22. Fond Memories

As planned, Ingo leaves the settlement early afternoon to talk to his fellow warden, Calaba.

He goes back the route you came from that same morning and crosses the Cloudpool Ridge to reach Brava Arena.

Following the stone torches and ornaments, he hears an exquisite melody and carefully climbs the stairs made of logs and clay.

He then catches sight of Bibarel joyfully tapping his tail on the ground and Lord Ursaluna clapping his big paws in rhythm with the sound of Calaba's flute, while Lady Liligant dances and hums heartily.

Ingo stands still, his arms crossed behind his back. He listens to the song until the end and humbly salutes the Noble Liligant, who elegantly bows at her audience. He then approaches Calaba and Ursaluna, who lets out a cheerful cry before giving Ingo a gentle poke.

"Good afternoon, Lord Ursaluna, I trust you are well."

The Pokémon grunts amicably and turns to Calaba, who seems to be busy tending to the leaves and petals of Lady Liligant.

"Good afternoon, Warden Calaba and Bibarel. How are you? It has been a while."

"Good afternoon Warden Ingo. I'm good, thank you. Long time no see, indeed. What took you ages?"

Seeing Ingo's stunned expression, she resumes in a dry tone:

"By the way, I saw you and that young person walking along the Brava Arena on the way to the Diamond Settlement, very early this morning."

"That is correct, I was accompanying them home, whereupon I spoke with Lord Adaman and had lunch. To be perfectly candid, until today, I did not know you were at Brava Arena. But it is logical that you stay here in Arezu's absence."

"How's the lass going?"

"Excellent! As cheerful and passionate as usual. Her business is thriving."

"Good on her. I'm glad she's doing something she enjoys thoroughly. Keep an eye on her, will you? Tell her that if the folks there are unkind to her, she can always come back. Lady Liligant misses her dearly."

"I will."


He adjusts his hat and smiles softly.

"It's good to see you too, Warden Calaba."

Bibarel friendly squeaks, whereas Calaba's expression remains stern. She speaks up:

"Lady Liligant, you're becoming more beautiful and agile every day. Tomorrow, I'll play a faster tune to keep you entertained."

The Pokémon chirps and bounces with joy before making great acrobatic leaps to show the extent of her talent. Then, she retires further up the mountain, under the admiring eye of Ursaluna and Bibarel.

Calaba then picks up her basket full of plants and carries it on her back. The bear and the beaver too are ready to depart.

"Now then, Warden Ingo, walk with me. Let's chat."

"Of course, Warden Calaba."

Ingo silently walks next to Calaba, who is leading them to the Shrouded Ruins.

"I know what you're thinking, Warden Ingo. We're going towards Lake Valor because there's something I'd like to show you.", she explains.

They cross the forest and climb down several slopes before reaching a clearing near a river flowing from the lake.

"There.", she points with a serious face at the wide space in front of them and looks at Ingo, who is quiet. "That's where that young person was found by Akari and Adaman."

Ingo diligently scans the area before shaking his head.

"Lord Adaman was right. It is as if nothing ever took place."

"Ursaluna and I helped him as well, when the Galaxy Team folks were searching for clues. However, even our dear Ursaluna's unparalleled sense of smell didn't detect anything out of the ordinary."

Ingo wonders what would have happened to your body, should Lord Adaman and Miss Akari had not found you. Either wild Pokémon would have gotten to you first, either it would have vanished all together within the distortion.

"Lucky for them, Akari was inspecting this zone."


"So, what's with all the fuss about them? I think they're called (Name), aren't they? I take that they're a faller like you and Akari?"


"Is that why Adaman and Irida entrusted them to you? I didn't expect you, of all people, to have so much free time on your hands."

"That's because (Name) and I have been old acquaintances for many cycles, back in our world."

Calaba's eyes are now wide open.

"Warden Ingo, you're pulling my leg.", she replies, doubtful.

