wh-what happened?!h-how do we fix it?!" "W-we don't know!!w-we thought Steven could heal her.." "I can do that". Steven licked his palm and rested it on Peridot's gem.

It had somewhat helped,only,the missing piece messed with her form and now her skin had strange patterns growing on it. Screaming in pain,she fell to the ground crying. "P-Peridot!!" You screamed,kneeling down to her height. "I-i'm sorry!!" Steven apologized in terror, "I-I thought it would help her!!" He panicked as he knelt beside her as well. Her hair became messy and longer and her mouth turned into a beetle's mouth as her legs became bug legs. She was now taller and looked nothing like herself,more terrifying.

"Steven!!Tanzanite!!get away from her!!" Pearl yelled. You both just stared up at the monster before you in horror,Steven's eyes filling with tears. "I-I don't understand!!" Steven cried, "t-this isn't what I wanted!!I-I never wanted to lose you!!I-I tried to save you and I f-failed..!!" He cried,tears streaming down his face,the monster staring down at him with it's beady bug eyes,lifting it's arm to attack. Garnet,Pearl,and Amethyst ran towards it,Garnet grabbing Steven and you and getting you away from the monster.

Amethyst wrapped it in her whip so it couldn't move while Pearl attacked at it as it screeched in pain. "Stop!!y-you're hurting her!!" Steven begged,trying to get out of Garnet's grip. Pearl swung her spear at her,poofing her. The beetle like monster screeched in pain as it fell over,now just a gem on the ground. "No!!!!" Steven cried,breaking free from Garnet's grip as he ran towards the triangular gem. "P-Peridot..?" You whimpered,walking towards it as tears filled your eyes. "W-we could have saved her.." Steven sobbed,holding her gem in his hands. Garnet walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Steven,she was too far gone to be saved". She took the gem from his hands and bubbled it,sending it off to the basement.

Steven began crying harder. It hurt so much. He tried to save her,but it didn't work..

You and the other gems hugged him tightly,sadness filling the air. That day,was one of the most unfortunate days for the Crystal Gems. You couldn't help but wonder how hard Lapis would take this when she found out..

(Later that night..)
No one had said a word after Peridots corruption. It was completely silent. Steven went right to bed,Peridot's crying and screams engraved into his mind. It was nearly impossible for the poor kid to sleep after what had happened. He had woken up at least 5 times after repeating nightmares replaying the scene all over again each time he tried to go back to sleep and ended up staying up all night,the guilt and horror haunting him. Her cracked gem,her cries and screams,the corruption..

He had tried to convince himself it was all just a bad dream that he would wake up from and Peridot would be okay,but he knew she was gone.

A/N:[hey guys,sorry for the short sad chapter!I wanted this one to mainly showcase how the characters were handling this situation. Next chapter will focus on how they're behaviors and how they're handling Peridot's loss is going. Byyee!!]
