Chapter 4

Marinette's P.O.V.

"Do you think that Adrien was acting differently this afternoon?" I ask Alya as we make our way towards my house, "Do you think he was avoiding me?"

She shrugs, "Dunno but he was giving you some weird looks."

I glance at her sidelong, "Weird, how?"

"I don't know," she shrugs again, "sorta...longingly, I guess."

Longingly? What the hell is that supposed to mean? After the battle with Stormy Weather, I ran into Adrien (not literally) a couple times throughout the day. He avoided eye contact and gave me simple "hellos" instead of he normal warm smile and "hi, how are you." It was kind of unnerving and now I can't stop thinking about it. Was is something I did? Something I saw? Did he see something during the battle? What if he saw me transform?!

I shake my head. No, that's ridiculous. I would've sensed if anyone saw me. I would've felt that something was off...right?

"So, can I stay for dinner?" Alia asks, digging through her book bag, "Or at least stay to do homework?"

"S-sure," I nod, pulled from my reverie, "I guess."

She looks at me concernedly, stopping in her tracks. "Hey, are you okay?" She murmurs gently, "You seem really rattled."

"I'm fine," I shake myself, "so, did you catch the Ladybug battle for your blog?"

She laughs, "What do you think?"


Alya left ten minutes ago and now I'm sitting in my room, stuck back on Adrien. Without anyone to distract me, my imagination can now run rampant. I'm not really sure what to do about it.

"Do you think he saw me, Tikki?" I ask again, nibbling on my nails, "What if he did? Do you think he'll tell somebody? What if he does?! My life will be over! Agh! WHY WAS HE ACTING SO WEIRD!"

"Calm down, Marinette," Tikki sighs, "it's probably nothing. You're just overreacting."

Taki a deep breath, I nod, "You're probably right. It's nothing. I'm just imagining things...right?"

"Right," she says firmly, "and if he did see anything, he'll just blame it on the situation. He'll think he was hallucinating."

"Yeah, okay," I say uncertainly, "whatever you say."

But what if...what if...I mean, there's always that chance.