"I guarantee you that I am not. To put it in a nutshell, despite the fact that I have been in Hisui for a very, very long time, it has only been several months since my actual disappearance in the world I come from. (Name) has been looking for me ever since, and has succeeded in doing so, albeit they are unable to remember how they arrived here as well..."

"Another amnesiac!? Good grief! These stories are starting to give me a headache... The whole situation's becoming overly complicated, and what for? Trifles!"

"I would not define such tragic events as trifles, Warden Calaba..."

"The space-time distortions and the rifts all happened because the Galaxy folks showed up in our ancestral land!"

"But I landed in Hisui long before the Galaxy Team settlers did..."

"Tsssk... To my knowledge, no one knows if you actually fell from the sky or even where you came from! That brute of Gaeric said he found you wandering all the way up in the mountains like a lost Rufflet! How are you even sure that this (Name) isn't lying to you about all of it?!"

"(Name) isn't a liar. They unquestionably know me very intimately. Also, I can still remember them a little. They have been part of my visions and dreams, along with my brother..."

"What brother? You've got a brother, now?"

"I do. A twin brother, whose name is Emmet."

Calaba places the palm of her hand on her forehead and exhales heavily.

"Aaah... You know what? A fat lot of good that does me right now knowing that there are two oddballs of your kind in the universe birthed by the Creator..."

"My brother is not an oddball... I think."

"If you're twins, then he absolutely is!"

Ingo pinches his lips together, visibly disapproving his colleague's remark. However, he does not utter a word, as he is aware that Calaba means him no harm.

"All right, Warden Ingo. Will you do me the honour of coming over to have a tea with me, or have you got better things to do?"

"My plan was to spend some time together and bring you the latest news from the Alabaster Icelands. Thus, if you are happy to have me, I have plenty of time ahead of me today."

"Very well. Please note that it's quite the trek. If you get tired of walking, Ursaluna will carry you."

"Oh, that won't be necessary, but I am grateful for your worrying about me. However, wouldn't you prefer to have him carry you instead?"

"Warden Ingo, what are you implying?", she cuts him in.

"Pardon me? I was not implying anyth--"

She pipes up:

"I may be ninety-nine years old, but my legs are still strong! Unlike your skinny legs! Aren't you the wielder of a Machamp? And aren't you working with that tall and muscular lady, whose name I can't remember... hmm..."

"Hum, Captain Zisu?"

"Whatever! Can't these two train you? Having fun with Pokémon may be nice and all, but you should think about your own health too! Look at your posture! Are you even eating properly?"

Calaba keeps grumbling, while Ingo keeps his cool and obediently accompanies her through the bog.

"By the way, Warden Calaba.", Ingo finally chimes in, as soon as he catches sight of the Diamond Settlement on the other side of the river. "Lord Adaman requested that I pass to you his heartfelt thanks for your exemplary work with Lord Ursaluna and Lady Liligant. He also reiterated his invitation to come and live in his village."

"Adaman may now be in the good graces of our leader Irida and the Pearl clan, but I still can't bear him and his folks. Besides, I'm very happy where I live."

"Is that so... I was under the impression that you were particularly fond of Mistress Tulsi?"

Ingo immediately looks away as soon as Calaba shoots daggers at him.

"And you think you're so smart? Are you proud of yourself, Warden Ingo?"

"I d-did not mean to offend you... It is simply because Lord Adaman advised that you brought some medicinal plants to Mistress Tulsi, when (Name) was still unconscious."

"I did. What of it?"

"I would like to express all my gratitude for your help. It is thanks to you that (Name) is now feeling better. So, thank you, Warden Calaba."

Calaba cracks a faint smile.

"I'm glad to hear they've recovered from their injuries. They were pretty bad. Though, you've had worse, yourself... Besides, you should be thanking Tulsi, not me. She's the one who nursed your friend back to health."

"It is true, I won't fail to do so."

Passing the Solaceon Ruins, they go around the Scarlet Bog and walk along a series of brooks.

"Warden Ingo, do you remember the day you caught Tangela in the Gapejaw Bog?"

He glimpses at that area.

