chapter 15 : It's not your Fault...

Nobody POV

It had been a couple of hours since the dance with Castor. Though, Lunar had been seeing Pollux and Castor a lot, so, he thinks it's best to give Pollux and Castor a break.

Lunar was outside, on the grassy field full of flowers where Castor had first saw his hair.

It was mid-day, and Lunar really needed his own time. So he figured now is best.

He looked at a dead Rose, which was tipping over. He touched it and reformed it's life considering he is most likely going to be a Star guardian once this is all over... in other words en Astrol.

He then formed a ball of snow and ice, since his powers are weather based abilities.

He touched the ground with the ball of ice, and it spread all over the ground. Causing a lake nearby to freeze.

After he did, 12 Gems appeared.

The gems all have the Astrol signs on them. Top one being Gemini.

Lunar pointed and named them all.

He started next to Gemini, and worked his way down, and up again. Until it Reached Gemini.

The gems starting moving in a circle motion, all getting bigger and implanting onto the ground. After they did, A Crystal appeared in the middle. But it was blank.

Lunar slowly walked onto it. Once he reached the middle of the Crystal, he stomped on it and it Glowed into the sign he drew for Libra. It opened up into a closet like box. Lunar pulled out the kay he found on his night stand, and unlocked it. As he opened it, it Revealed a wand. It seemed like it had a gem in the middle with Libras sign on it since she is the strongest

He picked it up slowly, and it transformed into en umbrella like wand with gems all over it. It also looked more blue like him. As he realized it was a gift from the Astrols, he realized he also hadn't given Pollux and Castor their gifts yet.

And so he left to go find the gift at his apartments.

Lunar POV : I just realized I didn't give Pollux and Castor their gifts. So I honestly need to RUN to get the gifts!


Fv€k!n9 hell. That b@$+@rd got the wand. Ugh. Now I need to listen to that LITTLE BRAT. Ugh I'll just get rid of him.

Nobody POV

As Lunar entered his apartment, he rushed into his room and grabbed the gifts which were still intact

As Lunar exited his room, he is met up with Leo. The one Astrol he hates.

Lunar : what do you want.

Leo : blood.

Lunar : I don't have blood

Leo : oil

Lunar : toché.

Leo : ok enough mucking around.

Lunar : what do you mean-

Lunar was about to finish his sentence, before he was impaled by Leo's Spear.

Leo began laughing maniacally, as he took his Spear out of Lunars Stomach, covered in Oil.

Lunar grabbed his stomach, and gripped the countertop, trying to stay standing.

As Lunar couched out Oil, he begun to Cry tears of what he thought was Oil.

Gemini appeared looking for Leo since they know Leo was talking about killing Lunar.

Gemini POV

Gemini P : Lunar??

Gemini C : where is he-

Castor almost finished his sentence before noticing Lunar on the ground crying in pain, and Leos Spear covered in Oil, while Leos has Oil surrounding him.

Gemini C : Lunar?...

Gemini P : LUNAR!

Leo turned to us, looking shocked and nervous

Leo : FV€K- HI-

We shoved Leo out of our way, rushing towards Lunar.

Lunar was crying, Gripping onto our chest, struggling to stay awake.


Lunar : I-i L♡ve y-you...

Lunar peacefully said as he slowly passed away.

We turned around and Looked at Leo

Gemini P&C : YOU.

Leo : ehehe...

We unfused, and Pollux lunged at Leo and brutally attacked him, Star blood getting all over Polluxs clothes.




Pollux stopped and looked at Castor

Castor : ...he's had enough...

Pollux looked at Leo, Brutally smeared in Blood.

Pollux let go of Leo, and ran over to Lunar, holding him close into her chest.

Pollux began crying, tears falling down onto Lunars body.

Pollux : No... no he can't...

Castor : Pollux...

Pollux : how are we going to explain this to his family...

Castor : I don't know...

Earth : We already know...

The siblings turned around in fear and shock seeing all of Lunars family there, not to surprised to seeing the tear rolling down their faces, but surprised to see that they were here but didn't do anything...


Earth : no, we tried. But he is en Astrol. We couldn't do anything

Castor : I see...

Pollux : fair enough...

Pollux and everyone else continued to silently cry.

Suddenly, a loud dash was heard from outside. Everyone went out to check what it was, and there it was. The sign that Lunar drew on the paper, and the one that appeared on a stone.

Pollux and Castor merged, Teleporting everyone to space,to check it out. As it turns out, Every other Astrol was there. Even Taurus.

Libra : Great! You're just in time!

Cancer : it's about to happen!

With everyone covered in tears, Sun finally spoke up.

Sun : w-what will happen?..

Taurus : Lanoi is joining us.

Everyone stood silent, not knowing who Lanoi was.

They all sat down in chairs, as a Chamber appeared. It had Lunars sign on the top of it.

It opened up, and A body that looked like Lunar, but a little taller, and more space-like. Though his hair was shorter, and more poofy.
He had a crown on him, with the sign on it. He opened his eyes, and they were just like Lunars. He was still the same, although his cheeks didn't have blush, but little stars on them. His hands had a Sun and a Moon on it. And his chest had his sign. Immediately after he opened his eyes, he realized... he was en Astrol now.

