Chapter 14

Draco's pov

Living in the muggle world for the past two years has been... Something. It's unbelievable how stupid everyone was. I mean like seriously they thought it would be fun to judge Harry and I because we were the youngest ones in that damned high school and they thought it was fun to harass us because we were what they called 'fags'. Who calls people cigars? I don't understand these people. But at least right now Harry and I are graduating high school at the age of 11. Last week we got our Hogwarts letters so two months after finishing high school, we are going to start a new school... Fun. Muggle school was already worse then Azkaban... I think. I mean I heard that the dementors are cold and sucks the joy out of you, that seems like the muggle teachers. I'm just glad we are done with this place.

After the graduation ceremony in which Harry being valedictorian and me being salutatorian, obviously. We went home and after locking the dursleys up in that tiny room, we 'celebrated'. The muggle dementors said that they were coming to to the houses of the valedictorian and the salutatorian, so we have to stay here and 'celebrate'.

I grabbed Orion, my baby brother. It was was weird he appeared like nine months after I came to the muggle world. I asked my mom where he came from but she said that he came out of her... What does that even mean.(a/n. dammit fuck man Draco is so innocent.)

Anyway I was sitting with Orion while Harry was sitting with Diana, waiting for the muggle dementors.

"Mommy can I have cake, please." Diana asked.

Aunt Rosie rubbed her fat stomach and nodded, there is a baby in there I'm not being rude readers. "Only a small piece, OK." a small piece was cut for her and put on a plate for her and she just naturally started sharing with Orion. There is no doubt in my mind that they are going to be mates. Just then there was a knock on the door. Uncle Nick went to open the door and our homeroom teacher and principal was standing there. Oh joy...

"Please come in." uncle nick said with a small smile.

"Oh thank you. "our homeroom teacher, Mrs Muller giggle and smiled flirtatiously, showing her yellowish teeth. "Let's discuss your children please. Draco and Hadrian should probably leave the room. "

"Why should they?" Father asked rather offensively.

"Father it's alright." I grabbed Harry's hand and we went to go hide so that we could listen into their conversations after we gave them the tiny ones.

"You see your children are... Weird." said principal Arendse.

"Weird?" uncle nick questioned.

"Yes you see your sons are the smartest kids I know but I'm afraid to tell you that... They might be homosexuals." I covered Harry's mouth to prevent him from laughing.

"We know. Harry asked me to buy him skirts and he is always talking about how 'unbelievably handsome' Draco is." I smiled smugly at Harry and he rolled his eyes.

"You do realize that being a homosexual is a sin, right?"

"Where in the Bible does it say that?"

"... Uh Genesis?"

"Leviticus, Dumbass."

"oh... Well Harry made the lights flicker during class and I thought I saw Dracos eyes turn purple."

"Well then maybe you're just crazy."

"But there were numerous people who have seen it."

"I don't care. You are making hate crime so I want you to leave at once!" we waited until we heard the door open and close to stick our heads out from our hiding spot.

"Harry did you know we were homosexual?" I asked over dramatically sarcastic.

"I did not know that draco." Harry said just as over dramatically sarcastic, making the adults laugh.

"OK jokes aside, Hogwarts start in two months. Severus will be drilling work into your brains and you will not rest until you have memorised your entire text books. Word for word."Uncle Nick said threatening us making Orion actually cry out of fear.

"Damn ravenclaws"said all the adults excluding uncle Nickm

Wow out of Azakban and straight into hell.

-timeskip to two months-

It's so good. It's too much. I can't.
I woke up gasping because I just had a very weird dream about a naked Harry and I don't know how to feel. Why is it so hard down there. It hurts. I got out of bed and went to my parents room. I knocked and a very tired Lucius Malfoy stepped out.

"Draco? WhaAAAAAH are you doing up?"Father asked with a yawn

"Its hard."I said.

"What?"father looked at me wide eyed. I pointed down and Fathers eyes for got impossibly wide, "Uhm... Does Harry know about that?"


"Did you have a dream?"


"Was Harry naked?"

"Um... Yes."

"Was Harry under you? "


"We're you putting your penis in and out of him repeatedly?"

"Yes. Is that normal."


"Is that sex?"


"How do I get rid of it?"

"Take a cold shower and go sleep. Tomorrow we'll talk more about this topic." I nodded and went back to my bedroom. I went to go take a cold shower like Father said and when it finally went down I went to bed.

"Draco?" a sleepy Harry asked.

"Yes Harry?"

"Why are you so cold? "

"I took a cold shower."


"Father said I must."

"Your family is weird."

"Yeah... Harry can you make me warm." I asked looking at him. He straddled my waist and cuddled up to me. Harry as a blanket feels nice. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed happily," I love you Harry."

"I love you too Draco." I then went to go sleep with a smile on my face .
I'm in a romantic mood guys also...
if there are males who are reading this... What's it like having a penis.

Bye lovelies!πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’—