"Ah, yes, I do, actually. And what a day that was!"

Ingo's seemingly amused tone is not to Calaba's liking.

"It's not funny. I certainly did not find it funny."

"It was not funny, but I will always recall it fondly. After all, this is when you and I became friends!"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"S-so, you do not consider us as friends, Warden Calaba?", enquires Ingo worriedly.

She rolls her eyes.

"Fine, if you want. We're good friends.", she grins scoffingly.

They arrive at the Bogbound Camp, where some Galaxy Team members and their Pokémon are resting. They courteously greet the two wardens when Ursaluna suddenly runs in their direction, prompting them to yelp or jump out of fear as the Pokémon is intently snuffing their crates.

"Calm down, you idiots! He only smelled the mushrooms and berries you collected!"

"W-Warden C-Calaba! Warden I-Ingo! Please make him go away! W-we'll do anything!"

"Be more respectful of our Noble Ursaluna!"

"Could you please perhaps offer one or two berries in order to satiate Lord Ursaluna's hunger? We will then be on our way...", diplomatically suggests Ingo.

One of the Galaxy Team members shakily hands over half a dozen berries to Ursaluna, who yaps gratefully. Swaying happily, he shows them to Bibarel and Calaba.

"Are we done here? Let us move on."

"We bid you a good afternoon, Gentlemen!", says Ingo, tilting his cap.

"Have you seen that, Warden Ingo? What a lack of judgment! How incompetent!"

"If I may, Warden Calaba, Lord Ursaluna may look intimidating for those who do not know him very well..."

"There is no other Pokémon as good and as upright as my darling Ursaluna!"

"I did not say otherwise..."

They all eventually reach Ursa's Ring, where is located Calaba's quaint house.

"Here we are, Warden Ingo. Please make yourself at home."

"Much obliged."

"Please light the fire, will you? The tea leaves are on the shelf. Ursaluna, I'll bring you some snacks right away!"

Calaba and Bibarel give him his favourite food. Once he is done eating, Ursaluna growls with satisfaction, bows his head and waddles away.

When the warden and her Pokémon return inside, Ingo has already set the table and is about to take the kettle out of the fire.

"I took the liberty of opening your cupboards and placing sweets on the table... Please forgive my rudeness. I have not brought anything because I did not schedule this stopover."

"No need to apologise, Warden Ingo, thank you kindly. Now, sit down and let me pour you some tea. You're my guest."

She serves the hot water into the cups.

"By the way, (Name) and I encountered Coin in the Alabaster Forest.", recounts Ingo.

"What a rather unpleasant encounter, if you want to ask me."

Ingo stays quiet, unwilling to denigrate the young woman.

"I suggested to her to return to the Pearl Clan, but she turned me down."

"The poor child is quite lost, eh... Coin and her damned sisters have been causing us so many troubles, lately. I hope she gets back on the right track."

Calaba pets Bibarel, who nibbles on an Oran berry.

"What's (Name)'s impression of all of this?"

"It is still hard to cope sometimes, however they have adapted very well to their new life. They make friends easily, Humans and Pokémon alike."

"Ah, that's a good sign. They'll never lack support wherever they go."

"I will ensure they won't."

"They must have been quite overjoyed to see you again, after all this time."

"They were... Even if..."

His heart clenches.

"What happened?"

"I-I did not recognise them on the moment. I scrambled to remember who they were. It was sorely painful to watch their saddened expression."

"They've got to understand your predicament, too. It wasn't easy for you, either."

"I believe that they do understand... We are all right, now..."

"That's good. I guess you're now trying to figure out how to get back to your brother Emmet, aren't you?"

Ingo blankly gazes at her before examining his own reflection in the golden liquid.

"Yes. (Name) and I would like to talk to Miss Akari and work out a solution together."

"Hopefully three brains and pairs of arms will do the job."

She sips from her cup and studies Ingo's face.

"How do you feel?"


Ingo cannot seem to find the words he is looking for.