Lunar : wha... what?.. uh... Libra? Earth? Gemini?

Everyone was happy to see him, and everyone rushed in for a hug. Although Gemini stayed behind, Silently Crying of joy but confusion too.

Lunar : hi-

Earth : YOU'RE ALIVE!!


Moon : good to have you back brother.

Solar : Hello Lunar!

As everyone left the hug, Eclipse walked over and pet Lunars head.

Eclipse : Welcome back, brother.

Lunar smiled and hugged Eclipses leg. He let go and Looked at Gemini.

Gemini was standing there in shock, Crying aswell.

Lunar walked over slowly, getting taller to get to their height.

Lunar put their hand on Geminis cheek.

Gemini P : We're so sorry Lunar....

Gemini started crying as They put their hand on Lunars wrist.

Lunar : It's not your fault, my little st☆r.

Gemini smiled, pulling Lunar into a hug. The other Astrols were happy. Even Taurus.

Cancer : love birds~

Gemini let go and stared at Cancer for a moment

Gemini C : I. Hate. You.

Lunar smiled and pulled Gemini in for a kiss. And which everyone even the Astrols all went "aaaaw"

They separated and Gemini scooped Lunar up bridal style and smiled, giving numerous kissed to Lunar. On his face, and on his neck. Lunar began laughing, holding onto Gemini

Libra : oh yes. Here

Gemini stopped with the kisses, as Libra passed the umbrella wand to Lunar. Gemini put Lunar down, as Lunar happily accepted the Wand From Libra.

All the Astrols bowed down to Lunar.

Lunar was silent, but before he could speak, Gemini backed up and vowed down aswell.

All Astrols : My Diamond


Lunar stood silently. As he looked at his Family. All of them were crying and smiling. Lunar looked at the wand, and brought everyone to Earth.
As he did, it was night time so he blasted fire works into the sky.

Everyone was amazed by them, and sat down with each other.

Lunar looked at Taurus, who was looking away from the fire works and walking off.

Lunar : Taurus?

Taurus looked back and stared at Lunar.

Taurus : Yes, Lunar?

Lunar : aren't you going to join us?

Taurus : but look at what I've done...

Lunar : you didn't do anything wrong...

Taurus : but... Leo... he-

Lunar : Leos gone now. We don't have to worry about him.

Taurus smiled, as Lunar took Taurus's hand and rushed over to the fireworks where everyone was chatting.

Lunar morphed back into his original form, and walked over with Taurus pretty much being dragged.

They all sat together and watched the fireworks, as Lunar starter to fall asleep on Geminis lap.

The Astrols soon left for their jobs, and Gemini decided to stay on Earth with Lunar with whatever time he has left. And so they did.

Nebula : Gemini.

Gemini P : Nebula.

Nebula : i have a message for you.

Gemini : what is it?..

Nebula : it says...

"from here on out today, Lunar will be taking Leos place on the council. Also taking in Libras place as the Leader once he has unlocked his full potential. The wand he was given is to test to see if he can handle it. If he cannot, he will be requested to give it back to Libra. As Lunar is taking Libras place, Libra will be taking Leos place. And so we will all, have a trial on what to do with him next."

Gemini P : good...

Nebula : did you say something?

Gemini P : no. It's fine, Nebula.

Nebula : alright. So do I send them a message aswell?

Gemini C : tell them this...

"We have been watching Lunar ever since we found him. He hasn't done anything wrong, infact he handled the Trial with his home and us quiet well. I do not see a reason for a test if he is qualified enough in my vision. I know very well what happens to Lunar and what he does about it. He handles himself and others wisely, and knows when not to mess around. Though, yes he may cause some trouble, but can you blame him? He has a very child-like enjoyment and demener. And this is all happening very quickly, his magic may get out of control. But if it does, we will handle it. We understand Lunar well and we will not let Leo or anyone else harm him. When he is Ready for the position, we will let you know. But he will need a couple of weeks or months to adjust into this new plan we have for him. Just give him some time thats all I'm asking."

Nebula : well... that was a lot to write down-

Gemini C : it's true. We have watched Lunar for quiet some time now. He is not ready yet but when he is we will know. And it will be reported to them so they can give him his rightful place on the council. Right now, it's just best to start with the basics.

Nebula : allright... if you say so. But anyways I shall not take anymore of your time and I shall take my leave now. Goodbye Gemini.

Gemini P : bye Nebula.

As they each waved goodbye, Nebula disappeared to deliver the message to Libra and the others.

Gemini P : man... things have been happening so fast... do you think Lunar will ever be able to handle the head council position?

Gemini C : i believe so. Things may be going fast, but he is better then that. He understands what he's getting himself into. He should know by now that nothing is going to slow down anytime soon.

Gemini P : i guess... but... I mean... I don't know maybe I'm just paranoid... I mean he just died, I really don't think putting all of this pressure on him all at once is really worth it...

Gemini : the others know what they're doing. I'm sure of it.

Gemini P : if you say so...

And with that, they teleport away so Lunar can rest. They'll come back when he's awake to keep a close eye on him.

"Goodnight Lunar." They calmly said before leaving.

Note ||

My fingers are dying, and this has more then 2000 words. HELP ME-