"I am content... But this feels like an understatement... I am rather... Grateful."

He becomes agitated.

"I want to say I am blissful... I-I am also..."

Tears roll down his cheeks.

He crosses his arms on the table and grips each of them tightly, before laying down his head in between.

"I... I am relieved.", he weeps. "I-I am so, so thankful someone found me... Yet, I find it extremely stressful, too... I-I am anxious it may all be just a-an illusion... I-it is scary."

Calaba slowly moves closer to Ingo, places one hand on his arm and gently strokes the back of his head with the other. Bibarel pats Ingo's back to cheer him up, too.

"There, there. It's all right, don't be afraid. This time, it isn't an illusion. It's real. You must believe it."

He continues sobbing and sniffling another couple of minutes before eventually pulling himself together and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"M-my sincerest apology, Warden Calaba..."

"I've seen worse... Oh!"

Her sudden reaction startles Ingo and Bibarel. She stands up and goes to her chest, taking out a box.

"I stumbled across it the other day and thought it was time to return it to you."

She opens it and Ingo looks at its content.

It is a long, thin piece of blue fabric.

"What is it?"

"Did you forget about it? Well, it's been many cycles already... It's the ribbon you used to wear around your collar."

"Oh! You are actually right, Warden Calaba. So, this is where it has been!"

Ingo examines it with wonder. Calaba giggles:

"I remember that day, when our former leader sent you down here in the Mirelands and asked me to teach you the ropes. You were still wearing your impeccable white fancy little shirt, with the blue ribbon tied around your neck... I was very harsh on you. Even cruel. I made fun of your gawkiness. You couldn't take one step in front of the other without sloshing and wallowing in the mud, falling flat on your butt because you didn't even know where to put your feet. Your nice coat was covered in dirt and Tangela had to pull you out of the puddles more than once. You were quite the sorry sight!"

Lost in her memory, she prolongedly inhales and keeps on:

"My wicked attitude came back to bite me soon after. I slipped and broke my leg... I remember being so upset about it, whereas you just calmly took care of my wound. You ordered Tangela to wrap her tentacles around my leg and to hold a stick to keep it straight. You then untied your ribbon and expertly applied a tourniquet. You were collected, sure of your actions, so I asked if you were a doctor. You replied that you didn't know, but recalled being trained in first aid. Tangela and Bibarel fetched some Medicinal Leeks, from which we extracted the juice. Afterwards, you carried me in your arms and took me back to the Diamond Clan to be treated accordingly, despite my vehement opposition. I'm glad you didn't listen to me!"

"I knew you meant well, Warden Calaba. I never took offence in your words, because what transpired to me was that you were concerned about my wellbeing."

She smiles faintly and holds his hand:

"Thank you, Warden Ingo. I'm relieved to hear that. You know, I've thought for the longest time that you were the type of man who does anything you're being told to, no questions asked. I was unsure whether you were a simpleton, or very lost and avid to please as to not be kicked out of the Pearl Clan. Little by little, I came to realise who you really were - a selfless and caring man, committed to others. That's why people trust you and feel safe around you. You can fulfil anyone's expectation effortlessly. That's your talent."

Ingo's eyes lock onto hers. He squeezes her hand even tighter, and says:

"Thank you very much for your words of comfort, Warden Calaba. Albeit, I am uncertain if that is my talent. That is... Who I am. I have understood many cycles ago that it was my nature to support others. I remember (Name) and I discussing it, once... I cannot say when that was exactly, as the memory is too faint... But I told them that when working for somebody, I believed it was important to establish trust with that person. And to do that, you must be strong enough to protect those around you in an emergency. I want to place myself in the service of others, do something useful for them. I want to see them happy. That is where I find myself... I wonder if my thought process makes sense to you?"

"It does."

She pats his hand before letting go of it with a knowing smile:

"So, Warden Ingo, when are you introducing me to that special (Name) of yours?"

He is sightly taken aback by Calaba's wording.

"Would tomorrow morning suit you, Warden Calaba? I will take them to the Brava Arena at your earliest convenience. I do not wish to disturb you more than necessary."

"You never bother me, Warden Ingo. I imagined you'd know it by now, after so many cycles."

His cheeks turn pink.

"T-thank you, Warden Calaba."

In response, she pours him some more tea and brings more food.

"Care for sharing dinner with your fellow warden? Your Pokémon are also invited."

"With great pleasure!"

The two of them, assisted by Bibarel, start cooking and merrily reminiscing some more.

Ingo asks:

"Why are you unwilling to admit your feelings to Mistress Tulsi?"

"Eh. Someone's in a sentimental mood.", she chuckles. "... Because it's behind me."

"It does not seem so, at least to me..."

"Why don't you stick to your own knitting?", she bluntly retorts.

Seeing Ingo's insisting expression, she gives in.

"Why, you little Nosepass... Fine. What would be the point after all these cycles? I don't want to force my feelings onto her so dramatically, as we're happy the way we presently are. And talking about it won't get us far."

"Perhaps she would still be pleased to know, in spite of all those cycles."

"Tssk! You know, Tulsi is much younger than me. Back then, she wanted to learn about medicinal plants, but was terrified of venturing too far because of wild Pokémon. Nevertheless, she was very motivated and keen. She'd follow me everywhere like a Ponyta foal. It was... sweet."

Her smile fades:

"But she belonged to the Diamond Clan. The folks back there weren't as tolerant, so many cycles ago. You know the expression good fences make good neighbours. Regardless, her parents got her to marry someone from their own clan. Fortunately, he was a very good man who truly cared about her and strived to make her happy. She gave up on studying... She loved their children, who thrived. After her husband passed away, she completely devoted herself to her grand-children."

She closes her eyes:

"We'd chat to each other sometimes, but nothing felt the same any more. Plus, I became too busy tending to Lord Ursaluna's needs. He and Bibarel took great care of me during that period. Nowadays, I'm just glad when we cross path in the village and exchange a few words, but I'd rather not go there without a specific reason. Tulsi was extremely worried about (Name) and sought my help to prepare the proper ointment. When I saw her so determined, it brought me back... Although many cycles have passed, she hasn't changed at all."

She blinks, as if she is waking up from a reverie.

"Anyhow! Warden Ingo, you shouldn't delay in telling (Name) how thankful you are. You never know what could happen to any of you. Look at you vanishing on them out of the blue! It'd be a shame if you missed your chance."

A voice resonates from far away:

˙̸̲̲̲̲͇̲̯̲̅̋ǝ̴̲̲̲̲͖̲͋̍ʌ̶̲̲̲̲̬̲͂͌๏̵̲̲̲̙̲̒ɭ̸̲̲̲̲̂ͅ ̷̲̲̲̲̟̲͕̲̇̕ย̵̛̲̲̲̣̲̥̲๏̵̲̲̲̲͖̲̽̉ ̵̲̲̲̖̲͂ʇ̸̡̲̲̲̲̉ภ̷̲̲̲̠̲̺̲͛๏̵̲̲̲̲̹̲̥̲̑̕ ̶̲̲̲̲̲̈̓͜ร̷̲̲̲͚̲̑ร̶̲̲̲̳̲͉̲̒ı̶̲̲̲̲̥̲̺̲̄̆ɯ̷̲̲̲͚̲̮̲̿ ̷̲̲̲̲͉̲͋̽๏̴̲̲̲̲̪̲̤̲̿̆ʇ̴̲̲̲̳̲̟̲̈́ ̷̲̲̲̲͍̲́̉ʇ̵̲̲̲̹̲͝ย̷̲̲̲̲̲͎̲̈̃ͅɐ̵̲̲̲̘̲̘̲͆ʍ̴̲̲̲̲̹̲̾̚ ̷̲̲̲̲͈̲̈́͆ʇ̷̲̲̲̲̲̹̲̌͆͜ย̶̲̲̲͍̲́๏̴̲̲̲̼̲̿ק̸̲̲̲̲̙̲̈́̐ ̸̲̲̲̪̲͍̲͐ภ̶̛̲̲̲̲̻̲͋๏̵̡̛̲̲̲̲̲̎ʎ̵̲̲̲̝̲̗̲̆ ̴̲̲̲̜̲̏ɟ̴̲̲̲̲͎̲̝̲̏͑ı̷̲̲̲̙̲͝ ̵̲̲̲̲͖̲̃͠ย̶̲̲̲̲̙̲̂͐๏̷̨̲̲̲̲̏๏̸̡̲̲̲̲̮̲̊ร̴̲̲̲̲͎̲́̚ ̴̲̲̲̲͙̲̰̲͆̓ร̵̲̲̲̭̲̬̲͂ร̶̡̲̲̲̲̲͛̑ǝ̷̲̲̲̝̲͎̲̎ɟ̷̲̲̲̺̲̉ย̴̲̲̲̲̱̲̖̲̀͘๏̸̲̲̲̲̥̲̌̀ɔ̶̲̲̲̬̲̲͘ͅ ̸̡̲̲̲̳̲̲̿ק̷̲̲̲̜̲͊ɭ̵̲̲̲̭̲͛ภ̴̲̲̲̲̘̲̑̀๏̴̲̲̲͇̲͑ɥ̸̲̲̲̲̺̲͒̏ร̵̲̲̲̲̞̲̮̲̎̃ ̸̨̲̲̲̲̲͎̲̿͠ภ̶̲̲̲̮̲̊๏̶̲̲̲̲͚̲̉̇⅄̴̲̲̲̲͎̲͐̕ ̸̲̲̲̼̲̩̲͆˙̶̲̲̲̹̲́ʎ̷̲̲̲̣̲̳̲̌ק̸̲̲̲̲̫̲̈́ͅɐ̵̲̲̲̲̣̲̬̲̀͝ǝ̴̲̲̲̺̲͗ɹ̸̲̲̲̲̺̲͇̲̔̕ɭ̷̲̲̲̲͍̲͉̲͒̂ɐ̷̨̲̲̲̲̕ ̷̲̲̲̲͔̲̀̒ɹ̵̲̲̲̲̝̲̿̎ɐ̴̡̲̲̲̲̇ǝ̸̲̲̲̲̘̲̯̲̔͌ʎ̵̲̲̲̲̳̲͐͝ ̷̲̲̲̲̾͜ɐ̶̲̲̲͔̲̟̲̇ ̶̢̲̲̲̲̲̉̊ɹ̷̲̲̲͔̲̀ǝ̸̲̲̲̫̲̲̀ͅʌ̴̢̲̲̲̲̲̃̀๏̴̲̲̲͎̲͂ ̴̡̲̲̲̲̩̲̈́ย̴̡̲̲̲̲̟̲̲͒̑ǝ̴̲̲̲̲͉̲͇̲̃͐ǝ̸̲̲̲̲̬̲̐͊ợ̵̲̲̲̲̝̲̃͜ ̷̲̲̲̥̲͠ร̷̲̲̲̲̜̲̺̲̓̒,̵̨̲̲̲̲̪̲͘ʇ̵̲̲̲̲͈̲͔̲̀͗ı̴̲̲̲͙̲̇ ̷̲̲̲̲̰̲̆̊'๏̴̲̲̲̱̲͍̲̿ɓ̸̲̲̲̲̞̲̀̑ย̷̲̲̲̲̟̲̭̲͒̃เ̸̨̲̲̲̲̝̲̲̌̚

Ingo has the sensation that it is Emmet's...

"I think my brother said something similar to me, once..."

"Ah, I see. So he was the mature one."

"Could be."

He will ask you directly if that is the case...

The moon is high and shining bright when they are done conversing.

Ursaluna, curious after hearing all the noise and laughters, came back and leaned inside the window to participate.

"What a wonderful night that was! You should visit us more often, Warden Ingo!"

"I will try my best, Warden Calaba. Likewise, you are welcome to come to Jubilife Village. I am eagerly anticipating your next visit!"

"What for? I have no need to go there."

"B-but... You could visit me...", Ingo weakly utters, unassertive.

"Now, I'm counting on the fact that your friend was adopted by the Diamond Clan to get you to climb down from your cat tree more often. Or are you two going to move together at your house in Jubilife Village? I'm warning you, now that Tulsi's got her hooks on them, you'll have to fight her to death to take (Name) away from her!"

"Warden Calaba, there is no need to exaggerate... It will be (Name)'s decision, in any case."

"Your opinion does matter. What do you want?"

He looks away, too embarrassed to admit that, of course, he would like you to move to Jubilife Village with him. But he does not want to sound pushy or even creepy with such suggestion.

"We... We haven't decided on that yet... I mean, it has only been a few days..."

"What are days for you two, anyway? You've already known each other for a few cycles or so. In your case, you've had (Name) in your mind for much longer."

She tiredly rubs her face and walks towards the window sill to pet Ursaluna. Bibarel yawns noisily too.

"It's getting late. Warden Ingo, do you want to spend the night at my place or are you going back to the Diamond Settlement?"

"I am returning to the Diamond Settlement. I don't want to worry (Name) more than I have to."

Calaba titters.

"What an acquiescent little spouse you'd make, Warden Ingo..."

"T-the way you pronounced it... That does not sound like a compliment...", he feebly protests.

"It was, but take it as you like. Now go, my dear Ursaluna will get you there in no time. By the way, Warden Ingo..."

She gestures to indicate that she wants him leaning forward, to whisper something into his ear.

Instead, she hugs him.

"Before you return to your own world, come and say goodbye, agreed? I'll miss you, Warden Ingo."

He politely, yet affectionately embraces her in return.

"I will miss you, Warden Calaba."

She lets go of him, smirking.

"I'm intrigued now. I'm looking forward to meeting (Name) in person. They've managed to kindle a fire that I've hardly seen in you, and this one seems to be burning bright. I find you luminous. I'll be waiting at Brava Arena for you two, tomorrow morning! Don't stand me up!"

"We won't, I promise. Good night, Warden Calaba!", greets Ingo, waving at her from Ursaluna's back.

She smiles back at him, and Ursaluna sets off with a grunt and runs at full speed, making Ingo's mind wanders.

That sensation of cold air on his face

The landscape passing fast in the corner of his eyes

The flickering of torches, swaying in the distance

The starry night, illuminating the way

The railroad appears to him more clearly in the sky, now.

At first, the guardsmen standing at the main entrance are startled by the Noble Pokémon's presence. However, they are relieved as soon as they recognise Warden Ingo riding it. The Pokémon immediately takes his leave after dropping him.

Ingo wonders if you are staying at your own hut or if Tulsi made you sleep at hers...

He notices that the light in yours is still on, which reassures him. He gently knocks and hears Sneasel jumping on the floor excitedly and running at the door.

He hears you whispering something hurriedly and assumes that you are taking the Pokémon in your arms to prevent him from escaping, before opening.

Your expression instantly brightens as soon as your eyes meet.

"Ingo! Welcome back, come in! I'm glad to see you... I thought you were sleeping outside..."

"Warden Calaba kindly offered me a meal. She also offered me to stay the night, however I didn't want to have you worried so I came back as fast as an express train!"

He did not expect you to blush so violently.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"N-not at all... Y-you'd make quite the perfect s-spouse...", you stammer.

Ingo wonders why you and Calaba are saying something of the sort.

"B-by the way, Tulsi's son and daughter-in-law kindly brought an additional bed just for you! It's a little older than mine, but it looks very comfortable! I don't mind swapping, if you prefer..."

"It's perfect, thank you so much. After spending yesterday night on the cold, hard floor, I couldn't dream of anything better."

Still in your arms, Sneasel intently sniffs Ingo's clothes and sneezes and spits aggressively. You pet and soothe him.

"Ah, Sneasel is responsive to Lord Ursaluna's smell on my clothes. If I take off my coat and tunic, it should calm him down."

You immediately turn in the opposite direction with rosy cheeks as Ingo removes his hat and drops it on his pillow, before turning his back to you as well to undress.

The blue ribbon falls from one of his pockets.

"Ah. (Name), Warden Calaba gave me back one of my belongings. Would you care to have a look, please?"

You move closer and beam at the sight of the piece of fabric he is presenting to you.

"Your necktie! I can't believe you still have it!"

"A necktie?"

"Yes! Wait, let me teach you how it's done!"

You let go of Sneasel who bounces on your bed, before enthusiastically placing the tie around Ingo's neck.

"Okay, first... Let's cross the ends..."

Ingo is flustered by such proximity and the fact that your fingers are softly brushing his skin.

"Now, like that... I think... Hmm-hm, or was it the other way around? Ah, here we go!", you giggle. "It doesn't look as good as when you wear it with your shirts! Also, it's difficult to do it for someone else, that's why it isn't super tight... You and Emmet would usually readjust it..."

"Impressive, what dexterity! Where did you learn that trick?"

"Emmet taught me."

Ingo wonders why your expression darkens.

"I apologise for the abrupt question, but was my brother... More adult than I was?"

"U-uh? How would I define Emmet... Adult wouldn't be the first word on my list... He was definitely the jokester among you. But he was also as profound, reliable and sweet as you. He could get very serious from time to time, so serious it was almost chilling."

You look very sad.

"After you... disappeared... Emmet changed a lot... He became so dull and disorientated. One day, he showed up to work with his necktie messily done. I believed that it was because he was sleep-deprived, or because he didn't care about his looks any more. When I approached him to knot it properly, he told me to leave it, and that he had done it on purpose because whenever it happened, you'd always show up and redo it for him. It... crushed me. Anyhow. I convinced him that he should keep looking neat, otherwise, his big brother would be very disappointed in him upon his return. Emmet listened to my advice with no objection. He never lost hope in you coming back to us, you know?"

"Neither did you."

Diving into your eyes, he sees that glimmer of hope

And so many other emotions.

Remembering Calaba's words, he says:

"Thank you for taking care of my brother, and for your good heart. Thank you for finding me, (Name)."

He gingerly takes you in his arms.

"Is that okay?"


You shyly hold him back, your head resting in the crook of his neck and shoulder.

You both feel each other's heart, peacefully beating.

"Ingo, we've known each other for almost two years, but we've never been as close as during those last days..."

"I know. It all seems so natural to me."

"I guess our bodies and minds remember..."

"Our hearts and hands remember."

He delicately touches the back of your head.

"I miss you when you're not around."

He feels you shivering in his arms

Your hands holding so tight onto his back

Your silent tears falling on his chest.

That reaction of yours...


You still feel the same about him

After all this time.

He wants to treat you well and fairly.

The voice in his heart tells him to hold you tighter and to keep you safe.

Alerted by your reaction, Sneasel squeals and rubs on your leg to give you some attention.

Flustered, you shakily let go of Ingo and clumsily squat to grab Sneasel before retiring to your own bed, avoiding his gaze.

"Good night, Ingo.", you whisper, before tucking Sneasel and yourself in the sheets.

"Good night, (Name)."

He is about to go to bed when you ask him in a very timid, stammering voice:

"I-Ingo... I-is t-there... H-have you got s-s... someone... Someone i-important... waiting for you, b-back at Jubilife V-Village?"

He cocks his head to the side, slightly confused.

"Well, I hope I won't sound overly confident if I say that Commander Kamado and Captain Zisu must be eagerly waiting for my return... Why do you ask?"

He hears you heave a long sigh.

"N-no particular reason!"

Your tone suggests to him that you are relieved.

"Of all the people I know, you are the one who has been waiting for me the most. I'm grateful for your patience and dedication.", he tenderly thanks you.

Thank you

For holding onto the memory of me.

(6 July 2022)
